
标题: [原创]4 Shortcuts Lead to Correct Answer-拍手很好,拍砖更好 [打印本页]

作者: Zita    时间: 2005-9-24 11:10
标题: [原创]4 Shortcuts Lead to Correct Answer-拍手很好,拍砖更好

1.      水火不容,暴露死穴.

在争分夺秒解题过程中,即使在难以完全把握题意的情况下,如果纵观选项中出现完全相对的两个选项,可直接拿来作参考,因其一必为正解. 看以下IF-THEN的例子:

In a game of Monopoly, if a player owns a hotel on Boardwalk, he must own both Boardwalk & Park Place. If he owns a hotel in Marvin Gardens, he must own Marvin Gardens & either Boardwalk or Park Place. If he owns Park Place, he also owns Marvin Gardens.

If the player prescribed above does not own Park Place, which of the following conclusions may be drawn?

(A)   The player owns a hotel on Boardwalk.

(B)   The player owns a hotel in Marvin Gardens but does not own a hotel on Boardwalk.

(C)   The player owns Marvin Gardens & Boardwalk but does not own a hotel on either property.

(D)   The player does not own a hotel on Marvin Gardens.

(E)    The player does not own a hotel on Boardwalk.

以上A,E项相对, E为正解.

2.      快且稳, 放长线才能钓大鱼.

尽量看完所有选项,遇到’一见钟情’的选项也要克制冲动.因为后面选项中也许有更直接到位的陈述, 看完所有选项后速分清second-best choice和best choice, 找出正解, 其分辨原则借用一句话是’简单粗暴,行之有效’.举例如下:

To travel on public transportation from City Hall to the convention center, the most direct route requires passengers to ride the Blue Bus line to Center Street, collect a token at Center Street station, then ride the subway to Middle Street. This weekend, there will be a big political rally, so the city should hire extra token vendors for the Center Street station.

The conclusion for the preceding argument depends upon which of the following assumptions?

(A)   The mayor will be working at City Hall this weekend & will need to use public transportation to go to the convention center.

(B)   There is no way to get from City Hall to the Convention without going through the Center Street station.

(C)   The political rally will draw thousands of people to the city from all parts of the state.

(D)   Because of the political rally, traffic at the Center Street station will increase.

(E)    The city’s public transportation system does not allow passengers to buy tokens in advance.

C和D中,C为second-best choice,应去掉C而选D.

3.      过犹不及,点到为止.

徘徊于两个选项间举棋不定时,可以把貌似切题,但涉嫌过分渲染的选项OUT掉, 选朴实无华的陈述为正解.

e.g. The newspaper just reported that a man won this year’s national baking contest for the first time in its history. The contest has used both male & female judges for many years. This must have been the first year that the contest was open to male participants.

Which of the following is an assumption upon which the speaker’s conclusion is based?

(A)   The newspaper has never before reported the results of the national baking contest.

(B)   Male judges are more likely to vote for a male contestant than a female contestant.

(C)   Men have tried to enter the national baking contest for several years but have been denied.

(D)   Men are generally superior to women & would be able to beat them in any kind of competition.

(E)    Men are better bakers than women & could win this contest every year.


4.      曲线不一定能救国”,切题的才是最好的.


High doses of niacin in a person’s diet have been shown to raise HDL levels, which doctors call the ‘good’ cholesterol, & to lower levels of triglycerides & LDL, the so-called “bad” cholesterol. As a result of this study, some nutritionists are now recommending diets that are extremely high in niacin.

Which of the following facts, if true, would most effectively question the recommendations of the nutritionists?

(A)   The original study was conducted on a sample of hospital patients who initially had dangerously high cholesterol levels.

(B)   High doses of niacin have been shown to reduce the clotting factors in blood, thereby reducing a person’s ability to heal after receiving minor injuries.

(C)   When levels of triglycerides decrease, patients report higher levels of stamina & improved physical endurance.

(D)   The doctors who reported the results of the study had once been discredited for falsifying the results of their research.

(E)    Other studies have shown that the body eventually reaches a maximum plateau with regard to its LDL level.

D答得很聪明,也在情理中,可惜题目中recommendation of the nutritionists才是被质疑的主体,而并非quality of the researchers. B答得老实,但与题目提问却直接相关, 所以选B才是正确的.

以上几个方面归纳理解起来容易, 在实战中由于时间或心态问题却往往执行不了.所以偶认为turn this acquired ability into one’s instinct可以很好解决这种痛苦.


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-24 11:13:41编辑过]

作者: 蜡笔小西    时间: 2005-9-24 20:28

Very good tips, Zita!

作者: oceanalma    时间: 2005-9-25 19:36

zita:先谢了 然后顺便问个问题,第一个d为什么不对阿





作者: Zita    时间: 2005-9-27 14:21
以下是引用oceanalma在2005-9-25 19:36:00的发言:

zita:先谢了 然后顺便问个问题,第一个d为什么不对阿

如果有M-hotel in MG,那么一定有b后者p,若有b-hotel on Boardwalk,还可以根据题目,有b-hotel on Boardwalk,就一定有b和p,反对前提,




oceanalma,偶是这样理解你的话中的代词的(see above in red),但对你的思路还不太清楚,好象你是逆向反推出来的,偶认为D无法从所有条件中draw出,虽然它不一定是错的,但也不能选它.


作者: sammaijgd    时间: 2005-9-27 15:00

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