
标题: 8/22北美放狗&一些些实考发挥的疑问 [打印本页]

作者: wzdhng    时间: 2020-8-24 08:03
标题: 8/22北美放狗&一些些实考发挥的疑问
阅读基本上全中,考了return rate, 法国大革命,还有high self-esteem。最后一篇是swamp dinosaur的变体吧 说一开始认为是积雪深度分辨亚种后面说其实两个群族没有很大的区别on chest height and leg length后面发现alpine winter和forest winter两种吃的东西范围如何如何,没有仔细读因为时间有点紧……结果V跪了
有没有人可以解释一下模考prep V基本上都3435左右为什么到实考就跪了,连30都没有。特别是SC平时做题正确率大概80%左右,买了ESR看只有33%???
作文是一个Financial director说为了提高city's tax revenue, local taxpayers should fund to construct a luxury hotel next to the convention center. The visitors at the center will buy goods and services that generate city's sales tax revenue. The hotel can accommodate more convention-goers than the convention center currently attracts. The convention center is currently booked at 50% of its capacity. The tax generated by out-of-town visitors can reduce the burden on local taxpayers. And the people who tend to go to a luxury hotel would spend more money on goods and services than those who choose to stay at a cheap motel.
结果考出来数学和IR都还行,竟然V跪了……晕 可能真的很紧张没有发挥好吧

作者: 长丝弓    时间: 2020-8-24 08:46
作者: fiona8828    时间: 2020-8-24 09:57
作者: wzdhng    时间: 2020-8-24 10:04
fiona8828 发表于 2020-8-24 09:57

作者: billyisfragile!    时间: 2020-8-24 10:17
Did you still recall the RC for high self-esteem? Any main key words from the passage?
作者: wzdhng    时间: 2020-8-24 10:32
bzy! 发表于 2020-8-24 10:17
Did you still recall the RC for high self-esteem? Any main key words from the passage?

第一段有说People with high self-esteem give consistent self-evaluation 然后有提到when they receive negative feedback, they're less likely to change/improve their behavior.
第三段说这些人对negative feedback的response. They question the accuracy of the evaluation and assess the credibility of the source. If the source has high expertise in their field of work, they're likely to trust the source (and improve).
有道题问low self-esteem的人会如何,答案应该是negate第一段high esteem的behavior

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