标题: 2020 IC IWM面试(附面经整理) [2020-02-16] [打印本页] 作者: 帆宝贝 时间: 2020-2-16 23:15 标题: 2020 IC IWM面试(附面经整理) [2020-02-16] 这是之前自己面试时在咱们网上搜的大神们的面试总结。今天也分享给大家。总体来说和前几年考的都差不多,自己考的也都在这里面,没有出了大神们总结的范围。所以放上来大家参考。
2、how to discuss a disagreement with your teammates without harming your relationship?
5、【writing】收到理想公司的intern 拒信,邮件回复。
What is your future/career goals and what are you doing to meet it?(30s准备)
3. Self-intro when meet XXX panel for a dream job(30s准备)
4. What do you do outside classand why?(30s准备)
5. 写一个实习结束感谢信(5min准备+写)
6. (专业题)Difference between retail bankand corporate bank(30s准备)
charity,community experience
3第一次到ic business school的班级上,如何介绍自己,让别人知道你
4写作:你的导师介绍你给CEO认识,你发邮件给CEO,约一个coffee chat,找工作
5推荐一个公司 投资建议,前景等
3.说服投资者多投资 commit more resources
5.在课外project扮演的role,如何make a difference
6.写作:实习即将离职,给manager写一封 thank you email
1. 第一题的自我介绍(请教了一位学姐,学姐说,因为是申请硕士,所以这里的自我介绍就说学业上,实习上都做了什么,基本就是简历。供参考)
2. IC第一堂课的自我介绍
3. why this program
4. career goal
5. 过去在学习上的准备,现在和将来在学习上会做什么准备(最好都有结合career goal的部分)
6. 过去在career方面(实习...)的准备,现在和将来在学习上会做什么准备(最好都有结合career goal的部分)
7. 个人特质:比如说communication skills,innovative,careful等等,+准备对职业的帮助
8. hobby+对职业的帮助
9. 成就是什么/什么激励你成功(有的会有限定outside classroom的成就)
10. 失败经历
11. benefit others的经历/ 在一个charity/community里做了什么benefit others的经历(具体的这个题可以在上述所说的面经里找到)
12. team work类:
low interest rate environment下会发生什么
low interest rate对公司的影响
the effect of global financial crisis
corporate banking 跟consumer banking的区别
科技进步对金融业的影响 你认为tech怎样影响了financial sector
买方卖方差异.buy side and sell side
你用什么方法了解最新的金融资讯 how do you ensure that you are up to date with the financial news
characteristics of successful portfolio manager
a company you wanna invest
tell an recent interesting financial news
hedge fund的有关问题
1.在电梯里遇到你admire的CEO, 你会如何做自我介绍
3. 在你的团队里,大家不能很好的相处,你会对他们说什么
整理于20190320 by L-Dopamine
Dear Mr. Summers,
Thank you for your offer of employment as a grower at your Fruitville, Florida site. As we discussed on the phone this morning, I am delighted to accept your offer and look forward to beginning work with Summers Fruit Company.
You indicated that I will be receiving a salary of $______ per year, and will have initial duties reporting to Andrea Caruso. As your offer stated, I will begin work on August 1st. In mid-July, after relocating to the area, I will call you to see what information or materials I may need before August 1st.
In the meantime, please let me know if I can provide you with any information. Again, thank you for offering me this exciting opportunity.
Dear Mr. Schulman,
Thank you for offering me the assistant manager position. Regretfully, I must decline your offer since I have just accepted a position with another firm. While I was very interested in the opportunity and working with your team, the position I accepted is better matched to my credentials and career aspirations.
Thanks again for taking the time to meet with me and for the generous employment offer. I am impressed by your company's goals, mission and commitment to quality and service, and wish you and your colleagues much continued success. I hope that we meet again in the future.
1. 自我介绍
2. 课外的爱好,这个爱好对你有什么value
3. 一个team members有不同的personalities 怎么get the best out of them
4. 你的一个achievement
5. writing: networking上碰到了你申请专业的graduate,给他写个message, 怎么开始一个conversation
6. 2008金融危机的影响
1.自我介绍1min 需要拿护照在屏幕前超过20s
2.fail to achieve goal 原题!但说完上传的时候自发断网了我的悲剧就这么开始了……
2断网后新题:有什么life goal, how to plan to achieve it
4.proudest achievement outside classroom
b corporate banking 跟consumer banking的区别
2:biggest achievement in undergraduate study
1、 自我介绍
2、how to discuss a disagreement with your teammates without harming your relationship?
5、【writing】收到理想公司的intern 拒信,邮件回复。
1. introduce yourself
2. 描述一段你在课外benefit other的经历
3. 假如你的上司对一个overdue promotion产生犹豫,应该如何劝说她
4. 描述一个碰到的难题
5. writting:draft a pictch 关于如何劝说别人选你进入student council
6. brexit 对英国的金融机构有何影响
1. 准备15s+说1min,自我介绍+展示ID
2. 准备30s+说1min,讲述一次 you have a high level of drive to achieve a goal
3. 准备30s+说1min,你outside classroom的一个爱好,why it is important to you
4. 准备30s+说1min,你最好的朋友会怎么描述你
5. 写作 5min:你的一个professor办了一个活动,其中有以为是你很想去的公司的executive,写一封邮件给professor请求他为你做一个introduction(给executive)
6. 准备30s+说1min,专业题:你认为tech怎样影响了financial sector,举例说明
第一题那里,我本来准备了1min的自我介绍,结果开始前看到要求是“进行一个简短的自我介绍,之后在摄像头前面展示ID,as clear as possible(大概)”然后我就懵了下……于是我大概说了15s左右之后就把ID举到摄像头前挡住了脸(为了更清楚看到ID内容),又说了20s左右吧……最后把ID放到脸旁边说了10s左右……我不是很懂IC的要求到底是咋样的,大家做好准备吧(sign
1. introduce yourself holding id
2. a challenge you have overcame
3. a time you were the leader
4. the effect of global financial crisis
5. write an email to your director (记得不太清了,就是你知道你的老师认识你想去的公司的人,想他帮你介绍),asking for a reference
6. 不记得了
3. motivate my team under stress
4. biggest achievement and challenge
5. follow up email
6. financial news
1. introduce yourself
2. biggest achievement outside of class, what impact on you
3. disagreement with teammates, what will you do without destroying relationships
4. what do you do with your community outside of class, and what impact you have made
5. email:how to persuade fellow students to support you for the election go student council
6. characteristics of successful portfolio manager
(a company you wanna invest)
1. 拿着id自我介绍
2. achievement outside class
3. characters that make you highly employable
4. motivate a team member who's struggling
5. writing: Mentor introduces you to the CEO of a company that you want to work for. Write an email to invite the CEO to a coffee chat.
6. tell an recent interesting financial news
1.introduce yourself
2. give an example under a difficult circumstance and what motivate you keep going
3.biggest achievement
4.motivate the team member
5. write an email to recruiter you meet at job fair
6.buy side and sell side
Q1 自我介绍
Q2 Which of your personal attributes aremost important to achieving success?
Q3 You are leading a project which isrunning out of funds. How would you convince an investor to commit moreresources to the project?
Q4 一个课外团队合作你make adifference 你做了什么
Q5 One of your university professors sits on a charity board with a senior executive of a company you would like to work for. In around 250 words draft an email to your professor to try to arrange an introduction.
You attended a careers event and one of the panel members was a very senior executive at a company you would like to work for. In around 250 words, draft a follow up email to them.
Q6 苹果和谷歌应不应该多交税
口语题目都是去年题库里的题 基本都可以准备到 但写作就比较难时间也很紧 我感觉最近的都是写邮件
2018.12.11晚收到视频面试通知,要求在伦敦时间2018.12.24的23:59前完成面试,需备好government-issued ID
1. 写作题:校友在自己喜欢的公司工作,向校友介绍自己
2. 已经achieved的long-term goal?
3. How did you plan for it?
4. 你的兴趣爱好是什么?留时间给兴趣爱好重要吗?
5. 新成员进入了你的项目你会怎么跟他相处?
6. 如何和金融新闻engage?
1. Introduce yourself 拿着ID
2. 一次high level of drive to achieve a goal的经历
3. 你有什么特质让你从人群中脱颖而出
4. IC第一堂课上你怎样介绍你自己?你最希望他们知道你的哪一方面?
5. 写作:推荐朋友去认识的ceo公司工作的email(5分钟,250字)
6. 苹果和谷歌该不该多交税?
1. 自我介绍
2. 遇到的setback,如何handle
3. 说服投资者多投资 commit more resources
4. 科技如何影响了金融
5. 在课外project扮演的role,如何make a difference
6. 写作:实习即将离职,给manager写一封 thank you email
1. how to motivate your team member
2. career and how to measure your success
3. hobby
4. wirtten: introduce yourself(想说自己运气挺好的,抽到的题比较简单)
5. buy side sell side
主要的问题都是motivation类的,5个问题,其中有一个written question
1. your personal attribute that will contribute to success
2. 如果你是一个team leader,你会如何领导的问题
3. proudest achievement outside classroom
4. written question:写一封email给老板
5. hedge fund的有关问题
1. attributes that make you highly employable after graduation
2. an experience of leading project with tight deadline, how did you motive your teammates
3. why choosing this programme
4. writing: 给校友写信,想进他们公司
5. 专业:recommend a company for investment, why
1. 描述一个achievement
2. a project you work hard that benefit others
3. how do you ensure that you are up to date with the financial news
4. a role in the new team
5. 心仪公司给了你拒信,如何reply
1. achievements & how factors into your career goal
2. You arrive at Imperial College Business School on the first day of term. How would you introduce yourself to your classmates? What would you most want them to know about you?
3. Tell me about a charity or community project that’s important to you. What have you done to support it?
4. 收到心仪公司拒信,怎么回复
5. low interest rate 对公司的影响(刷新了)
6. 宏观经济学对金融行业的人来说重要吗
1. Challenge
(1) Describe a challenge and how you meet the challenge
When the previously recorded soundtrack for our powerpoint didn’t work the night before our presentation day, I coordinated our team to get our project back on track. We were able to successfully troubleshoot the issues and rerecorded the needed part within a very short period of time. From this experience, I learned as a leader, the importance of keeping calm at urgent situations and practiced the skills motivating team members.
(2) 讲讲fail to achieve a goal的经历,当时做了什么
When I was in primary school and I was selected to
(3) A setback you have experienced and how you responded to it?/ 说一个你在完成一个goal时遇到的setback,以及如何克服的/举一件事 achieve a goal过程中出现setbacks 然后解决
(4) Greatest achievement outside class? what challenges you faced? what will you do next to xxxx 不记得了太长了 (反人类 就一分钟还问如此多问题)
(5) Describe a difficulty you overcame, what made you through?
2. Career
(1) Introduce yourself and the role of interests in your career
(2) 你的兴趣爱好如何帮助你的future career
(3) 你一次独立工作获得的经验 差不多这样子.
(4) 追求一个dream job时的自我介绍(让我看到自信的你~)
(5) What steps have you taken to prepare for your future career?
(6) How do you define success in your career and how to measure your progress? (6)
(7) 以后最想工作的领域
*变体:金融行业里最感兴趣的职业/最想在哪个financial sector工作?
I would prefer to have a career in asset management
(8) Life goal and how to achieve it/What is your future goals and what are you doing to meet it?
I plan to come back
(9) 你会做些什么来提高自己在这个领域的水平(2)
(10) what research have you done about your career and what was it help
I googled every single
(11) what is the role of your career path and it is do not work, what is your plan B 16’(2)
(12) What steps have you taken to prepare for your future career
(13) What's your earliest career goal and how does it change over time?
(14) long-term career goal
(15) undergraduate study/previous achievement对职业职业发展得影响
(16) how hobbies & interests help you prepare future career
3. Achievement
(1) greatest achievement and how does it relate to your MSc study
(2) 你课外的兴趣是什么?你从中获得了什么/除了工作之外的Passion,以及你为了pursue passion做了什么/学习之外的passion,为这个passion做了什么事
(3) contribute to community经历,从中学到了什么/ What charity or community projects is important to you, and what have you done to support it
(4) Tell me about your greatest accomplishment outside of the classroom. How challenging was it to achieve this accomplishment and what will you do next?/ Describe a time when you have worked hard on a project that benefitted others, outside the classroom. How did this make you feel?
(5) 跟skills 有关,可以帮助msc 学习 (大意哦,具体题目我记不清了)/ Achievement and how does it relate to your MSc study
(6) 描述一次你have a high level of drive to achieve a goal
(7) 你课外的兴趣是什么?你从中获得了什么
*变体:最特别的兴趣爱好/ The most unusual hobby/interest
*变体:What's one of the important skills developed from you hobbies or interests?
Self-solve problems
*变体:你的hobby/interest you have pursued to a high level
*变体: What do you do outside class and why
(8) 讲一个你fail to achieve a goal的情况 你当时做了什么
4. You/Peer
(1) Attributes that distinguish you from peers
(2) What motivates you to succeed, and why?
(3) You meet a recruiter for a company that you would like to work for at a careers fair. How would you make sure they remembered who you were? How would you differentiate yourself from other candidates? 在career fair遇到心仪公司的HR怎么让他记住你?如何让你自己differentiate from others
(4) what attributes do you think you have that will make you highly employable after your MSc?
(5) 最好的朋友描述你会怎么说
5. Teamwork
(1) Written what you learned about yourself in a team work.
(2) If you notice a teammate makes a mistake, what would you do without hurting team motivation?
(3) 如果你和队里的leader意见不合,你怎么办?
(4) 到一个新团队,你会扮演什么角色?
(5) 如果一个新队员来到你们队,你会怎么办?
(6) How to motivate the team member who is in struggling
(7) 如果你的team lose morale,你该怎么办?/Your team is losing momentum and how will you motivate your teammates?
(8) Need to finish a deadline for group work under time pressure how will you motivate your team?
(9) Lead a team of people with different backgrounds/ You are leading a team of people with different personalities and objectives. How would you adapt your approach to get the best out of different team members?
(10) 团队合作的一个例子,遇到困难,是什么让你坚持完成的
(11) 作为团队的一项课外活动?从中学到了什么?
(12) If your teammates don't get along well with each other, how to unite them and make them fight for objective?
(13) 你如何convince你队伍里的大部分人去做一件事
(14) 在一堆新认识的人组成的team中,你们要合作,你选择做什么角色 and why
6. Leadership
(1) A leadership example that you have made a difference to something or someone
7. Professionalism
(1) Why mutual funds have higher price than hedge funds/Why do you believe people invest in hedge funds, which generally charge higher fees than mutual funds?
(2) Personalities of portfolio managers
(3) How would you advise your less financially aware friend to prepare his investment plan for retirement?
(4) 给你10000胖子你会如何投资/1000胖子如何投资,考虑什么因素/If you are given £1, 000 to invest, where would you invest and what factors would influence your choice?
(5) 一家公司要投资,你会有什么建议?
(6) Which area of the finance sector are you most interested in working in, and why?
(7) Brexit对英国金融机构的影响
(8) interest rate 低的时候,怎么投资fund!
(9) what do you understand about fiduciary care in asset management?
(10) 如果你的项目资金短缺,你要怎么样向人推荐来筹钱?
(11) 如果你领导一个项目资金使用完了 如何劝说投资者继续投你的项目
(12) 解释retail和corporate banking的区别
(13) 说一个最近你感兴趣的金融新闻
(14) 说一下你想在financial sector的那一块工作?
(15) 金融危机的影响/ How 2008 financial crisis affect the sector?
(16) 信托和资产管理怎么理解
(17) seller side和buyer side的区别
(18) hedge fund相较于mutual fund的优势?
(19) 了解宏观经济重要吗?
(20) 解释retail banking and corporate banking的区别
(21) corporate social responsibility 你觉得这个重要么
(22) Difference between inflation and deflation and why do politicians and economists do not like deflation
(23) Ownership and property right
(24) give example of technology change to financial sector
(25) Will domestic company be affected by currency exchange rate fluctuation and explain Quantitative easing
(26) Some people think domestically oriented companies' market share and profits cannot be affected exchange rate fluctuation. Do you agree and why. 这道题回答的不是很好,题目有点大,时间不够,最后扯了一下国际原材料价格等,醉了。。。
(27) Variable A and variable B are positively correlated, if A drops, what happens to B? 扯了十几秒,实在编不下去了,傻坐着等时间过去,后来才发现可以提前submit。
(28) 因为楼主卡了1次,经历的2道题,就是这么任性!
(2)如何说一个公司有“market power”
8. Experience
(1) A time you failed a deadline, what did you do?
(2) 你做的adventurous大胆的, 冒险的 thing out of study
(3) How do you get along with your community out of classroom and impact on you?
(4) 你在什么情况下发现自己的知识技能不够?
9. Others
(1) 你认为最好的金融新闻来源是什么?How do you ensure that you are up to date with financial news and developments?
(2) How do you ensure that you are up to date with financial news and developments?
(3) 苹果和谷歌应该多缴税嘛/Do you believe companies like Google and Apple have a duty to pay more tax?
(4) 你跟主管说要overdue promotion,主管hesitate,你如何negotiate outcome=你要跟老板就一个早该执行的晋升进行谈判,她很犹豫,怎么办?
(5) 一个admire的人物
(6) If there is 2% probability of becoming celebrities, for 100 people, how many people could not become celebrities?
(7) Tell me about a recent business story that interests you, what did you learn from it?
10. IC Specific
(1) 如何成为IC active part?/ how to take active part in the imperial college community?(writing)
(2) written: IWM项目如何帮助你未来的事业.
(3) Write something you have experienced and learned during your undergraduate life, and how it would make a valuable addition to ICBS.
(4) [Writing] Skills you gained that will make you a valuable addition to IC?
(5) (written) 对比其他学校的msc finance, IC的哪点更吸引你?/ 这个课程内容中的哪点对你未来有帮助?
(6) Write about a single element that excites you about the MSF program at Imperial College.
(7) What courses are useful in MSc IWM?
(8) 说你的优点和缺点,等上了这个program怎么发挥优点,怎么改变缺点?
(9) 你对你未来ic同学的expectation是什么?你可以给ic的community带来什么?
(10) When did you first hear about IC and what attracts you?
2019 IC 面经
面试一共6个题目,包括第一题是自我介绍,要拿着government-issued ID保持20s,15s准备1min作答。其余四道口语都是30s准备1min作答。楼主考到的written部分大概是在一次networking上遇见了这个项目的校友,自己会如何自我介绍以及start a conversation。口语部分题目记不太清楚了,大概类似于课外的团队合作之类的题目,专业类的问题是innovation in finance会对average investors产生影响吗。自己准备对时候基本搜集了CD上见过的大部分题目,但还是要说一句真的面试的时候时间真来不及,一分钟回答感觉很仓促,特别是写作,没写多少字就自动提交了,凉凉。
IC IWM 2019 [2019-01-27] https://forum.chasedream.com/for ... 030&fromuid=1330121
(出处: https://forum.chasedream.com/)
3. motivate my team under stress
4. biggest achievement and challenge
5. follow up email
6. financial news
1. introduce yourself
2. biggest achievement outside of class, what impact on you
3. disagreement with teammates, what will you do without destroying relationships
4. what do you do with your community outside of class, and what impact you have made
5. email:how to persuade fellow students to support you for the election go student council
6. characteristics of successful portfolio manager
(a company you wanna invest)
刚面完IC的IWM kira 的video interview, 有点惨,碰到几道没准备的,没敢刷新硬着头皮做了。来cd贡献面经。
3.说服投资者多投资 commit more resources
5.在课外project扮演的role,如何make a difference
6.写作:实习即将离职,给manager写一封 thank you email
1. 拿着id自我介绍
2. achievement outside class
3. characters that make you highly employable
4. motivate a team member who's struggling
5. writing: Mentor introduces you to the CEO of a company that you want to work for. Write an email to invite the CEO to a coffee chat.
6. tell an recent interesting financial news
Q1 自我介绍
Q2 Which of your personal attributes are most important to achieving success?
Q3 You are leading a project which is running out of funds. How would you convince an investor to commit more resources to the project?
Q4 一个课外团队合作你make a difference 你做了什么
Q5 One of your university professors sitson a charity board with a senior executive of a company you would like to workfor. In around 250 words draft an email to your professor to try to arrange anintroduction.
You attended a careers event and one of the panel members was a very senior executive at a company you would like to work for. In around 250 words, draft a follow up email to them.
Q6 苹果和谷歌应不应该多交税
1. 描述一个achievement
2. a project you work hard that benefit others
3. how do you ensure that you are up to date with the financial news
4. a role in the new team
5. 心仪公司给了你拒信,如何reply
1. attributes that make you highly employable after graduation
2. an experience of leading project with tight deadline, how did you motive your teammates
3. why choosing this programme
4. writing: 给校友写信,想进他们公司
5. 专业:recommend a company for investment, why
1. Tell me about yourself.
这个问题看起来很简单,但是回答起来可没有那么容易。你能用简单几句话就把你的一生都概括了嘛?而且不能用"I'm friendly" 或者 "I'm a good student." 这种陈词滥调回答。当然你可以说自己很好相处,很用功,但是还要说一些引人注意的,跟其他申请人都不一样的东西。比如说你是学校里憋气时间最长,你特别喜欢某样东西,或者你收藏的东西与众不同等。
2. Why are you interested in our college?
回答这个问题的时候要具体一点,可以展示你做的研究。不要说"I want to make a lot of money"或者 "Graduates of your college get good job placement." 你必须强调对知识的渴望,而不是对物质的追求。你可以说说你面试的这所大学跟你考虑过的其他大学具体区别在哪里。
3. What can I tell you about our college?
你要保证面试的时候,有机会去问这个问题,而且是经过深思熟虑的问题。不要问"when is the applicationdeadline?" 或者 "how many majors do you have?" 这些问题都能在学校官网上找到答案。想一些有探索性的,突出重点的问题。比如:"What would graduates of your college say was the most valuable thing about their four years here?" "I read that you offer a major in interdisciplinary studies. Could you tell me more about that?"
4. Who in your life has most influenced you?
面试官可能换个方式问你:Who's your hero? 或者What historical or fictional character would you most like to belike?如果你没有考虑过这个问题,一时回答不上来,气氛就会很尴尬。找一些你比较欣赏的人物,真实人物,历史人物,或者虚拟人物都可以,而且要准备阐述欣赏他们的理由。
5. Why do you want to major in______________ ?
6. What will you contribute to our campus community?
回答这个问题的时候要尽可能显得自己独特一点。如果回答"I'm hard-working" 这样的陈词滥调根本吸引不了面试官的注意。仔细想想自己身上有什么特别之处,有什么特点能够让学校更多元化。
7. Tell me about a challenge that you overcame.
8. What do you do for fun in your free time?
9. What do you see yourself doing 10 years from now?
10. Does your high school record accurately reflect your effort and ability?
11. Recommend a good book to me.
12. If you could do one thing in high school differently, what would it be?
今年2018年申请的管理专业面试题目大大缩减了题量,主要集中在两个问题上:Why you fit in this program and how this program will help you in your career?(回答限时2分钟);Define a big problem of our times. Explain why this problem is big and propose some solutions for this problem.(回答限时3分钟)。题目少了,不过大家可以看到内容万变不离其中,主要还是想听听你对这个专业和职业的理解,还有你的全局观和解决问题的能力,音频录制面试的好处就在于申请者可以有时间充分的准备。
UCL的另一个专业MSc Telecommunications with Business也是音频录制面试的形式,接到面试通知后同样收到一个面试系统的网页链接,进到网页之后会看到overview页面看到面试题目的数量,选择record就可以开始答题。历年的问题集中在:
1. 在学校学过什么专业相关的课程,是否有本专业相关实习,拥有什么相关技能?
2. 什么是Internet?
3. According to CISCO, there will be 50 billion ‘things’ connected to the internet by 2020. What are the implications of this trend towards the internet of things for the way mobile networks are designed and operated?
下面稍微讲一下视频或者电话一对一面试,比如剑桥大学MPhil in Advanced Computer Science课程就是skype面试的模式,会有一位学术面试官和一位记录员一对一的进行交流沟通,skype面试的模式一般分为两部分破冰开场白+学术面试题,首先是寒暄自我介绍,问问为什么选择剑桥的理由,热身完毕然后就开始专业问题了。What is a pointer and the advantage of using pointers?另一个问题是问学生学过什么search algorithms?在回答的过程中面试官还会和学生进行互动,比如中途就问学生能不能说一下什么是A* search, 之后讨论一下学生的project proposal,对supervisor有没有什么特殊要求等。