
标题: Stanford GSB MBA 2020 年入学 Deadline & Essays 及 Essay 解析(斯坦福) [打印本页]

作者: 天天向上    时间: 2019-6-17 10:11
标题: Stanford GSB MBA 2020 年入学 Deadline & Essays 及 Essay 解析(斯坦福)
本帖最后由 天天向上 于 2019-6-17 10:16 编辑

Deadlines for Applying to the MBA Program

2019-20 Deadlines Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
Submit your application by1 12 Sep 2019 09 Jan 2020 08 Apr 2020
We will notify you2 12 Dec 2019 02 Apr 2020 21 May 2020
Your reply and deposit are due by to be announced to be announced to be announced

1 2:00 pm Pacific Time, including your letters of reference and application fee payment. We cannot guarantee that we will review information sent to the MBA Admissions Office after the deadline of the round in which you apply.

2 See “Decision Notification” section below.

Decision Notification

We will post your decision to your account on the notification date above for the round in which you applied. We will send an email to the address used to create your application profile to notify you when your decision is available.

We do not accommodate requests for an early decision, or for decision information to be provided via phone or in person.

作者: 天天向上    时间: 2019-6-17 10:12
本帖最后由 天天向上 于 2019-6-17 10:21 编辑


Essays help us learn about who you are rather than solely what you have done. Other parts of the application give insight to your academic and professional accomplishments; the essays reveal the person behind those achievements.

Essay Questions

We request that you write two personal essays.

In each essay, we want to hear your genuine voice. Think carefully about your values, passions, aims, and dreams. There is no “right answer” to these questions—the best answer is the one that is truest for you.

Essay A: What matters most to you, and why?

For this essay, we would like you to reflect deeply and write from the heart. Once you’ve identified what matters most to you, help us understand why. You might consider, for example, what makes this so important to you? What people, insights, or experiences have shaped your perspectives?

Essay B: Why Stanford?

Describe your aspirations and how your Stanford GSB experience will help you realize them. If you are applying to both the MBA and MSx programs, use Essay B to address your interest in both programs.


Both essays combined may not exceed 1,150 words. We recommend up to 750 words for Essay A and up to 400 words for Essay B. We often find effective essays written in far fewer words.


Be sure to save a copy of your essays, and preview the uploaded document to ensure that the formatting is preserved.

Optional Short-Answer Question

The two required essays shed light on who you are and how you imagine Stanford will help you achieve your aspirations. We are also interested in learning about the things you have done that are most meaningful to you. In this section, we provide an optional opportunity to go beyond your resume to discuss some of your contributions more fully.

Please do not include your short-answer response in your essays upload; use the text boxes provided in the application.

Optional Short-Answer Question:

Think about times you’ve created a positive impact, whether in professional, extracurricular, academic, or other settings. What was your impact? What made it significant to you or to others? You are welcome to share up to three examples. (Up to 1500 characters, approximately 250 words, for each example)

Editing Your Essays

Begin work on the essays early to give yourself time to reflect, write, and edit.

Feel free to ask friends or family members for feedback — especially about whether the tone and voice sound like you. Your family and friends know you better than anyone. If they think the essays do not capture who you are, what you believe, and what you aspire to do, then surely we will be unable to recognize what is distinctive about you.

Feedback vs. Coaching

There is a big difference between “feedback” and “coaching.” You cross that line when any part of the application (excluding the letters of reference) ceases to be exclusively yours in either thought or word.

Appropriate feedback occurs when others review your completed application — perhaps once or twice — and apprise you of omissions, errors, or inaccuracies that you later correct or address. After editing is complete, your thoughts, voice, and style remain intact. Inappropriate coaching occurs when you allow others to craft any part of your application for you and, as a result, your application or self-presentation is not authentic.

It is improper and a violation of the terms of this application process to have someone else write your essays. Such behavior will result in denial of your application or revocation of your admission.

作者: 天天向上    时间: 2019-6-17 10:12

选校宝典:ChaseDream Global Top Business School Guide

作者: 邦正    时间: 2019-6-20 22:58
作者: 天天向上    时间: 2019-11-27 18:15
本帖最后由 天天向上 于 2019-11-27 18:20 编辑

Karen’s Essay Analysis (个人观点仅供参考,转载请注明出处)


Essay A: What matters most to you, and why?
这篇文章的重点不是这个“what”,不需要费尽心思试图琢磨出一个惊世骇俗夺人眼球的答案。我看过的成功录取人的Essay中,这个“what”本身绝不稀奇,有的甚至有些俗套,有的也许就是正在看这篇解析的你曾经想过的内容。但每个“what”背后的supporting evidence,却都自成一体,彰显出与众不同的个性。



我自己非常喜欢“一个主题三个故事”这种写法:有一个overarching的概念,然后从不同维度、不同场景、不同层面的意义来写。我自己在申请的时候写,小时候,教育对我来说意味着争取机会;工作后,教育令我能够帮助他人成长;而将来,教育是实现更大影响力的手段。由此,在下文里引出,为什么我今天在这里申请grad school,我下一步想要做什么来继续践行这个“what”。

Essay B: Why Stanford?
Why school和申请人未来想做什么、希望从商学院获得什么——这样一个vision,终究是分不开的。因此,文章的开头,建议申请人还是先简要阐述一下自己的professional goal(s),这个goal(s)最好具备以下几个特点:

1)真诚:Stanford GSB鼓励“follow your heart”,你应该写出真正的passion。
2)开拓创新:“为世界带来变革”是Stanford GSB的基因,既然你选择了它,你期待的未来自然不仅仅只是一份工作、一个职业,而是为大到整个国家、某个行业,小到一个公司或集体,做出一些改变。

说清楚了goal,文章的后半部分则要描写在Stanford GSB所能获得的一些“独特的”机会,比如课程、项目、活动、学生组织等等,记住,是“专属于它”的资源。表明一下你打算如何利用这些资源去更好地实现你的目标。

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