
标题: 请问and 的用法 [打印本页]

作者: Chenshihui    时间: 2019-12-26 16:20
标题: 请问and 的用法
Even though her career was cut short when she was in her prime and the fifteen recordings she made were disappointing artistically as well as technically, Olive Fremstad (1871-1951) has never been entirely forgotten by opera aficionados.

想问一下大佬,and 没有逗号可以直接连接两个完整的句子吗

作者: ReggieXu    时间: 2019-12-27 03:42

i.e., if the sentence consists of nothing other than two independent clauses connected by "and", then you are almost certain to see a comma between those clauses -- because, in that case, the presence of the comma helps to elucidate the structure of the sentence.

on the other hand, if the structure of the sentence is actually
EVEN THOUGH (clause1 AND clause2), (clause3)
... then the lack of a comma between "clause1" and "clause2" actually renders the overall structure of the sentence much clearer.

so, in short, yes, you're right about this.
作者: Chenshihui    时间: 2019-12-27 04:23
ReggieXu 发表于 2019-12-27 03:42

i.e., if  ...

作者: Chenshihui    时间: 2019-12-27 04:23
Chenshihui 发表于 2019-12-27 04:23

作者: xwanghills    时间: 2019-12-27 04:45
作者: Chenshihui    时间: 2019-12-27 18:21

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