
标题: 分享总结35所学校近年最好的一些Placement - 金融方向 [打印本页]

作者: Ribeye    时间: 2020-4-28 10:16
标题: 分享总结35所学校近年最好的一些Placement - 金融方向

1. 没总结Chicago, MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Wharton,因为这几个学校的top placement一般还是这几个学校。
2. 没列出industry placement、政府(Fed这种)、Visiting AP、Clinical AP、Post-doc等等,只考虑Tenure Track AP的placement。所以列出来的都是TT AP (or UK AU equivalent)。
2.1 关于Fed:Fed System如果是Board或者NY的economist(这个职位对国际生不算友好)那是很好的research placement,但是项目展示出来的Fed placement有可能是regional Fed和非economist的职位,比如Fed每年会招很多PhD做risk specialist, data scientist, etc.
3. 列出的都是initial placement。
4. 都是去商学院的placement,如果是Econ会标注。
5. 以北美placement为主,方便比较,这个欢迎大家补充其他。

以下信息来自项目网站或和faculty/current stduents的聊天。(这不是排名)

有知道USC, Cornell, BC, Rochester, TAMU近几年placement的可以补充啊。
USC - Chicago, UMelbourne, Virginia Tech
BC - Notre Dame, CUNY-Baruch
Cornell - IUB, CUNY-Baruch
Rochester - UIUC

作者: 熊二xx    时间: 2020-4-28 11:15

作者: Tripleg    时间: 2020-4-28 19:27
This finance-specific list is an excellent supplement to our Placement Rankings. We appreciate your time and effort.
It is worth noting that information on programs in Tier Three (3) and below would be more revealing since career outcomes at Tier One and Tier Two programs (or what we call top programs) are generally uniformly outstanding for all concentrations.

As for specific programs, Michigan State University pales in comparison to many others. Overall, MSU belongs to the very bottom of Tier Two or the top of Tier Three, but we have placed it within Tier Two, notwithstanding. Drexel University is by no means among the top 50 in finance or any other concentration. Also, Temple barely falls within this bracket.  

作者: etherealedge    时间: 2020-4-28 19:53
作者: Ribeye    时间: 2020-4-29 03:39
Tripleg 发表于 2020-4-28 19:27
This finance-specific list is a good supplement to our Placement Rankings. We appreciate your time a ...

后面的学校大多已经很难挑出最近4-5个好的placement,很多也都是regional school,列了也没几个认识的。

另外那个分Tier的帖子到后面对Finance方向就有些偏差了,比如MSU/Purdue在Tier2,但是Tier3的Utah/GSU/UMiami(过去三年有USCaro/KU), etc.并不差甚至稍好。
Tier4的Baruch近些年有SMU (SG), Concordia, New Hampshire, Nebraska, Babson,并不弱于甚至稍强于Tier3的一些学校比如UTD, UConn, etc.

Tier4和Tier5的一些学校区别也不大,比如很难说Tier4的Alabama, USF (UTRGC/UTEP/UM-Lowell)在Finance上比Tier5的Rutgers (SUNY-Albany/Queen's Smith/Clemson), Drexel好。

我没有说Drexel是Top50,列这些只是我能有信息的一些学校。PS 我听说Drexel今年的candidate去了2+0的学校很不错

作者: Tripleg    时间: 2020-4-29 06:29
Ribeye 发表于 2020-4-29 03:39
后面的学校大多已经很难挑出最近4-5个好的placement,很多也都是re ...

Our Placement Rankings take into consideration alumni career outcomes (both academic and non-academic) for all areas of focus, so it may not accurately reflect where certain finance programs actually stand. As for the schools mentioned here, though, Purdue is as good as or better than Utah, GSU, and UMiami. By the way, UMiami is quite new and only started to admit for the finance track a few years ago, but they are already very successful.  

In viewing a school's placement history, we would need to have the overall picture in mind while paying particular attention to identifying "shining stars" at the same time. Also, as we have discussed before, placement information often contains errors or inaccuracies (this can be very serious in the case of certain of what we call average schools). For example, a research school position sometimes turns out to be adjunct or practical in nature.

By the way, the list is missing quite some good schools, from Berkeley to Emory and to University of Southern California.

Sometimes we write in English just to save time but will mind your suggestion.

作者: Ribeye    时间: 2020-4-29 07:19
Tripleg 发表于 2020-4-29 06:29
... As for the schools mentioned here, though, Purdue is as good as or better than Utah, GSU, and UMiami...
... placement information often contains errors or inaccuracies (this can be very serious in the case of certain of what we call average schools). For example, a research school position sometimes turns out to be adjunct or practical in nature. By the way, the list is missing quite some good schools, from Berkeley to Emory and to University of Southern California.

Placement的角度GSU>Miami>>Purdue,Purdue finance近十年R1学校的TT AP placement只有Oregon,还是9年前的。

另外你说的*errors or inaccuracies*在这个表里不存在,看看列表前面的几点说明,没有任何一个主贴里和我的回帖里列出来的placement是Post-doc/VAP/Clinical/Adjunct,列出来的都是TT AP (or UK AU equivalent)。这是找人帮忙一个一个对着CV网站LinkedIn查的。

最后,你仔细看看主帖,是我*missing quite some good schools*,还是你看漏了

作者: Tripleg    时间: 2020-4-29 08:20
Ribeye 发表于 2020-4-29 07:19
Placement的角度GSU>Miami>>Purdue,Purdue finance近十年R1学校的 ...

Emory is there. Sorry for overlooking it. But some good schools are indeed missing, including the big name Wharton.

With respect to Purdue finance, here is the link: Isn't it impressive? So we are not sure about your source of Purdue, since Oregon is not there at all.

We are not arguing with you, but errors and inaccuracies do exist, especially for lower-ranking schools. On the side of the graduates who are adjunct, clinical (or visiting) professors, some are not willing to be labeled as such, so sometimes this information is not reflected on their school or personal websites.

We will try to use "plain langauge" but promise to be back in Chinese later on when there is more free time.

作者: Ribeye    时间: 2020-4-29 08:33
Tripleg 发表于 2020-4-29 08:20
Emory is there. Sorry for overlooking it. But some good schools are indeed missing, including the big name Wharton.
With respect to Purdue finance, here is the link: Isn't it impressive? So we are not sure about your source of Purdue, since Oregon is not there at all.

你还是没仔细看啊,我第一个说明就说了*没总结Chicago, MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Wharton* 因为没有必要 这几个学校的top placement一般还是这几个学校。Emory在Berkeley也在,USC我在最后也说明了等待补充。
Purdue finance placement这个Oregon在2011年,又漏看了吧。而且确实并不impressive,因为这里的UVA是postdoc,UIC那个的initial placement是lecturer,Indiana的是Clinical,Arizona那个initial placement是visiting instructor,OSU那个也是Visiting,FSU的initial placement也是visiting,所以Purdue finance的initial placement最好的就是9年前的Oregon。所以我说GSU>Miami>>Purdue
重申一下 - 我能列出来的都是一一核对的,没有所谓的Post-doc/VAP/Clinical/Adjunct带来的“errors and inaccuracies”。

作者: Tripleg    时间: 2020-4-29 10:08
Ribeye 发表于 2020-4-29 08:33
你还是没仔细看啊,我第一个说明就说了*没总结Chicago, MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Wharton* 因为没有必要  ...


刚仔细看了下 Purdue,你提到的这些,除了两个(一个是Postdoc,一个是 Clinical), 其他都非常好的,更有 Tilburg, Arizona等名校,所以说强于Utah, U Miami, GSU等,其实总体看一眼就知分晓了。我们在制定Placement Rankings时是经过反复考量的,大家的申请结果和反馈都普遍证明是客观公正的。


大家之所以越来越重视 Placements,是因为过去预知将来,一般很难超越,究其原因很多,不再赘述。
作者: Ribeye    时间: 2020-4-29 10:28
Tripleg 发表于 2020-4-29 10:08
...刚仔细看了下 Purdue,你提到的这些,除了两个(一个是Postdoc,一个是 Clinical), 其他都非常好的,更有 Tilburg, Arizona等名校,所以说强于Utah, U Miami, GSU等,其实总体看一眼就知分晓了...

Purdue去Arizona的initial placement是visiting instructor,主帖说了只看INITIAL placement和以北美为主的TT AP。

如果Purdue好的TT AP initial placement过去十年只有Tilburg和Oregon,那跟Miami和GSU没法比,Miami样本小而且隔年招生但过去三年已经有USCaro和KU,GSU过去7年有Auburn/SMU (SG)/Clemson,这个结果在这,再怎么解释Purdue finance phd都不强过GSU和Miami。

Utah网站上没有写placement,但是我知道去年有个去Tulane的,是AP不是visiting AP。

主帖里的placement没有错误和疏漏,placement都对照本人CV/LinkedIn核实过,都是TT AP。 所以虽然Purdue官网给的placement存在疏漏,但是这个表在总结的时候已经过滤掉了那些。

作者: redsa12    时间: 2020-4-29 10:53
這個整理實在是太厲害了。如果真如樓主說的,將所有非TTAP position排除,那真的非常有代表意義。至少我還沒在任何英語系網站看過這麼詳盡的整理。就我身邊認識的一些他校朋友所分享的信息來看 (大約這個名單上的四五間學校),這個名單都蠻正確的。
作者: Tripleg    时间: 2020-4-29 10:56
没有多少空闲讨论这个,多理解, 再说一下吧。GSU去Florida,觉得不太可能。大家对Utah高看一眼,但就业出路不是很突出。另外,Placements 错误疏漏确实很多,除了官方网站有时不注明,个人cv, Linkedin有时也这样,我们自己很清楚这个
作者: Ribeye    时间: 2020-4-29 11:04
Tripleg 发表于 2020-4-29 10:56
...另外,Placements 错误疏漏确实很多,除了官方网站有时不注明,个人cv, Linkedin有时也这样,我们自己很清楚这个。

我也很清楚,所以也很谨慎,不能明确知道是不是TT AP的也都剔除了,比如UMN去Tulane的,从网站/CV/Linked都不能confirm是TT AP,所以没有列出。
GSU去Florida的Initial placement是新加坡SMU,三年后转入Florida,抱歉这个没有核查仔细,已经更新了。
不过即使是SMU,也很难说Purdue > GSU。JF/JFE/RFS发表情况来看SMU和Florida差不多,SMU略好。


作者: jaaacob    时间: 2020-4-29 14:42
真希望当初申请时能有这个帖子,楼主总结的很好。想咨询一下如果一个非美国学校中国人最初placement大概在tilburg到澳洲八大AP这种水平, 这种情况大概相当于北美多少的水平呢?加拿大的SFU, alberta, Mcmaster这种和美国排名大概120左右的research school这种有戏吗?
作者: Ribeye    时间: 2020-4-29 15:11
jaaacob 发表于 2020-4-29 14:42
真希望当初申请时能有这个帖子,楼主总结的很好。想咨询一下如果一个非美国学校中国人最初placement大概在t ...

如果说比较学术水平,怎么说都有点主观,可以适度参考UTD三大刊的发表排名,以及系里老师的research visibility,自己判断一下。有的老师虽然发表节奏慢但是visibility很强,经常去present draft或者做会议的session chair/discussant。
作者: 金融新手    时间: 2020-4-29 18:42
作者: Tripleg    时间: 2020-4-29 19:44
For now we would suggest these additions to the list: University of Colorado, University of Iowa, University of Oklahoma, and UC-Irvine. At first sight, some of these are even better than Michigan State in finance per se.

For UO, see this: This school is significantly underrated by students of our country, although it is presumably better than Utah, which is overrated.

A note on ranking criteria: Our Placement Rankings have considered tenure-track assistant professors, positions in high profile research institutions (The Fed System, Cornerstone Research, etc.), as well as visiting professors and postdocs at leading (or reputed at least) research universities. For the rationale underlying our criteria, see our Placement Rankings for detail. To highlight one point, however, positions at decent research institutions are widely judged or perceived to be as good as TTAP ones at research schools, esp. in the case of finance, and many people pursue these often out of personal preferences.

This finance-focused information is a valuable resource for applicants.

作者: 芒果不加糖    时间: 2020-4-29 19:50
作者: Tripleg    时间: 2020-4-29 20:00
芒果不加糖 发表于 2020-4-29 19:50
整理得非常好,不过我觉得对于中国人来说理想的学校就是你能够去,同时老师愿意帮助你,不会扯你后腿,至于 ...

Absolutely! Career outcomes at Tier3 and Tier 4 schools serve as a more useful reference for applicants for the reasons mentioned here and discussed on other occasions.
作者: 芒果不加糖    时间: 2020-4-29 21:02
Tripleg 发表于 2020-4-29 20:00
Absolutely! Career outcomes at Tier3 and Tier 4 schools serve as a more useful reference for applic ...

作者: raccoon_paw    时间: 2020-4-29 22:31
UMiami 项目很新而且很小,基本只做behavior,和其他项目比,普适性比较低。第一届毕业生是2017,目前总共毕业了5个,其中3个TT track: U South Carolina, U Missouri, U Kansas。剩下的2个,一个是中东过来联培的,有合同必须回去;另外个是老美,据说读了没多久就不太想做research了,就想拿个学位,最后dissertation也不是跟着系里的research faculty写的,最后去了个还可以的teaching school也没待多久就去industry了。

作者: Ribeye    时间: 2020-4-29 22:45
Tripleg 发表于 2020-4-29 19:44
... A note on ranking criteria: Our Placement Rankings have considered tenure-track assistant professors, positions in high profile research institutions (The Fed System, Cornerstone Research, etc.), as well as visiting professors and postdocs at leading (or reputed at least) research universities. For the rationale underlying our criteria, see our Placement Rankings for detail. To highlight one point, however, positions at decent research institutions are widely judged or perceived to be as good as TTAP ones at research schools, esp. in the case of finance, and many people pursue these often out of personal preferences...

你也说了personal preference,有强烈个人偏好的placement难以互相比较,这也是为什么只列TT AP和没有列很多北美以外的placement。

Cornerstone Research虽然名字里有research但实际是litigation consulting,跟academic research离远了,算industry placement,同样NERA/CRA这些也是。

Fed System如果是Board或者NY的economist(这个位置对国际生不友好)那确实是很好的research placement,但是展示出来的Fed placement的*错误和纰漏*比academic placement还要大,有可能是regional Fed和非economist的职位,比如Fed每年会招很多PhD做risk specialist, data scientist这种,和academic placement就不算一个门类了,更像industry placement,不方便比较。这个如果不一一核查那偏差会很大,所以不确定是Board或者NY的economist那就应该去掉。

有一些VAP确实是不错的placement,有的VAP就是老师不够了雇来教一年两年课,有的是有很好的研究支持而且转TT AP可能性很大。还可以看工资,有的VAP能到TT AP的80%-90%薪水,但是还有很多只有几万美金。这些具体信息难以获知,所以为了方便衡量比较,应该不列出来。
作者: Ribeye    时间: 2020-4-29 22:52
芒果不加糖 发表于 2020-4-29 19:50
整理得非常好,不过我觉得对于中国人来说理想的学校就是你能够去,同时老师愿意帮助你,不会扯你后腿,至于 ...

所谓T1T2列40所也就差不多了。但是能有50所学校可以说是T3T4,然后这些学校里很多列出来的placement不详细,也有很多都需要额外的查是不是TT AP,这个工作量巨大,所以没列。
列这个主要就是为了展示一下前面的学校里面具体的信息和区别,比如Michigan和UTAustin都是很好的finance学校,但是具体看UTAustin - OSU, USC, Emory, BC, UMN, Utah, Tulane似乎比Michigan - Georgia Tech (2), LBS, Penn State, UMiami, UGeorgia略好一些,尤其是近三年。


作者: Ribeye    时间: 2020-4-29 22:56
raccoon_paw 发表于 2020-4-29 22:31
UMiami 项目很新而且很小,基本只做behavior,和其他项目比,普适性比较低。第一届毕业生是2017,目前总共 ...

作者: raccoon_paw    时间: 2020-4-29 23:17
Ribeye 发表于 2020-4-29 22:56
不太Top的新项目有这个成绩非常好。 ...


你列出来的学校基本上涵盖了T1和一部分T2,希望有机会能慢慢拓展到全部T2甚至T3。这样的比较整体比别的ranking方式客观多了。我个人不太赞同用所谓的申请PHD结果来confirm ranking的准确性,一切还是要看placement。

另外补充下,其他T1的学校其实和Chicago, MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Wharton这五所对于学生的差距很小,比如OSU去NYU据说当年也拿到的H的offer,今年UTA又place了一个到USC,最后很多时候是看每个系place的策略和个人选择。

作者: Ribeye    时间: 2020-4-30 03:31
raccoon_paw 发表于 2020-4-29 23:17
对,因为做的方面很窄,可能不是很适合对自己research方向没概念的学生。因为一些大系基本你做什么都能找 ...

之后学校可能得有50所相互差距不太大的,然后这些学校里很多列出来的placement不详细,也有很多都需要额外的查是不是TT AP,这个工作量巨大,所以暂时没列。

Chicago, MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Wharton这五个学校是能consistently互相place的,其他的还是做不到持续输出这五所。OSU有NYU/UNC那年系里的人包括Rene都觉得是特殊的好,大部分时候是没有这种placement的,去年是USC Public Policy和UIBE,今年的暂时没公布但应该是SEC和厦大
作者: wall-e    时间: 2020-10-22 08:08
Penn State, 2020有UNLV。UNC 2020有University of Missouri和IUB
作者: TTPePPer    时间: 2024-8-2 20:53

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