
标题: OG CR 717 & 722 求助 [打印本页]

作者: Sky-high    时间: 2019-7-26 08:38
标题: OG CR 717 & 722 求助
Which of the following most logically completes the passage?
According to the last pre-election poll in Whippleton, most voters believe that the three problems government needs to address, in order of importance, air pollution, crime, and unemployment. Yet in the election, candidates from parties perceived as strongly against pollution were defeated, while those elected were all from parties with a history of opposing legislation designed to reduce pollution. These results should not be taken to indicate that the poll was inaccurate, however, since_________
A.        some voters in Whippleton do not believe that pollution needs to be reduced
B.        every candidate who was defeated had a strong antipollution record        
C.        there were no issues other than crime, unemployment, and pollution on which the candidates had significant differences of opinion        
D.        all the candidates who were elected were perceived as being stronger against both crime and unemployment than the candidates who were defeated
E.        many of the people who voted in the election refused to participate in the poll

Newspaper editors should not allow reporters to write the headlines for their own stories. The reason for this is that, while the headlines that reporters themselves write are often clever, what typically makes them clever is that they allude to little-known information that is familiar to the reporter but that never appears explicitly in the story itself.

Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
A.        The reporter who writes a story is usually better placed than the reporter`s editor is to judge what 'the story`s most newsworthy features are.         
B.        To write a headline that is clever, a person must have sufficient understanding of the story that the headline accompanies.         
C.        Most reporters rarely bother to find out how other reporters have written stories and headlines about the same events that they themselves have covered.         
D.        For virtually any story that a reporter writes, there are at least a few people who know more about the story`s subject matter than does the reporter.         
E.        The kind of headlines that newspaper editors want are those that anyone who has read a reporter`s story in its entirety will recognize as clever.

作者: watermelonzec    时间: 2019-7-26 20:00
第一题应该是选D吧 根据上一次民意检测,大部分voter觉得三个事情很重要,按照顺序来排序:air pollution, crime, and unemployment。 然后在真正的选举中的时候 那些候选人认为应该解决air pollution问题的选举失败了,而那些不愿意解决air pollution的人居然选上了,(这里与前面的民意检测不一样),民意调查是正确,问为啥会这样?

D就解决这个问题 因为那些选举上的候选人有很强的意愿解决后面两个问题。 这个很好的解释了为什么air pollution排第一,但是选举上的人却是有很强意愿不去解决air pollution,因为这些人可以很好的解决其他两个问题。

E  与These results should not be taken to indicate that the poll was inaccurate 这一句题目中的话相违背了。
作者: watermelonzec    时间: 2019-7-26 20:58

E 编辑们认为文章的标题应该是任何人看了全部的文章之后觉得很巧妙的标题。 这里就是支持了原文,因为这里更加加强了不应该让记者来写标题,因为他们写的标题含了很多看完全文也不能明白的信息,不是anyone都能觉得clever。
作者: Bensontuo    时间: 2019-7-31 00:04
watermelonzec 发表于 2019-7-26 20:00
第一题应该是选D吧 根据上一次民意检测,大部分voter觉得三个事情很重要,按照顺序来排序:air pollution,  ...

Is that so ?

Cmon, man.

E option is not against the poll itself; instead, it set on questioning the sample size of the poll. Which is, the pole is not inaccurate; however, the sample size of the poll can't reflect the real ideologies that " most " voters truly want.

Please don't mislead.

Again, Please don't mislead

You are ...

作者: Bensontuo    时间: 2019-7-31 14:58
watermelonzec 发表于 2019-7-26 20:58
新闻报纸的编辑认为记者不能自己写自己稿子的标题,为什么呢?因为记者总是在写标题的 ...

Conclusion : Editor should not allow reporters to write the headlines for the stories

Premises : The reason why it is clever is not because the headline itself is clever, but because the little known infos familiar to reporters never appears clearly in the story itself.

先問必要假設為何 ?

因為標題所暗指的記者了解的資訊永遠不會再故事裡面清楚地提及, 所以記者不應該下標題。

必要假設就是” 至少有一位讀者不能夠從故事裡面的資訊去連結記者標題的資訊。

要加強此邏輯, 就是把其必要假設找出, 或是把必要假設取非的情況給排除。

A. 削弱

B. 記者充分了解標題連帶的故事, 好來寫個精明的標題, 不代表記者不能夠在寫個更精明的, 或是其他角度精明的話題來誤導讀者

舉例:2019年, 7月31號, 中國時報頭版 ” 台灣當局領導人國安團隊濫用職權走私香菸, 嚴重影響當局領導執政團隊的清廉形象“ 假設記者充分了解其證據甚至是其故事, 可是其記者也瞭解到也許” 走私“ 以及 ” 超量購買 “ 的定義不為一般, 那記者是否要下一個聳動且精明的標題完全為記者個人的自由, 跟其有無了解標題以及故事的相關性沒有必然關係。

C. 絕大多數的記者不關心其他記者的標題如何定義, 當故事內容是一樣的時候。關不關心, 與自我心證毫無相關。

D. 本質上而言, 有至少一些讀者比記者更了解故事中事情的面相。這太誘惑了, 太像答案了, 可是, 不管讀者了解不了解故事中事情的真正面向, 都不代表記者是否不能自由心證的去下標題。

E. 報社編輯要的頭條標題就是任何人讀記者故事時, 會了解到頭條標題的精明性 ( 沒有至少一個人會不了解到頭條標題以及故事之中的連接性以來確認頭條標題的精明性)

* At least one 有 All 的意思, 不為0, 跟我們的必要假設如出一徹。 正確答案。

作者: Cindy0108    时间: 2019-10-21 11:19
Bensontuo 发表于 2019-7-31 14:58
Conclusion : Editor should not allow reporters to write the headlines for the stories

Premises : ...


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