标题: <Tim老师批改范例欣赏>2019.1.10来自论坛Arthurhoo同学 [打印本页] 作者: 写作老师Tim 时间: 2019-1-10 12:25 标题: <Tim老师批改范例欣赏>2019.1.10来自论坛Arthurhoo同学 Do you agree or disagree the following statement? Governments should spend more money in support of the arts than in support of athletics such as state-sponsored Olympic teams.
As the the development of the society, more and more people have enough time and money to pursue the joy of art.(首先四六级开头,早已在很多考官眼里被视为“垃圾”开头,实在因为看的太多了,我从来不会让我学生写这样的开头,这是会被我骂的!我给你写一个,你可以作为参考:All the governments around the world are committed to providing their citizens with a better living standard in every aspect.) In other words, the art market is prosperous. As a result, the appeal of more resource spent on art is emerging.(第二句和第三句完全可以合在一起,修改:In other words, they have to spend a great sum of money on social or human development.) Nontheless, this issue is controversial that whether it is a wise choice to cut down the fund for athletics to cater to the need of art market.(最后一句又是很常见的四六级模板句,引争议的方式很多种,换一种方式远远比这种要好;此外,题目并没有说cut down the fund,只是在哪方面做更多的投入,这是两回事儿;修改:However, nowadays, there is a school of thought that government should lay more emphasis on professional sports development rather than art construction.)
开头段少了一个最重要的部分,你的观点!ETS官方在agree or disagree的题目中明确要求学生在开头明确自己的观点。因为这是在问你的态度!所以,千万不要在模仿某些范文的写法(某些范文当时我带到ETS的时候,人家连25分都没给!我还笑着说,这在我们国内是满分范文,他们当时就表示:That is really misleading.)记住,你的态度是考官检查你全篇文章逻辑的核心!
First, the cutting-edge technology brings a fever for all citizens' interests.(观点句完全不知道和主题的关系,尖端的科技和政府投资有什么联系?) Based on the statistics survey, there are more than seventy-eight percent of people like sports in our world.(引用数据法虚假嫌疑,官方在引用数据的需求中需要有权威出处,如果只是说一个数字,他们会认为你是编的;此外,大部分人喜欢运动和前面的尖端技术还是没有联系,至少我用考官想法是看不懂之间的逻辑。) An government would not choose to sacrifice the interest of majority.(仍然没有和尖端科技有任何联系) The playgrounds built for the athletics, provide areas not only for the atheltes, but also for the residents.(这一句话的目的是为了解释什么吗?因为你前面三句话没有对运动员做任何铺垫和解释,突然的引入运动员是没有逻辑的。) It is a win-win policy to support the athlectics.
作为中间body段来说,一定要围绕自己的态度来论述。你想要论述的是应该给运动员方支持?那么我要看到的是为什么要给他们更多的支持,他所带来的优点在哪里。所以对于这一段来说,如果考官看的话很有可能会判断你跑题,也就是你effectively addresses the topic部分要丢分了。
Moreover, though top sports stars, such as James, Messi, get great rewards, most of athletes always obtain a low salary(大部分运动员收入很低所以才要多投资吗?这很难成为一个说服别人的观点,此外,obtain是急需得到的意思,不可以和get互换,因为obtain是要有前后联系的。). Meanwhile, such people do need more exercises and sports infrastructures that usually cost a lot, to make progress.(运动员训练和前一句挣得多少薪水之间没有关系;他们的确需要运动设备训练,可是怎样突出支持?大到政府都要大力支持?这个程度如何突出出来是很重要的;并且还要说明这种投资很值得,绝对不是因为运动员的薪水很高。) Contrast to a soccer player, who needs specific coach and playground, a painter may only need a canvas and a few strokes to depict his idea.(论述偏激,运动员不仅仅是足球运动员,用足球运动员举例子太过于特例;特例是不可以作为例子的,因为他不符合普遍现象;支持艺术更多是博物馆,本土文化,画家也是一部分特殊群体!)
Last but not the least, money is a method of support from governments, but not the only way to do so. For instance, giving the art committee a warrant, thus an artist can hold a impressionism exhibition in a street or a school, instead of a spacious museum. Maybe this kind of art show would attract and affect more pedestrains besides the fans, thus giving the artist greater sense of achievments.