标题: DS的本质 [打印本页] 作者: slisli_ 时间: 2019-10-10 21:50 标题: DS的本质 DS的核心点在于判断所给出的条件是否有(唯一解或能否求出解),而不在于解的本身,所以我通常不会花时间去求很复杂的解,只要判断能求出来,既算过。这里的唯一解指的是针对问题的唯一,举个OG20的例子:
354.A company makes and sells two products, P and Q. The costs per unit of making and selling P and Q are $8.00 and $9.50, respectively, and the selling prices per unit of P and Q are $10.00 and $13.00, respectively. In one month the company sold a total of 834 units of these products. Was the total profit on these items more than $2,000.00?
profit有无数种可能,但是 profit on these items more than $2,000.00是唯一、非黑即白的。