1 walk through your resume
之后追加了问题关于why choose entertainment industry and how did you get your first job
2 本科毕业后为什么要读master
3 team work experience 还有一些细节
4 why mba
5 why marshall
6 misconception from others
7 career goal
8 why entertainment industry and how did you get your first job in
9 Q&A
面试官是grace kim, 是个感觉蛮亲切的阿姨,整个过程比较轻松,大概30分钟,基本上都是比较常规的问题啦。面试官开始的时候还关心我有没有复工(社畜哭了,已经上了十天班)。anyway 期待之后的结果,求好运~