
标题: 技术背景弟兄,大家来讨论下 [打印本页]

作者: discover    时间: 2005-9-26 12:36
标题: 技术背景弟兄,大家来讨论下

大本 Engineering, GPA less-decent (没有任何研究经历)

Standard Test情况: GMAT 700+ ;TOEFL:600+

w/e: 6-yr Fortune company

个人目标是以后想进IB或MC (非IT咨询)行业。

有没有像MS in Marketing或者其他专业的吗,IT和Engineering背景可以申请的。已经做了一个多月海量的research了,还是没有找到其他好的专业,

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-14 13:15:20编辑过]

作者: jkmbe    时间: 2005-9-26 13:20

为什么不考虑H/W/S? 唯一比较大的竞争来自与印度的程序员(高GPA+高GMAT+IT背景),下面文章也许能有些帮助.


I saw a category called Indian IT in one of the posts in this thread? Is it really a
category? Are there people who make it to H/W/S from this category? I presume it is
pretty difficult.

ANSWER: Well Indian IT is not a formal category like African Americans, where the schools really keep score, altho it is a well-known category of applicants, mostly male, who went to Indian tech institutes and then came to US for an M.A. and then drifted into the workforce as IT types [consulting or building up the IT systems at all kinds of companies]. As a category it is large and competitive, and my guess is, if you somehow ran the stats of the total number of Indian IT's who applied to school X, and the number admitted, that number would be less than the schools average accept rate.

Or that would be the result if you controlled for gmat scores/gpa etc: e.g., the percent of Indian IT with gpa/gmat of say 3.5/700
or over admitted would be lower than school's total pool of admits with those stats.

You get the idea, I'm no statistics whiz, but all OTHER things being equal, I think it is harder to get in as an Indian IT.

That being said, INdian ITs do get in to H/S/W altho it is really hard, esp. at H/S.

What you need is something else, some stardust or some major story of overcoming prejudice, extraordinary accomplishment, lower caste, etc.

Lots of applicants from Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Pakistan also play the stardust card, altho in my experience, almost all kids from those countries are part of the ruling class with lots to say about how they helped the lower castes, etc.

But if you are just some average Raj from Delhi who is classic Indian IT, H/S are really hard, altho Wharton is a good shot, if you have 5 or so years of substantial work experience, a good goal set, and a modicum of extra -currics.

Believe me, I know where you are coming from. I'm a New York area Jew, and that is an equally large, smart and competitive cohort, esp. at the US undergrad level.


作者: SkyGrit    时间: 2005-9-26 15:49

lz可能拿你同学的经历跟自己的比较(有些时候可比性并不强,毕竟每个人追求的东西不同,关键你要的是什么?至少天上不会掉馅饼,即使掉到你面前了,你也不会好好珍惜它),虽然我们来自IT的同样知道IT的辛苦; 但如果工作强度不大,又可以得到那么优越的条件,我想每个人都想放弃自己现在的工作了;

虽然偶来自IT,但依然会选择CONSULTING, GENERAL MANAGEMENT;最重要的是你自己知道要的是什么,通过何种方式去获得。


作者: soupset    时间: 2005-9-26 15:53



作者: pumpkin    时间: 2005-9-27 07:43
作者: mildsevens    时间: 2005-9-27 09:38

楼主在做IT工作的时候应该是跟行业联系起来的吧?除了logistic之外,如果有finance行业的项目,或者有leader ship的经验都可以啊,我感觉多数BSCHOOL都是认可以MBA作为转行的,不过你应该证明对要转的行业有了解,或者以前的工作上有关联,才不会太突然,不妨想想这个方面,看能不能挖掘出来一些thoughts。

俺也是it background,一起努力~

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