Which of the following, if discovered to be true, wouldmost seriously weaken the support for the researchers' prediction?
· A After being administered to mice, naltrexone does notpass from the bloodstream into the intestine. 分析该选项
· B Naltrexone inhibits morphine from triggering themigration of intestinal bacteria into the bloodstream. 分析该选项
· C Mice that have been given naltrexone but not morphinehave no greater risk of developing blood poisoning than do mice that have notbeen given either substance. 分析该选项
· D The increased risk of blood poisoning is not the onlyharmful effect on mice of being given morphine. 分析该选项
· E Conditions other than the presence of intestinal bacteriain the bloodstream can cause blood poisoning in mice. 分析该选项
正确答案 B,我怎么一直觉得B是加强,不是削弱