
标题: Rotman MFRM VS Ivey BA求抉择 [打印本页]

作者: GGRONG    时间: 2020-2-27 11:16
标题: Rotman MFRM VS Ivey BA求抉择
楼主本来决定去ivey ba的,押金都交了,但是Rotman的MFRM面试又到了,所以开始纠结

先报一下bg,本科加本top2,会计专业,GPA贼拉普通,CFA二级,CPA candidate,GMAT740

楼主是想以后做金融行业,但没确定要不要做risk,最想做的是porfolio management,但是考完CFA二级之后觉得quantitative skill相当重要,所以想趁着年轻,上个master弥补一下,再加上我看ivey的课程设置也有很多financial track的课程,所以申了ba。列一下纠结的点请大家帮我搞点建议,也为之后的同学做做参考叭!

Ivey BA
Pros: 带实习、career resources是真的强,可以学技术性的东西、就业面广,案例教学感觉比较practical,有奖学金
Cons: 项目时间长(16m)楼主现在用的毕业工签,毕业之后就剩五个月工签了,怕不好找工作,而且楼主基本编程零基础

Rotman MFRM
Pros:项目时间短,毕业还有时间找工作,更专注于financial market,位处多伦多
Cons: 新项目不带实习,现在金融行业寒冬,昨天咨询了两个这个项目的朋友,工作还都没找落,而且项目时间太短,不知道能不能学到东西,career management方面感觉没有ivey强


作者: GGRONG    时间: 2020-2-27 11:33
作者: Stgriffin    时间: 2020-2-27 11:36
You got the MFRM interview invite/offer ? and are u from second round or first round ?
作者: GGRONG    时间: 2020-2-27 11:38
Stgriffin 发表于 2020-2-27 11:36
You got the MFRM interview invite/offer ? and are u from second round or first round ?

I just got an MFRM interview, I'm in second round I guess.
作者: Stgriffin    时间: 2020-2-27 11:42
GGRONG 发表于 2020-2-27 11:38
I just got an MFRM interview, I'm in second round I guess.

oh cool so we have someone who got the interview from 2 nd round  , if you don't mind - when did you submit the application for MFRM , and how was your video and written response ?
作者: GGRONG    时间: 2020-2-27 12:03
Stgriffin 发表于 2020-2-27 11:42
oh cool so we have someone who got the interview from 2 nd round  , if you don't mind - when did y ...

im sorry I can't find my record through email. But I guess I submitted application like around 1.10, and finish kira before 1.16
作者: GGRONG    时间: 2020-2-27 13:37
作者: Stgriffin    时间: 2020-2-27 13:49
GGRONG 发表于 2020-2-27 12:03
im sorry I can't find my record through email. But I guess I submitted application like around 1.1 ...

oh i submitted it on 3 Feb , how was your Kira ( video and written response ) ?
作者: KA0998    时间: 2020-2-27 17:26
目测和楼主在一个ivey录取群里哈哈 我个人感觉ivey其实也不太学到很quantitative的东西 甚至可能没有MFRM学到的数学多 因为上课是case的形式所以可能只是锻炼communication 而且楼主已经定下来去金融的话MRFM的项目也比ba对口
不过当然私心还是希望楼主来ivey 一起做同学呀哈哈哈
作者: GGRONG    时间: 2020-2-27 17:46
KA0998 发表于 2020-2-27 17:26
目测和楼主在一个ivey录取群里哈哈 我个人感觉ivey其实也不太学到很quantitative的东西 甚至可能没有MFRM学 ...

谢谢回复哈哈哈!就是比较担心找不到工作~ 昨天问了两个MFRM的同学,说今年金融寒冬,工作贼难找
作者: GGRONG    时间: 2020-2-27 17:47
KA0998 发表于 2020-2-27 17:26
目测和楼主在一个ivey录取群里哈哈 我个人感觉ivey其实也不太学到很quantitative的东西 甚至可能没有MFRM学 ...

谢谢回复哈哈哈!就是比较担心找不到工作~ 昨天问了两个MFRM的同学,说今年金融寒冬,工作贼难找
作者: GGRONG    时间: 2020-2-27 17:51
Stgriffin 发表于 2020-2-27 13:49
oh i submitted it on 3 Feb , how was your Kira ( video and written response ) ?

I submitted kira like around 1.10, not sure about the specific date, sorry for that~ its just regular questions, I remember there is one asking about the "median".
作者: GGRONG    时间: 2020-2-27 19:43
作者: BruceChen78    时间: 2020-2-28 01:08
哈喽楼主,我觉得这两个专业是不同的方向的,看你以后想干什么。楼主以后考完cfa又有qunat的master比如mfrm应该是很有优势的。 BA更多的是数据分析就职面更广,想找工作应该更容易,ivey的networking方面做的也很不错,说实话离多伦多也没多远。
作者: BruceChen78    时间: 2020-2-28 01:10
GGRONG 发表于 2020-2-27 11:33

hey, I email to the admission office two days ago, they expected to review all the application around early april
作者: Stgriffin    时间: 2020-2-28 01:50
BruceChen78 发表于 2020-2-28 01:10
hey, I email to the admission office two days ago, they expected to review all the application aro ...

oh that will be too late early April ; i thought everyone will get decision by early march !
When did you submit ?
作者: KA0998    时间: 2020-2-28 02:20
发表于 2020-02-27 19:43:25

作者: BruceChen78    时间: 2020-2-28 02:20
Stgriffin 发表于 2020-2-28 01:50
oh that will be too late  early April ; i thought everyone will get decision by early march !
Wh ...

I submitted at jan.17, he said usually is around mid-march, but this year the volume of applications is increased, so they delay to April.
作者: Stgriffin    时间: 2020-2-28 02:32
BruceChen78 发表于 2020-2-28 02:20
I submitted at jan.17, he said usually is around mid-march, but this year the volume of applicatio ...

Ohkay , I hope they do look into all the applications before deciding on the final cohort as it is rolling basis .
作者: 乔纳森Johnathan    时间: 2020-2-28 07:08
刚刚收到mfrm拒信。。。加本经济专业3.95+,cfa 1级
作者: GGRONG    时间: 2020-2-28 10:25
乔纳森Johnathan 发表于 2020-2-28 07:08
刚刚收到mfrm拒信。。。加本经济专业3.95+,cfa 1级
楼主加油 ...

妈耶~ 抱抱你,我有同学bg不如你的进了。。。感觉你的bg真的很强了!我已经决定去Ivey了,不慌了哈哈哈哈,面成啥是啥吧。楼主还有申请别的学校吗?
作者: GGRONG    时间: 2020-2-28 10:28
BruceChen78 发表于 2020-2-28 01:08
哈喽楼主,我觉得这两个专业是不同的方向的,看你以后想干什么。楼主以后考完cfa又有qunat的master比如mfrm ...

作者: Stgriffin    时间: 2020-2-28 10:54
乔纳森Johnathan 发表于 2020-2-28 07:08
刚刚收到mfrm拒信。。。加本经济专业3.95+,cfa 1级
楼主加油 ...

ohhh , your background is really solid but never mind , did you apply to other programs ? and when had you submitted application  to MFRM  ?
作者: 乔纳森Johnathan    时间: 2020-2-28 23:44
GGRONG 发表于 2020-2-28 10:25
妈耶~ 抱抱你,我有同学bg不如你的进了。。。感觉你的bg真的很强了!我已经决定去Ivey了,不慌了哈哈哈哈 ...

我就申了mfrm 还有Schulich MF
作者: 乔纳森Johnathan    时间: 2020-2-28 23:47
GGRONG 发表于 2020-2-28 10:28
谢谢回复!我也是这么想的~现在顶要紧的就是找工作!我觉得mfrm有点局限在risk方面了,我不一定想做risk ...


作者: Angelina111    时间: 2020-2-29 01:16
乔纳森Johnathan 发表于 2020-2-28 23:44
我就申了mfrm 还有Schulich MF

作者: Stgriffin    时间: 2020-2-29 14:33
乔纳森Johnathan 发表于 2020-2-28 07:08
刚刚收到mfrm拒信。。。加本经济专业3.95+,cfa 1级
楼主加油 ...

Hey hi , when had you submitted the application for MFRM and how was your kira and recommendations - if you can elaborate please ?
作者: Mirandarling    时间: 2020-3-28 04:38
GGRONG 发表于 2020-2-28 10:25
妈耶~ 抱抱你,我有同学bg不如你的进了。。。感觉你的bg真的很强了!我已经决定去Ivey了,不慌了哈哈哈哈 ...


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