Tripleg 发表于 2020-4-28 19:27
This finance-specific list is a good supplement to our Placement Rankings. We appreciate your time a ...
Ribeye 发表于 2020-4-29 03:39
后面的学校大多已经很难挑出最近4-5个好的placement,很多也都是re ...
Tripleg 发表于 2020-4-29 06:29
... As for the schools mentioned here, though, Purdue is as good as or better than Utah, GSU, and UMiami...... placement information often contains errors or inaccuracies (this can be very serious in the case of certain of what we call average schools). For example, a research school position sometimes turns out to be adjunct or practical in nature. By the way, the list is missing quite some good schools, from Berkeley to Emory and to University of Southern California.
Ribeye 发表于 2020-4-29 07:19
Placement的角度GSU>Miami>>Purdue,Purdue finance近十年R1学校的 ...
Tripleg 发表于 2020-4-29 08:20
Emory is there. Sorry for overlooking it. But some good schools are indeed missing, including the big name Wharton.With respect to Purdue finance, here is the link: Isn't it impressive? So we are not sure about your source of Purdue, since Oregon is not there at all.
Ribeye 发表于 2020-4-29 08:33
你还是没仔细看啊,我第一个说明就说了*没总结Chicago, MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Wharton* 因为没有必要 ...
Tripleg 发表于 2020-4-29 10:08
...刚仔细看了下 Purdue,你提到的这些,除了两个(一个是Postdoc,一个是 Clinical), 其他都非常好的,更有 Tilburg, Arizona等名校,所以说强于Utah, U Miami, GSU等,其实总体看一眼就知分晓了...
Tripleg 发表于 2020-4-29 10:56
...另外,Placements 错误疏漏确实很多,除了官方网站有时不注明,个人cv, Linkedin有时也这样,我们自己很清楚这个。
jaaacob 发表于 2020-4-29 14:42
真希望当初申请时能有这个帖子,楼主总结的很好。想咨询一下如果一个非美国学校中国人最初placement大概在t ...
芒果不加糖 发表于 2020-4-29 19:50
整理得非常好,不过我觉得对于中国人来说理想的学校就是你能够去,同时老师愿意帮助你,不会扯你后腿,至于 ...
Tripleg 发表于 2020-4-29 20:00
Absolutely! Career outcomes at Tier3 and Tier 4 schools serve as a more useful reference for applic ...
Tripleg 发表于 2020-4-29 19:44
... A note on ranking criteria: Our Placement Rankings have considered tenure-track assistant professors, positions in high profile research institutions (The Fed System, Cornerstone Research, etc.), as well as visiting professors and postdocs at leading (or reputed at least) research universities. For the rationale underlying our criteria, see our Placement Rankings for detail. To highlight one point, however, positions at decent research institutions are widely judged or perceived to be as good as TTAP ones at research schools, esp. in the case of finance, and many people pursue these often out of personal preferences...
芒果不加糖 发表于 2020-4-29 19:50
整理得非常好,不过我觉得对于中国人来说理想的学校就是你能够去,同时老师愿意帮助你,不会扯你后腿,至于 ...
raccoon_paw 发表于 2020-4-29 22:31
UMiami 项目很新而且很小,基本只做behavior,和其他项目比,普适性比较低。第一届毕业生是2017,目前总共 ...
Ribeye 发表于 2020-4-29 22:56
不太Top的新项目有这个成绩非常好。 ...
raccoon_paw 发表于 2020-4-29 23:17
对,因为做的方面很窄,可能不是很适合对自己research方向没概念的学生。因为一些大系基本你做什么都能找 ...
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