
标题: 求各位大佬出谋划策是否应该Gap申请英港(prefer HK) [打印本页]

作者: KOBE-24    时间: 2019-4-18 21:34
标题: 求各位大佬出谋划策是否应该Gap申请英港(prefer HK)
    本人目前是澳洲Top3 Graduate Certificate(研究生证书) for Data Science在读(通过之后转入Master of Data Science),正在考虑是否要gap一年申请HK Top3 +UK G5的master(经济、金融、会计、BA等泛商科、统计、Data Science)。主要还是为了想拥有更好的school title, alunmni network和potential career prospect,以及对在HK中环工作的向往(回本快一点、喜欢快节奏、中西结合的城市特色),感觉澳洲的生活节奏和自身偏好不匹配,且不考虑移民的情况下留学澳洲的效用不大。但是也畏惧风险。由于之前错误地选择了备考上海top2金砖,导致局面不太好,放弃了布里斯托经济与金融的offer选了澳洲,临时转到的Data Science专业又因缺少基础和准备,不太适应(后面的master课程会更难)。如果要gap的话,计划考出语言成绩,做2份实习+雅思助教,补一下编程、会计的知识。对ChaseDream这个论坛相见恨晚,请各位指点江山。不胜感激。ps: do not want to pursue 2nd Master degree because of high tuition fees in Australia
SWOT Analysis:

1.Better reputation and recognition
2.Better students' background-alumni network

1.Directly deny Australia's study plan(seems that study in Australia's experience is a waste of time and money)
2.Seems that lag behind my peers for 1 year

1.Enrich my CV(internship experience)
2.Improve some hard skills(accounting and programming) for pursuing a career in financial field(do not think i can learn a lot through this program in Australia due to weak IT background-be busy with just finishing the tasks)
3.More local job opportunies(Especially in HK and HKUST's career centre sounds pretty good)4.More superior students is likely to inspire me to become better(peer pressure)
4.If the application is successful, the ultility of studying in Australia can reach its maximum

1.Fail to achieve a satisfactory IELTS and GMAT score
2.Even if avoid the previous 1 situation, fail to receive a satisfactory offer due to fierce competition

In conclusion, (if execute)this gap plan means that I need to pay back the 1 year loss of preparing for Master of Finance program of Top 2 Shanghai uni

    渣BG:双非一本金融、澳洲top3的language program+GC的教育背景(可能是申请英联邦学校的加分项、让留学澳洲的经历效用尽可能最大化), gpa:3.63/4.0,雅思:6.5(6),有1个知名券商行研+2个知名咨询的实习,校奖两个,社团leader,一堆水比赛(如:Strategy&的case study competition),水论文,也知道不太配得上自己的野心。[qq]894727813[/qq]

作者: cheesechan    时间: 2019-4-18 21:42
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作者: KOBE-24    时间: 2019-4-18 22:39
cheesechan 发表于 2019-4-18 21:42
反正都是一年時間, 可以的話, 建議把master上完了再2nd master in finance in HK.
這年頭搞finance的, fint ...

作者: cheesechan    时间: 2019-4-18 22:45
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作者: KOBE-24    时间: 2019-4-19 15:39
作者: 痞子大哥樾择    时间: 2019-5-1 20:23
楼主考虑的专业太多了(经济、金融、会计、BA等泛商科、统计、Data Science)不同的专业申请都不一样的。比如经济比较看你的研究经历;金融会计看你实习是否丰富,实习最好是跟你职业规划挂钩的 这类专业最好再搭配GMAT;BA统计DS建议你在考个GRE。。。。。。anyway建议先决定好申请什么专业,再分析眼下的问题。



作者: KOBE-24    时间: 2019-5-2 17:52
痞子大哥樾择 发表于 2019-5-1 20:23
楼主考虑的专业太多了(经济、金融、会计、BA等泛商科、统计、Data Science)不同的专业申请都不一样的。比 ...

Thank you very much! Very useful advice!(can not type in Chinese)

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