
标题: 10.8线下小狗(第一次放狗能记住的不多 [打印本页]

作者: Teriyaki83    时间: 2020-10-8 20:57
标题: 10.8线下小狗(第一次放狗能记住的不多
1. 问所有ab的和。ab的范围都是1-10。答案应该是(1+2+3+…+10)^2
2. 11!+12!+13!的最大质因子是多少 答案是13
3. L(x)是小于等于x的最大整数,G(x)是大于等于X的最小整数 问G(x)-L(x)的分别是什么 答案应该是0和1

1. 考到地震了
2. 两种价格策略的对比 不同的消费者会在不同的价格策略下收益
3. 两个地方的出土的陶瓷(应该是)的对比 是女性形象 一个地方出土的是基本都是神仙的形象 另一个地方都是比较写实的女性形象(这篇我猜了个大概)
4. 主要讲的是金星表面岩浆喷发留下的痕迹 有跟月球上差不多物质的对比(这篇时间太赶都没怎么看)

1. 在19xx-19xx年间 美国牛肉的销售量下降但鸡肉的销售量上升 因为牛肉更贵 但发现在这些年中 牛肉的价格跟自身相比反而下降了 所以其实牛肉的价格并没有对之前提到的现象有什么影响 问削弱的
2. 发现在一个动物的栖息地中有很多年轻的死亡 科学家说可以证明年轻的都喂的很好 所以才会有很多年轻的跟成年的抢吃的 问削弱的

一家公司M 扩大市场 于是打算收购G地一家快破产的公司F 因为G人口要上升了所以会有很多消费者 为了防止F破产 M打算把F现在的产品换成M家成功的产品 把F的员工留下 营销和管理团队全部换成自家的



作者: 耶鲁尧    时间: 2020-10-8 21:04
作者: 长丝弓    时间: 2020-10-8 21:12
作者: 沉梦昂志SJS    时间: 2020-10-8 21:50
耶鲁尧 发表于 2020-10-8 21:04

作者: Teriyaki83    时间: 2020-10-8 21:56
a b c d 70五个数的平均值比a b c d四个数平均值多50% 问五个数的平均值减去四个数的平均值是多少

作者: Teriyaki83    时间: 2020-10-8 21:58
耶鲁尧 发表于 53分钟前

作者: 淮南牛肉汤    时间: 2020-10-9 00:06
作者: 淮南牛肉汤    时间: 2020-10-9 00:08
耶鲁尧 发表于 2020-10-8 21:04

作者: 耶鲁尧    时间: 2020-10-9 02:37
淮南牛肉汤 发表于 2020-10-9 00:08

对 02/15 刚考完中了3篇阅读
作者: 速水愛媛    时间: 2020-10-9 07:35
作者: 努力杀鸡的99    时间: 2020-10-9 08:31
作者: billyisfragile!    时间: 2020-10-9 10:44

Long Channels (Canali)

Most landforms of the volcanic plains and rises are reasonably ascribed to basaltic lavas. However, in several places the basaltic plains are incised by long meandering channels, designated canali—the fluid that cut the canali is not known. Canali are long channels, from 500 to 6800 km in length, sinuous and meandering, incised into volcanic plains (and rarely tesserae). Their widths are typically 3 km, ranging up to 10 km, and are constant over the lengths of each canale. Shorter channels are comparable to the lunar sinuous rilles, and can reasonably be ascribed to the flow of basaltic lava. But the longer canali, with their constant widths, are enigmatic.

The challenge presented by canali is to understand what sort of fluid could flow, at Venus’ surface, for the distance and time needed to produce channels 500 to 6800 kilometers long. Baker et al. [1992] showed that the canali required a low-viscosity fluid that was either very hot or had a melting temperature close to that of the Venus surface. Basaltic and komatiitic lavas seem to be precluded by their rapid cooling rates on Venus. The rapid cooling could be reduced by formation of an insulating cover, partially as a roof (although the channels are too wide to be spanned to form a lava tube), and partially by solid plates floating on and carried by the flow. On the other hand subsurface flows of basaltic lava could conceivably produce long channels, but it is not clear if sub-surface flows could produce the observed meanders of the canali.

因此,s跟r不可能是同一种东西,那么造成s 的物质是什么呢,是c这种熔浆,这种熔浆只在地球上被观察存在,它有比较少的物质a所以不容易凝固,又有区别于k熔浆的什么特性,导致它能冲刷出出前文所提到的那些s具有但是r不具有的特性。

所以又有一种解释是说lava只是warmer, 并且low viscocity。之后比较了lava里面含的硅,没有某种在地球的lava上有物质。这些原因导致slow cooler(这里有高亮题),使得慢慢凝固并出现结晶的沉淀。

Possible liquids other than basalts include liquid sulfur, carbonate-rich lavas (carbonatites), and even water if the channels formed when Venus’ surface were considerably cooler than at present. Liquid sulfur is a plausible product of reaction between oxidized atmospheric sulfur and reducing silicate rocks, but its low vapor pressure in the Venus atmosphere may imply that it would evaporate too rapidly to produce long channels [Komatsu et al., 1992]. Carbonate-rich and carbonate-sulfate lavas were considered by Kargel et al. [1994], and shown to have appropriately low viscosities, erosive potentials, and melting temperatures. They also showed that carbonate-sulfate liquids could plausibly form in the shallow crust by burial of basalt rock that was weathered at the surface.

作者: VVVVagrant    时间: 2020-10-10 13:01
作者: akkksd    时间: 2020-11-2 21:24

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