
标题: [分享]平行结构的几种陷阱 [打印本页]

作者: snowjing    时间: 2005-10-14 08:47
标题: [分享]平行结构的几种陷阱

即便看完2遍OG, 自以为对平行结构已知甚多, 但却屡遭885打击. 于是把885-Section1-21中有关平行的错题做了一总结. 大家帮忙看看有什么不对或理解有误之处! 谢谢.



1. 避免产生歧义


20.  The lawyer for the defense charged that she suspected the police of having illegally taped her confidential conversations with her client and then used the information obtained to find evidence supporting their murder charges.

(A) used the information obtained to find evidence supporting

(B) used such information as they obtained to find evidence supporting

(C) used the information they had obtained to find evidence that would support

(D) of using the information they had obtained to find evidence that would support D

(E) of using such information as they obtained to find evidence that would be supportive of

选项A易误选. 若不补出of, 则used容易被认为和charged或suspected并列, 产生歧义.

2. 按逻辑意思判断动词平行的层次


19. To help preserve ancient Egyptian monuments threatened by high water tables, a Swedish engineering firm has proposed installing pumps, perhaps solar powered, to lower the underground water level and dig trenches around the bases of the stone walls.

(A) to lower the underground water level and dig trenches

(B) to lower the underground water level and to dig trenches

(C) to lower the underground water level and digging trenches

(D) that lower the underground water level and that trenches be dug(C)

(E) that lower the underground water level and trench digging

选项B容易误选. 要从逻辑意思上理解, 划线部分动词应和哪一级动词平行. 这里pumps或solar powered都不可能dig trenches. 所以digging应和installing并列.

3. 注意平行部分各自的词性


6.   Citing evidence that the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere has increased more than seven percent in the last 30 years, many scientists have expressed a fear of destroying forests and continued use of fossil fuels will cause an irreversible shift in Earth’s climatic pattern.

(A) many scientists have expressed a fear of destroying forests and continued use of

(B) many scientists have expressed a fear that destruction of forests and continued use of

(C) many scientists have expressed a fear that destruction of forests and continually using

(D) a fear that many scientists have expressed is that destroying forests and continually using(B)

(E) a fear that many scientists have expressed is that destruction of forests and continual using of

选项C容易误选. “use”最常用的是动词, 但从平行角度考虑, 此处必须用名词性质的”use”, 因为与其平行对象是名词destruction.

4. 形式上对称, 逻辑上不对称


18.  Temporary-employment agencies benefit not only from the increasing demand for clerical workers but also the higher profits made when highly paid professionals are placed, requests for whom have increased in the recent wave of corporate takeovers.

(A) the higher profits made when highly paid professionals are placed, requests for whom

(B) the higher profits that are made in the placement of highly paid professionals, requests for whom

(C) from the requests for highly paid professionals, who make higher profits for the agencies when placed and whose requests

(D) from highly paid professionals, whose placement makes higher profits for the agencies and whose requests(E)

(E) from the higher profits made in placing highly paid professionals, requests for whom

选项C容易误选. 从形式上the requests和the higher profits都是名词, 都可以和the increasing demand相对应, 但从逻辑意思上E更能表达从highly paid professional创造的利润中受益, 更符合与the increasing demand平行. 所以我们在做题时碰到形式上一致的选项, 先暂时放着, 等看完全部选项再从逻辑上判断哪个更优.

5. “介词+动名词结构的平行


10.  The data collected by weather airplanes that fly into the heart of a hurricane are useful mainly for gauging the storm’s structure and strength, not for the speed and the path of their movement.

(A) not for the speed and the path of their movement

(B) not for the speed and path of its movement

(C) not the speed and path of its movement

(D) and not the speed and path of their movements(C)

(E) and not for the speed and the path of its movements

选项B容易误选. 平行结构中, 大多数情况下介词都要尽可能补出, 如: call for A and for B. 但若介词后有其他成分,要么都省要么都补出, 单补出介词会导致平行对象不一致.  如此题中的”介词+doing”结构, 把选项B代入原句: “for gauging A, not for B”, 平行结构 “gauging A” 和 “B” 不平行.

6. “From…to…”结构的平行


18.  Despite its attractiveness, investing abroad can still pose big risks, ranging from the potential for political instability in some countries to the shortage of regulations to protect investors and a serious lack of information about investments in others.

(A) to the shortage of regulations to protect investors and a serious lack of information about investments in others

(B) to the shortage of regulations to protect investors and in others a serious lack of information about investments

(C) and the shortage of regulations to protect investors and a serious lack of information about investments in others

(D) and the shortage of regulations to protect investors to a serious lack of information about investments in others(A)

(E) to the shortage of regulations to protect investors in others and a serious lack of information about investments

选项D容易误选. Range from…to…结构(大并列)中”to”的放法(前或后)没有规定, 关键看小并列中成分的相似性(the shortage of/a serious lack of)以及相关提示(in some countries/in others).

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-14 9:12:13编辑过]

作者: Avantasia    时间: 2005-10-14 08:59



作者: springappleleaf    时间: 2005-10-14 09:00
Great work, thanks!
作者: howardwang    时间: 2005-10-14 11:42



作者: 流苏小天    时间: 2012-9-14 09:19
考古 UP!

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