标题: GWD31-27 [打印本页]
作者: lynnli 时间: 2005-10-4 17:36
标题: GWD31-27
27: Problems at a California securities firm rippled through the penny-stock market, forcing at least one Florida brokerage firm to stop trading, and it sent the shares of several small companies tumbling.
A: forcing at least one Florida brokerage firm to stop trading, and it sent
B: forcing at least one Florida brokerage firm to stop trading and sending
C: forced at least one Florida brokerage firm to stop trading and sending
D: with at least one Florida brokerage firm forced to stop trading and sending
E: at least one Florida brokerage firm was forced to stop trading, and it sent
这道题我选了C,因为觉得rippled through 应该是修饰problem的,但是似乎选B的人比较多,还请赐教。
作者: seekmydream 时间: 2005-10-4 23:30
C:如果rippled through 修饰problems不能用被动语态,应该用that rippled through 或表主动的现在分词rippling through. 所以rippled through只能做主句的谓语,forcing...and sending...做伴随结果的状语。 而且C中的and sending与forced 也不平行。
作者: lynnli 时间: 2005-10-5 14:35
作者: endless_tao 时间: 2005-12-21 10:57
..., forcing ... to stop trading and sending ...
I do not think this is a sound structure.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-21 10:58:01编辑过]
作者: minirainbow 时间: 2008-11-3 01:23
难道都不会有一种歧义是把to stop trading and (to stop) sending放一起吗?
作者: 天蝎座1107 时间: 2009-4-16 18:50
虽然不是大难题 但还是请NN和版主来讲讲这道题吧 send shares trumbling这个里面send还有这种用法? 在这里怎么理解的呢
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-4-16 18:51:37编辑过]
作者: AlienX 时间: 2009-4-17 02:51
umm..."send shares tumbling/plummeting"在財經版上常有...
Higher Oil Prices Send Share Prices Plummeting Again.
作者: ny_915 时间: 2009-6-14 12:31
以下是引用minirainbow在2008-11-3 1:23:00的发言:我对(B)有疑问
难道都不会有一种歧义是把to stop trading and (to stop) sending放一起吗?
作者: jingjing6688 时间: 2009-9-10 17:33
以下是引用ny_915在2009/6/14 12:31:00的发言: 顶楼上,还是说to stop trading and (to stop) sending只有在补齐to stop的情况下才表示这个意思?
作者: jingjing6688 时间: 2009-9-10 17:37
还有一个问题,Problems能发出send的这个动作么? sent the shares of several small companies tumbling到底是什么意思啊?
作者: 413pyt 时间: 2009-10-24 12:14
以下是引用seekmydream在2005/10/4 23:30:00的发言:选B。
C:如果rippled through 修饰problems不能用被动语态,应该用that rippled through 或表主动的现在分词rippling through. 所以rippled through只能做主句的谓语,forcing...and sending...做伴随结果的状语。 而且C中的and sending与forced 也不平行。
我还是不明白problems为何不能被ripple。我认为force做主句谓语。另外,stop trading and sending ,语法正确,trading 和sending 平行,意思也能说得通。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/10/24 12:16:12编辑过]
作者: AlienX 时间: 2009-10-25 02:13
one Florida brokerage firm to stop trading and sending the shares of several small companies tumbling.
brokerage firm是一個middle man allowing people to trade. 它不可能令到the shares of several small companies tumbling.
作者: sunnyfloor 时间: 2009-11-11 13:53
这个题犹豫了好久,我选的A,我觉得it 指代firm,B里面的sending正如上面所说,有歧义,按照不改变原意的原则,B有问题啊。望NN来解释。
作者: running2k 时间: 2009-12-23 06:22
我开始也是选的B,但是当时没有读懂send shares tumbling的意思,所以没有办法判断,觉得problems不能使动,然后以为ripple是修饰,就选了C。
但是仔细读懂了题,弄明白了ripple和send shares tumbling,只能选择B。
从意思讲,版主已经说了brokage不能使动,所以不能force brokage to stope trading and (to stop) sending。反过来说,如果真是brokage使动的话,就应该不出to stop改变歧义。
作者: lydiar_020 时间: 2009-12-25 21:06
请问,如果rippled through 修饰problems不能用被动语态,
作者: li41982913 时间: 2012-10-19 15:52
纽约时报原句 rippled应该是主动
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