南加大Marshall商学院 IBEAR MBA 硕士项目为期一年,全日制课程设置,为处在职业生涯上升期的商务专业人士量身打造。项目帮助学员突破职业生涯瓶颈,拓宽晋升空间,打破职场天花板。
Application Deadlines
Round 1 October 15, 2018 (Notification by December 31, 2018)
Round 2 January 5, 2019 (Notification by March 15, 2019)
Round 3 March 15, 2019 (Notification by April 15, 2019)
Round 4 Rolling Admissions *
12-month immersion with 55 mid-career international business professionals.
International Business Consulting Projects.
IBEAR MBA’s capstone course. Over a 4- month period, teams of five students work with a client to develop
recommendations for one of its important business challenges. 为期4个月的国际商务咨询项目。
International Experiential Learning Program.
This is a required 10-day component of the IBEAR MBA Program; travel costs are paid by IBEAR. The 2018 program,
titled “Doing Business in China,” will take the I-41 class to Shanghai and Shenzhen. 为期10天的海外商务考察学习项目(公费)。
2018年的项目名为 “在中国找寻商机” ,IBEAR Class-41的学员将前往中国上海和深圳进行为期10天的考察学习。
Career Exploration Treks to San Francisco/Silicon Valley and to Seattle.
These experiential learning programs provide sponsored and self-sponsored students with opportunities to visit Fortune 500
companies, meet senior business leaders, and network with IBEAR MBA and Marshall School of Business alumni. 旧金山/硅谷及西雅图职业探索之旅。所有企业公费及自费学员都将有机会前往世界财富500强企业参访,与企业高级管理
人士会面,并与USC Marshall商学院及IBEAR MBA的成功校友建立长久联系。
Personalized Career Development Services.
These are provided for all self- sponsored students. Tuned to the unique needs of mid-career international professionals,
IBEAR’s dedicated career advisor provides students with highly personalized coaching in addition to a broad range of career
development workshops and networking opportunities. 量身定制的个性化职业发展服务。IBEAR资深的职业发展顾问为每一位处在职业生涯上升期的自费学员提供个性化的
Leadership & Executive Development Programs.
Professional Development Program.
Awards of up to $500 are available to secure professional certifications or participate in conferences, career fairs, and
networking events to enhance each student’s professional development. 完善的职业发展项目。为每位学员提供最高500美金的资金补贴,以支持学员获得相关专业认证资质,或参加相关会议、
Scholarships. IBEAR MBA Global Business Fellows Awards of up to $50,000 to self-sponsored students.
丰厚的奖学金。优秀的自费学员可申请最高50,000美金的IBEAR MBA Global Business Fellows Awards奖学金。
IBEAR Residential Community.
IBEAR provides rent subsidies ($6,000/year for single apartments and $9,000/year for family apartments) to self-sponsored students. 住房优享政策。为自费学员提供住房津贴,单人公寓每年补贴6,000美金,家庭套房每年补贴9,000美金。