奇奇怪怪类:真的很freestyle,比如你是江西人为何去成都上学,华东和华西的人有什么差异,因为我除了性格/饮食说了肤色,他问了Asians have the prejudice of skin color,然后我解释了一堆not the prejudice but it might be influenced by media and culture celebrating white skin还有和他讨论了so-called standards of beauty, 因为我说成都很diverse & inclusive,还讨论了gender equality in China. 还有一个很奇怪的问题是,他说我英语口语underestimated by IELTS score就问了我what happened in the examination...我只能强行回忆发生了啥...
Basic:why NUS MIM (what's your interest in NUS MIM),我的问题,还申请什么学校和相关DDL(会影响发offer快慢)
其他:面官人真的很好玩,一开始说我打扮的很presentable,上一个面试者头发都没梳坐在床上;因为我坐的位置看上去像墙角就调侃我说do you know the phrase of driving sb into a corner真的很搞笑
2. CBS录取申请经验(戳链接就好)
Copenhagen Business School MSc BLC, Business and Development Studies Offer