标题: OG 20 694 [打印本页] 作者: FrancesF 时间: 2019-10-14 20:49 标题: OG 20 694 City council member: Demand for electricity has been increasing by 1.5 percent a year, and there simply is no more space to build additional power plants to meet future demand increases. We must therefore begin to curtail usage, which is why I propose passing ordinances requiring energy-conservation measures in all city departments.
The city council member’s proposal assumes which of the following?
A. Existing power plants do not have the capacity to handle all of the projected increase in demand for electricity.
B. No city departments have implemented energy-conservation measures voluntarily.
C. Passing ordinances designed to curtail electricity usage will not have negative economic consequences for the city.
D. Residential consumers are not responsible for the recent increases in demand for electricity.
E. City departments that successfully conserve energy will set a good example for residential and industrial consumers of electricity.
这道题,我的思路是D增长,空间不够不能建新的发电厂——只能通过减少usage,具体是pass ordinance in all city departments. 所以我可以理解A是最好选项。
D:如果这个D的增长是由于consumers引起的,那么在城市各部门pass ordinance不就没用了吗。我想的是consumer(个体),department(政府部门)
是不是D和E没有着眼于具体措施,而题目只要看curtail usage就可以了呢。但我又怕我实际考试无法分辨!请大家指教