
标题: 求教逻辑 - prep exam 4 [打印本页]

作者: emmalululu123    时间: 2019-10-19 17:58
标题: 求教逻辑 - prep exam 4

Motorcycle-safety courses, offered by a number of organizations, teach motorcyclists important techniques for handling their vehicles and for safely sharing the road with other road users. If more motorcyclists took these courses, there would be fewer serious motorcycle accidents. Data show that 92 percent of the motorcyclists who are involved in a serious motorcycle accident have never taken a motorcycle-safety course.

In assessing whether the data cited provide support for the position taken about more motorcyclists’ taking the courses, it would be most useful to determine which of the following?

作者: ShayneYang    时间: 2019-10-19 21:09
作者: 粒粒米    时间: 2019-10-19 21:54
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作者: Alulu30    时间: 2020-12-1 10:56

Motorcycle-safety courses, offered by a number of organizations, teach motorcyclists important techniques for handling their vehicles and for safely sharing the road with other road users. If more motorcyclists took these courses, there would be fewer serious motorcycle accidents. Data show that 92 percent of the motorcyclists who are involved in a serious motorcycle accident have never taken a motorcycle-safety course.

先解释了一下motorcycle-safety courses是什么,结论是如果更多骑摩托车的人参加了这个课程,那么严重事故就会减少。依据是数据显示92%骑摩托车出严重事故的人都没有参加这个课程。


In assessing whether the data cited provide support for the position taken about more motorcyclists’ taking the courses, it would be most useful to determine which of the following?

A. Whether significantly more than eight percent of motorcyclists have taken a motorcycle-safety course 是否超过8%的人参加了这个课程,如果8%的人没上过课,那就是大家都没有上过,无法得出结论句的因果关系

B. Whether it is riskier for a motorcyclist to ride with a passenger behind the rider than to ride alone 单独骑车vs载人,无关

C. Whether the different organizations that offer motorcycle-safety courses differ in the content of the courses that they offer 不同组织提供的不同课程,无关

D. Whether more than 92 percent of serious motorcycle accidents involve collisions between a motorcycle and another vehicle in motion 是否超过92%严重事故都是因为摩托车和其他vehicle的撞击,我自己误选了这个,本以为是呼应了第一句里"teach motorcyclists important techniques for handling their vehicles and for safely sharing the road with other road users",但根据结论句,应该关注点是参不参加课程,而不是课程里面更细的内容,自己想复杂了。

E. Whether variations in the size and potential speed of a motorcycle influence the risk of a serious accident’s occurring 尺寸和速度,无关

作者: Blair__Lu    时间: 2020-12-18 02:14
假设:一共有1000个motorcyclists  有100个人遭受严重事故
题干:92%遭受重大事故的人未上安全课  意味着 8% 根据假设就是8个人上课了

假设一 上课的人大于总数的8% 我们取个最小值9%
意味着1000人中90个人上课 910人没上课

假设二 同理 可以取最大值7%
结论-上课的遭受事故可能性大于10% 未上课小于10%

其实8%是一个中间点 也就是上课的人和未上课的人经历重大事故的可能性是相同的。

作者: 再战请勿拦    时间: 2021-5-19 17:27
Blair__Lu 发表于 2020-12-18 02:14
假设:一共有1000个motorcyclists  有100个人遭受严重事故
题干:92%遭受重大事故的人未上安全课  意味着 8 ...


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