非常感谢。我对律师没有兴趣,我看是在Wharton那申请,以为是MBA为主,JD为辅的项目,看来还是JD为主作者: lulu学姐 时间: 2019-8-30 01:45
LZ不用太担心你的GPA,因为你的工作经历,GMAT已经很优秀了,而且你已经已经有过Stanford University的研究生学位,对你继续申请Stanford的MBA肯定是有帮助的。LZ完全可以尝试申请Top10的MBA项目,像是Harvard Business School, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania,MIT-Sloan…建议LZ如果工作太忙,文书准备可以交给专业机构,省去很多时间和精力。我是留美多年的学姐,之前做DIY累积了很多经验,身边也有很多专业人士给出意见,如果有更多留学问题需要交流,可以加vxjellycattie 作者: RajPatil_Brown 时间: 2019-9-2 11:56
Hey there,
I would not worry too much about the GPA. Your GMAT is very strong as is your undergrad GPA, and your grad degree is from Stanford, which is a very difficult school so the slightly lower GPA is not as big of a deal. You won’t really have much advantage when it comes to Stanford unfortunately but I think your background is strong enough that you have a shot at it. The MBS/JD program at Wharton is excellent (as is just about any program at Wharton!). Assuming some strong accomplishments at work & some strong post-MBA goals you have a shot at top 10 schools for sure.