28-17: In the nation of Partoria, large trucks currently account for 6 percent of miles driven on Partoria’s roads but are involved in 12 percent of all highway fatalities. The very largest trucks – those with three trailers – had less than a third of the accident rate of single- and double-trailer trucks. Clearly, therefore, one way for Partoria to reduce highway deaths would be to require shippers to increase their use of triple-trailer trucks.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A: Partorian trucking companies have so far used triple-trailer trucks on lightly traveled sections of major highways only.
B: No matter what changes Partoria makes in the regulation of trucking, it will have to keep some smaller roads off-limits to all large trucks.
C: Very few fatal collisions involving trucks in Partoria are collisions between two trucks.
D: In Partoria, the safety record of the trucking industry as a whole has improved slightly over the past ten years.
E: In Partoria, the maximum legal payload of a triple-trailer truck is less than three times the maximum legal payload of the largest of the single-trailer trucks
My best guess is B? Do you have any input?
不好意思 17题我只找到这个讨论贴 可以给个连结嘛
BTW 看不太懂A选项的意思
on lightly traveled sections of major highways only.当初乍看之下以为是现在运用TRIPEL的卡车只在一点点的范围
那不就意味着鼓励使用TRIPLE就可运用在更多方面 继而降低死亡率
28-17: In the nation of Partoria, large trucks currently account for 6 percent of miles driven on Partoria’s roads but are involved in 12 percent of all highway fatalities. The very largest trucks – those with three trailers – had less than a third of the accident rate of single- and double-trailer trucks. Clearly, therefore, one way for Partoria to reduce highway deaths would be to require shippers to increase their use of triple-trailer trucks.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A: Partorian trucking companies have so far used triple-trailer trucks on lightly traveled sections of major highways only.
B: No matter what changes Partoria makes in the regulation of trucking, it will have to keep some smaller roads off-limits to all large trucks.
C: Very few fatal collisions involving trucks in Partoria are collisions between two trucks.
D: In Partoria, the safety record of the trucking industry as a whole has improved slightly over the past ten years.
E: In Partoria, the maximum legal payload of a triple-trailer truck is less than three times the maximum legal payload of the largest of the single-trailer trucks
My best guess is B? Do you have any input?
不会呀。triple-trailer truck <=3 single-trailer trucks,出车率比single-trailer trucks少了。不过这好像与weakens the argument无关。你是说和triple-trailer truck 自己比,原文也没建立出车增加---〉事故机率上升的逻辑吧。
In the nation of Partoria, large trucks currently account for 6 percent of miles driven on Partoria’s roads but are involved in 12 percent of all highway fatalities. The very largest trucks – those with three trailers – had less than a third of the accident rate of single- and double-trailer trucks. Clearly, therefore, one way for Partoria to reduce highway deaths would be to require shippers to increase their use of triple-trailer trucks.
文章結論是說, 由於調查中結果發現三節卡車比二節/一節卡車出車禍事故少, 所以只要都換成三節大卡車就可以降低出車禍事率.
選項A. 是說三節大卡車一直以來都只有在比較少車流量的高速公路路段行走.
所以只有A 可以削弱結論. 因為A 說明了車禍事故的背景(路段)情況不同, 所以可以證明原文的結論並不能成立.
A: Partorian trucking companies have so far used triple-trailer trucks on lightly traveled sections of major highways only.
A中artorian trucking companies have so far used triple-trailer trucks on lightly traveled sections of major highways only.
trucking companies 卡车公司让三节车只在路况好的告诉公路行驶,并不能代表整个Partorian 地区所有的三节卡车都如此. 故A选项以偏概全,错!
按照题设:The very largest trucks—those with three trailers—had less than a third of the accident rate of single-and double-trailer trucks.
而如果E的话,假设运同样一批货物,一节卡车运的次数为3,那么三节车运的次数肯定多于1次。想想如果某批货动用3量一节卡车,那3节车的哥们就得跑两次。这样根据less than a third of the accident rate ,这还指不定这个替代方法是好的。所以E削弱
A中artorian trucking companies have so far used triple-trailer trucks on lightly traveled sections of major highways only.
trucking companies 卡车公司让三节车只在路况好的告诉公路行驶,并不能代表整个Partorian 地区所有的三节卡车都如此. 故A选项以偏概全,错!
按照题设:The very largest trucks—those with three trailers—had less than a third of the accident rate of single-and double-trailer trucks.
而如果E的话,假设运同样一批货物,一节卡车运的次数为3,那么三节车运的次数肯定多于1次。想想如果某批货动用3量一节卡车,那3节车的哥们就得跑两次。这样根据less than a third of the accident rate ,这还指不定这个替代方法是好的。所以E削弱
对,没错,如果你要计算的话. 但是没说必须按照你计算的这么做啊.其实,E应该是无关选项.
E: In Partoria, the maximum legal payload of a triple-trailer truck is less than three times the maximum legal payload of the largest of the single-trailer trucks
首先 maximum 这个词,只是说最多,但是实际情况装多装少就不知道了
其次 e只把三节和一节比,没和二节比,比较缺失状态
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