
标题: OG 20 795 求大神解答 [打印本页]

作者: haimianbaobb    时间: 2020-3-28 10:51
标题: OG 20 795 求大神解答
Self-compassion is made up of mindfulness, the ability to manage thoughts and emotions without being carried (away or repressing them, common humanity, or empathy with the suffering of others,) and self-kindness, a recognition of your own suffering and a commitment to solving the problem.

A. away or repressing them, common humanity, or empathy with the suffering of others,

B. away, or repression of them, and common humanity, or empathy with the suffering of others,

C. away, or repressing them, common humanity, empathy with the suffering of others;

D. away or repressing them; common humanity, an empathy with the suffering of others;

E. away or repress them; common humanity, to empathize with the suffering of others.
问题1:AB中的“or empathy with the suffering of others”,OG中的解释是不平行,然后我的理解就是empathy with 与前面的common humanity不平行,不知道这个想法正不正确(就是单单只看这个or的平行结构来说,不考虑其他语法错误)
问题2:我在牛津剑桥词典查出来empathy应该是不可数名词,也没有an empathy这样的说法,那为什么这里D出现了这种说法并且还是正确的呢
作者: liuyongxue    时间: 2020-3-30 01:11
GMAT的题目貌似不太去关注可数还是不可数的问题,比如我看到过efforts和costs这类的说法,所以不用太去纠结可数不可数的问题;这里的平行是mindfulness,common humanity和self-kindness三个元素平行,然后是每个元素后面还带了一个同位语修饰,所以就需要用分号分开,都用逗号的话就乱了,
作者: 蟹黄味蚕豆    时间: 2020-3-30 11:23

2. empathy 当然是不可数名词,你是对的!但是不可数名词前面并不是就不能加不定冠词 a / an

当着这样的不可数名词带有前置或者后置的修饰语的时候 使用不定冠词a/an + 不可数名词来表示某一种、某一类

在这个句子里面, empathy是有很多种类的,而作者想要说的是具备某一属性的一种empathy,于是就用了不定冠词a 然后还在empathy后面搭配了empathy的限定语

common humanity,a empathy with the suffering of others  
with the suffering of others就是empathy的后置定语

其实日常使用中有蛮多这样的状况 只不过大部分是以前置定语出现罢了
比如  for a long time; have a miserable life, embark on a dangerous career

也有一些出现后置定语的 定语从句和你举例的句子这样的介词短语会比较多一点
比如 live a life full of humility, gratitude i,ntellectual and curiosity.
full of 后面也是做后置定语

作者: haimianbaobb    时间: 2020-4-5 16:44
liuyongxue 发表于 2020-3-30 01:11
GMAT的题目貌似不太去关注可数还是不可数的问题,比如我看到过efforts和costs这类的说法,所以不用太去纠结 ...

作者: haimianbaobb    时间: 2020-4-5 16:51
蟹黄味蚕豆 发表于 2020-3-30 11:23

2. empathy 当然是不可数名词,你是对的!但是不可数名词前面并不 ...

D:This version produces a sentence in which each of the descriptions of the three elements of self-compassion is set off with a semicolon and clearly distinguished from the others in a way that makes salient the parallelism among the three descriptions and facilitates the reader in understanding the sentence.
E:The punctuation here is confusing:the first semicolon is not matched by a semicolon immediately after others.The verb repress is nonparallel with the verbal noun being carried away.
作者: haimianbaobb    时间: 2020-4-5 16:52
蟹黄味蚕豆 发表于 2020-3-30 11:23

2. empathy 当然是不可数名词,你是对的!但是不可数名词前面并不 ...


作者: 蟹黄味蚕豆    时间: 2020-4-5 18:00
haimianbaobb 发表于 2020-4-5 16:52

谢谢!因为并不一定会有OG在手头 所以贴出来应该会让大家更方便解答你的问题

作者: haimianbaobb    时间: 2020-4-12 23:15
蟹黄味蚕豆 发表于 2020-4-5 18:00
谢谢!因为并不一定会有OG在手头 所以贴出来应该会让大家更方便解答你的问题

备考加油 ...


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