1:three things about yourself
2 : favorite movie or book
3 : most challenging course and what learn and how to apply in program
4 : think about a mentor or leader. why admire and what hope to learn in the program
5 : why St.Louis
6 : why Olin
WUSTL是个private school,不在繁华的大城市所以适合学习;
WUSTL有专门为研究生准备的independent study room 并且library基本都是24小时,非常适合学习;
(捂脸就想到这些,不过我把why Olin的一些点也说在这里了,感觉饱满一些)
Olin的weston career center很nice,有mock interview,help CV&resume,consult the career path等等很多有用的service;
Faculty Resource很优秀,全美TOP 10(我听说的);
program有procticum,是在MBA member的带领下做研究,可以get improved;
Olin有一个专门的杂志叫Olin business,可以了解最近的优秀的alumni的情况。