
标题: 【阅读】12/15起约杜整理(12.21更新, 36篇原始,32篇考古) [打印本页]

作者: 冷在衣lzy    时间: 2018-12-15 22:00
标题: 【阅读】12/15起约杜整理(12.21更新, 36篇原始,32篇考古)
五、【考古】Bundling strategy
六、【考古】Market rebel
八、【考古】Dust grain
十一、     【考古】女性re-enter job market
十二、     【考古】Collateral
十三、     【考古】S type
十四、     【考古】复活岛
十五、     【考古】NGO
十六、     【考古】Blue pen
十七、     【暂无考古】木星和水
十八、     【考古】Woman suffrage
十九、     【考古】Termite
二十、     【考古】Maya economy
二十一、          【考古】规模与资源分配
二十二、          【考古】超新星爆炸
二十三、          【考古】女性研究
二十四、          【考古】Future
二十五、          【考古】人口与创新
二十六、          【考古】火星上的水
二十七、          【考古】美国经济
二十八、          【暂无考古】悲观社会
二十九、          【考古】Branded drugs
三十、         【考古】人鼠新西兰
三十一、          【考古】唱片公司
三十二、          【考古】Iron
三十三、          【考古】Chick food
三十四、          【考古】Milkweed
三十五、          【考古】大象
三十六、          【考古】Social skill


【原始汇总】12/15起原始狗汇总 by Cinderella灰
【数学】12/15起数学寂静原始稿 by qv0518
【数学讨论稿1-100】2018/12/15起数学讨论稿 by alanalan2
【数学讨论稿101-200】2018/12/15起数学讨论稿 by DQR
【阅读】12/15起阅读整理 by huajiananhai
【逻辑】12/15起逻辑寂静整理 by yaobunengting
【语法】12/15起愈发寂静整理 by BurgerQueen
【作文】12/15起作文寂静整理 by qv0518
【IR】12/15起IR寂静整理 by Super鳄鱼杭

作者: sasaki720    时间: 2018-12-15 22:02
作者: 考高分考高分    时间: 2018-12-15 22:04
作者: Dracula2877    时间: 2018-12-15 22:08
作者: 山花花花    时间: 2018-12-15 22:33
作者: 我在苏莲托    时间: 2018-12-15 22:39
作者: 小晨123    时间: 2018-12-15 23:53
作者: Zisyun    时间: 2018-12-16 00:15
作者: SamKboardW    时间: 2018-12-16 06:23
“顺便看一下 9.23 阅读寂静吧 我语文不太好 没什么发言权 但是看大家总结 加上我自己遇到的 大概已经5篇左右了吧 我遇到的是睡眠与记忆(考古三) bundling (考古八)还有 一个acorn(考古三十五) 看论坛小伙伴遇到的有hispanic 以及termite”
作者: UUMMAA    时间: 2018-12-16 07:01
作者: 考高分考高分    时间: 2018-12-16 09:02
作者: Richard刘1996    时间: 2018-12-16 09:33
作者: 大胸小姑娘    时间: 2018-12-16 11:09
作者: 依稀    时间: 2018-12-16 11:09
SamKboardW 发表于 2018-12-16 06:23
“顺便看一下 9.23 阅读寂静吧 我语文不太好 没什么发言权 但是看大家 ...

作者: Rivendell.    时间: 2018-12-16 11:44
作者: Inochi    时间: 2018-12-16 15:11
作者: 750!!!!!!!!!!!!    时间: 2018-12-16 17:31
作者: sasaki720    时间: 2018-12-17 06:53
sasaki720 发表于 2018-12-15 22:02

楼主,还少一个acorn (橡树果实)(之前有小伙伴放了这个狗),见9楼
作者: NetflixChill    时间: 2018-12-17 11:48
作者: 1aa    时间: 2018-12-17 12:11
作者: YVONNE-BB    时间: 2018-12-17 15:08
作者: 北北闪    时间: 2018-12-17 22:01
作者: cl434    时间: 2018-12-18 16:55
楼主Aggregation Bundling:
  This concept involves producing a bundle that will appeal to a number of customer segments. Suppose you have four items: A, B, C, and D. One segment strongly prefers the first three, and a second segment strongly prefers the last three. It may be possible to combine all four items into one bundle and price it so that both segments will purchase it, albeit for different reasons. That is, by bundling, you are combining segments of the market with different tastes and preferences into an aggregate segment with a similar valuation for the bundle. The goal is to attract a large market and reduce complexity by having fewer products. The secret is in pricing the bundle so that your comprehensive offering is more attractive than specialized bundles offered by competitors. A corollary of the basic strategy is to produce, in addition, special bundles (or individual items) for smaller market segments at higher prices.
  Credit card firms use this strategy. The typical credit card includes a wide variety of services. It is unlikely that a large segment of subscribers actually are interested in all of these services. Customers who travel frequently may value car rental insurance or access to traveler's checks in foreign countries. Others may value a purchase protection plan. They all buy the same card.
Loyalty Bundling:
  Here the basic idea is to expand sales by reducing customer incentives to sample and perhaps switch to a competitor's product. CitiCorp has used its CitiOne financial account successfully to this effect. Customers who purchase this account receive a reduced price on a bundle of services. For example, a minimum balance in a money market account gives the customer check writing privileges at no charge. CitiCorp also wins. First, it gains operating efficiencies. It costs about the same amount to open one or several accounts for a customer at the same time. A bundled account opens several accounts simultaneously. Second, Citicorp's research shows that customers who purchase two or more products from the same institution are unusually loyal. Once the accounts are open, the transaction cost to the customer is very low. A person is more apt to move funds from the checking account to the money market fund during a cash transaction than to initiate a new transaction with a competing bank. Thus for no increase in its operating cost, CitiCorp obtains a sales advantage.
  Consumer goods firms also package products in order to build manufacturer loyalty, or at least to encourage switching only among their own offerings. Cereal manufacturers offer different "variety packs" geared to adults and children. Each pack has between six and twelve different brands of cereals. Firms satisfy consumer desire for variety while retaining their customers under the broad umbrella of one manufacturer.

我没有找到楼主总结的点---但是公司不应该因为这个而忽略掉那些可以seperate sale的
作者: 探宝鼠    时间: 2018-12-18 20:08
作者: 香暗倚画楼    时间: 2018-12-18 23:12
作者: letmemakeit    时间: 2018-12-19 09:37
作者: Holaa    时间: 2018-12-19 10:29
作者: 纯牛奶与酸菜鱼    时间: 2018-12-19 10:48
作者: OctoberWill    时间: 2018-12-19 20:51
作者: hhhhhanker    时间: 2018-12-19 23:39
作者: billyisfragile!    时间: 2018-12-20 07:27

Collateral Can Help the Bank Distinguish Between Borrowers

Michael Manove, Jorge Padilla, and Marco Pagano’s model illustrates what economists call the screening role of collateral. In their model, collateral helps the bank distinguish between firms that are likely to have positive net present value (NPV) projects and firms that are likely to have negative NPV projects.

Suppose there are two types of firms: firms with high operating costs and firms with low operating costs. When a firm applies for a loan, it knows its operating cost, so it has an idea of whether its project is likely to be successful and have a positive NPV. But since there are other factors affecting the project’s success, the firm cannot know for sure. The bank can find out whether the firm has high costs or low costs as well as other information about the firm’s project, but only after some investigation. Before the bank investigates, all firms look identical to the bank.

To recoup the cost of evaluation the bank must charge some fee. To make sure it puts the appropriate amount of effort into evaluating the loan, the bank charges only those firms whose loans are approved. Otherwise, the bank can make money by charging a fee without doing an evaluation and then rejecting all applicants. In turn, firms whose loans are approved end up subsidizing the firms whose loans are not approved. But since the low-cost firms are the ones whose loans are more likely to be approved, they know they are the ones subsidizing the high-cost firms.

To avoid this, low-cost firms may try to distinguish themselves from high-cost ones by offering to post collateral. An economist would say that the low-cost firm is using collateral to signal its information to the bank. Posting collateral is costly to the firm because the firm loses it if its project fails.

However, since the firm’s costs are low, it knows the project is very likely to succeed and the risk of losing collateral is not large. However, low-cost firms can signal their information using collateral only if high-cost firms find it unprofitable to mimic low-cost firms by posting collateral, too. This is the case if the high- and low-cost firms differ enough. For a high-cost firm, the cost of putting up collateral is much higher than for a low-cost firm because the firm knows it is more likely to default. The result is that low-cost firms post collateral and high-cost firms do not.

The bank can then distinguish between the two firms. If a firm is willing to post collateral, the bank concludes that the firm has low costs and approves the firm’s project without an evaluation; in this case, a careful evaluation is not likely to change the bank’s decision. If a firm is not willing to post collateral, the bank concludes the firm has high costs and evaluates the project; in this case, the bank’s evaluation may indicate that the firm’s project has a positive NPV, even though the firm has high costs.

作者: 柊__    时间: 2018-12-20 15:57
作者: cl434    时间: 2018-12-21 01:27


作者: felicity_syy    时间: 2018-12-22 02:13
作者: Richard刘1996    时间: 2018-12-22 09:15
半夜上传   厉害了 我的 阅读君    认真负责 谢谢谢谢
作者: godloveting    时间: 2018-12-22 23:05

作者: godloveting    时间: 2018-12-22 23:06
godloveting 发表于 2018-12-22 23:05

作者: echo-LUO    时间: 2018-12-23 11:15
作者: Mathisxy    时间: 2020-1-16 13:29

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