
标题: 1/7 北美放狗 [打印本页]

作者: lifbilly    时间: 2019-1-8 04:23
标题: 1/7 北美放狗
先讲故事再放狗 今天考数学的时候想哭了 前面有三四题运算多 算出来还和答案不一样 最后代数字才选出来 导致后面10题只有10分钟 当时心态就崩了 最后五题都是看了一眼凭直觉选的
考完数学休息的时候我都想弃考了 但是想着钱都交了 还是考完吧
平时自己模考都是Q50 V30-33
现在拿着这个分很尴尬 还不知道要不要考

jj里面原文都有了 好好看看 题目简单
后面两篇经济的 作为一个经济专业的学渣表示没见过
1. “grey area” in economic
p1:引出新概念 grey area,说一些商家处于一个灰色地带,因为他们 ”unnature illegal"(好像是这样?) 这个单词考点! 说了几个跟大公司不一样的地方 什么税收啊社会责任之类的 第一段好好看 两题
p2:说传统gdp的算法 后面忘了。。。
都是细节和highlight 无主旨题

主旨题,还有细节题 问第二段中间的一段话


唉。。。感觉就是太自信了 从来没做过数学pace的训练 平时做题也不怎么看时间 运算量一多就gg了

作者: 痴人也有梦    时间: 2019-1-8 04:43
求Q分数? 楼主没遇到jj吗? 数学不稳定的有点怕
作者: billyisfragile!    时间: 2019-1-8 07:27

Economics focus
In the shadows
The informal economy is neither small nor benign
Print edition | Finance and economics
Jun 17th 2004

HAVE you ever paid cash to a builder for the odd home improvement? Or perhaps bought fruit from a street vendor who lacked the required hygiene certificate? Maybe you have employed a maid or a nanny, and have never got round to filing all that paperwork for social security?

If so, then depending on your local laws you may have been participating in what economists call the “informal” or “grey” economy. In essence, the grey economy consists of legal activities whose participants fail to pay tax or comply with regulations. The informal (or “underground” or “parallel” economy) is often taken to mean something broader, including illegal activities such as prostitution and drug dealing as well, although there is no agreed strict definition.

The grey economy is often thought of as something found at the margins of poor countries, such as a hawker stand in Thailand or a roadside vendor in Ghana. But that is misleading. Although it represents a greater share of total output in poor countries, it exists in rich and poor places alike. Recent research suggests that the grey economy is growing. Moreover, a new study suggests that it may be slowing the overall economic growth of developing countries.

Measuring the invisible

By its very nature, the informal economy's size in any country is hard to observe. In a paper published a couple of years ago*, Friedrich Schneider, of the Johannes Kepler University of Linz, exhaustively examined the ways of estimating it. There are two basic approaches. The first is direct: you could ask people whether they dodge taxes, or look at the results of spot tax-audits. However, people are unlikely to confess to breaking the law, and tax inspectors do not usually check on a random sample of the population. So the second method, indirect detective-work, is better. For example, you might compare data on cash transactions or electricity consumption with official output figures. If the use of cash or electricity is growing much faster than the measured economy, this might indicate that the informal share of total activity is rising.

Using such techniques, Mr Schneider estimated that the informal economy in developing countries in 2000 was equivalent to 41% of their official GDP. In Zimbabwe, the figure was 60%. In Brazil and Turkey, around half of non-farm workers are in the informal sector. In OECD countries the share of the informal economy was lower, but far from negligible, at 18%.

There is little mystery about why the informal economy exists. There are a lot of advantages to operating in the shadows. For a start, there are no income taxes to pay. Avoiding social-security charges, which often drive a chunky wedge between take-home pay and employers' wage bills, can both cut labour costs and thicken wage packets. People can also save a fair bit by ignoring safety, environmental and health rules, not to mention intellectual property rights.

第二段,說政府的規定越complex那就越可能造成gray economy,還有提到怎樣測量,由GDP跟electricity(由商業要用的電力來測量),然後說在哪些經濟很強的國家中gray economy占的比重相當大(Greece, Italy…)但在哪些佔的比重比較少(U.S., Canada, Switzerlad…)

Indeed, in cross-country comparisons, the more expensive and more complicated are taxes and regulations, the bigger is the informal economy as a share of GDP. That explains why, among rich countries, Spain, Greece, Italy and Belgium have some of the largest grey economies and why America, Canada and Switzerland have much smaller ones. In recent years, the growth in the grey market in some poor countries may owe a lot to the International Monetary Fund's austerity programmes, which increase taxes and thus encourage many entrepreneurs to opt out.

A booming grey economy sounds like good news, if only because many of the officially jobless are in fact earning a living. So if the poorest are winning, who loses?

The entire economy does, according to a new study† by Diana Farrell of the McKinsey Global Institute, research arm of the consulting firm. The price for having a large grey economy can be much lower productivity. Grey firms tend to be small and want to stay that way lest they come to the attention of the authorities. However, their small scale limits their ability to make the most of new technology and business practices.

In Russia, for example, large supermarkets, which have no choice but to obey the tax inspectors, have a 5% cost advantage over small shops. But informal outlets can save 13% by staying in the shadows. In other words, the productivity benefits of greater scale are swamped by higher tax rates. As a result some industries, especially labour-intensive ones such as retailing, stay fragmented and inefficient.

Ms Farrell estimates that formalising the informal sector could add 0.8 percentage points to Portugal's productivity growth, and 1.5 percentage points in Turkey and Brazil. Brazil's construction industry, for example, would gain because it would have no need to employ lookouts to tell unregistered workers to scatter when government inspectors turn up.

Broadening the tax base, cutting rates and improving enforcement would help. Ms Farrell notes that, if the Turkish government managed to collect 90% of its value-added-tax revenues instead of the current 64%, it could lower the tax rate from 18% to 13% without sacrificing any income. She also points out that Brazil's government today spends 30% of the country's (official) GDP, a bit more than America's today, and vastly more than the 7% the Americans spent in 1913, when their real GDP per head was roughly the same as Brazil's today. Yet Brazil has only four tax enforcers for every 1m people. If tax rates remain high and the probability of detection low, grey activities will continue to have irresistible appeal.

作者: lifbilly    时间: 2019-1-8 08:27
中间有些相似 可以看看概念啥的 electricity那里问了作用 好像答了举例
作者: lifbilly    时间: 2019-1-8 08:29
痴人也有梦 发表于 2019-1-8 04:43
求Q分数? 楼主没遇到jj吗? 数学不稳定的有点怕

作者: weisisi    时间: 2019-1-8 08:54
作者: 痴人也有梦    时间: 2019-1-8 09:28
lifbilly 发表于 2019-1-8 08:29

Q48 V40+ 具体忘记了
所以平时还是得练练数学啊 我专门去图书馆借了Manhattan 的 Advanced Quant ,希望冲击下51二番战的时候
作者: lifbilly    时间: 2019-1-8 09:37
weisisi 发表于 2019-1-8 08:54

模考做得估计算少的。。。做的破解版prep 考前一周刷了两遍prep 心疼55刀两套 不过建议还是要买
作者: lifbilly    时间: 2019-1-8 09:37
痴人也有梦 发表于 2019-1-8 09:28
Q48 V40+ 具体忘记了

哈哈哈哈对 吸取教训
good luck!
作者: weisisi    时间: 2019-1-8 09:56
lifbilly 发表于 2019-1-8 09:37
模考做得估计算少的。。。做的破解版prep 考前一周刷了两遍prep 心疼55刀两套 不过建议还是要买 ...


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