主题:下一代企业风投 The next generation of Corporate Venture Capital(CVC)
时间:5月15日(周三)19:00-21:00 May 15th (Wed.) 19:00-21:00
地点:北京大学国家发展研究院 National School of Development of Peking University
语言:英文 English 主讲嘉宾:Markus Solibieda,巴斯夫创投董事总经理
The rise of China in CVC
The sharp increase in CVC entities worldwide
The importance of having a strategy for minority investments (as opposed to “build your own business” or “acquire a new business”)
Finding technology vs. finding new business models
What talents are required to tackle the challenges of CVC
Markus Solibieda 巴斯夫创投董事总经理Mr. Markus Solibieda has been working as an investor and entrepreneur in the private equity and venture capital business since 1995. In his role as an investor, Mr. Solibieda sees himself as an idea-initiator and coach for entrepreneurs and managers whom he works with. He joined BASF Venture Capital GmbH as a Managing Director in 2016, with 20 years of investment experience already. Following his international studies in Business Administration in Germany, France and the US, he started his career in the private equity and venture capital division of Deutsche Bank (now independent). Mr. Solibieda executed growth capital and private equity transactions for Advent International and 3i, then subsequently co-founded Baigo Capital. As a shareholder and CFO, he led the IPO of ACG, a smart-card, RFID-technology-driven and semi-conductor component manufacturer. Before taking over responsibilities at BASF Venture Capital, Mr. Solibieda was in the Frankfurt office of Mandarin Capital and led venture capital investment, growth capital investment and private equity investment.
谢绚丽博士现担任北京大学国家发展研究院管理学副教授,兼任北京大学互联网金融中心高级研究员。她于美国北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校(The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)获战略管理博士学位。在此之前,她在北京大学获得工商管理学士和硕士学位。2006至2012年,谢博士曾在北京大学光华管理学院担任战略管理助理教授。
谢博士的研究方向包括企业创新创业、互联网转型、海外发展以及公司治理。她多次承担了国家自然科学基金、教育部、中华全国工商联等重大研究课题,相关研究成果在Strategic Management Journal,Journal of Small Business Management,管理世界,南开管理评论等国内外顶级期刊上均有发表。
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