标题: Julia的GMAT日记 12.01 [打印本页] 作者: Julia951118 时间: 2018-12-1 22:24 标题: Julia的GMAT日记 12.01 There is only one month left. Therefore, I decided to record my daily efforts here.
作者: Julia951118 时间: 2018-12-2 14:41
Useful Notes:
* [x]I made it a point to read at least 2 articles from NY times daily. I would read each article 3 times. First time with the perspective of answering RC questions. Second time looking for long sentences ( NY times is excellent for that) and observing how the author maintained parallelism in long sentences, the idiomatic usages and the modifier placements. I would recommend Stanley Fish or one of the other opinionators. The third time to observe how the author defends or attacks the argument in the passage.
* [x]Baby姐的Debrief Collection。
* [x]Ron 2011-10-20-昨天听完一半,今天继续听完comparison 10:27
* [x]Ron 2012-02-16-Gerunds(-ing nouns) Infinitive(to+Verb) Verbal Nouns(destroy—>destructions) 11:58
* [x]Ron-对应Gerund笔记
* [x]Ron 2012-03-01-“And” Connector 12:51
* [x]Ron-对应And笔记
* [x]Ron 2012-03-15-“And” Connector Continued
看到现在有点晕,加油,还要继续看!我一定可以的作者: Julia951118 时间: 2018-12-2 19:23
Julia951118 发表于 2018-12-2 14:41
Useful Notes:
* [x]I made it a point to read at least 2 articles from NY times daily. I ...
作者: Julia951118 时间: 2018-12-4 21:46
Useful Notes:
* [x]【人间正道是沧桑】我是怎样修炼到770、斩获美国全奖MBA的?起心动念之间,差距已行成...
* [x]Baby姐梦之队日记,可以看很多遍 babybearmm的GMAT日记 (每日更新)
* [x]酒壹肆-BAT二战GMAT 750~迟到的心经[2011-09]
* [x]GMAT 590-660-600-710 正能量菇凉告诉你:坚持到最后的都上7了
* [x]Ron 2012-12-06 Overall SC Structure issues+Usage of Dash 8:50
* [x]Ron 2013-01-24 Overall SC structure + pronouns in modifiers 10:00
* [x]Ron 2013-03-07 Problems with connecting punctuation 17:15
* [x]Ron 2013-12-05 Sentences with Initial Modifiers 20:15
* [x]Ron 2013-12-26 More Sentences with Initial Modifiers 21:00
* [x]Ron 2015-03-26 Use of “AND” 22:00 Ongoing
* []Ron 2015-09-24 Focused on the Intended Meaning—For tomorrow
* [x]【讨论】如何练习阅读小分队?如何把小分队与RC相结合?
* [x][汇总] Mindfree Active Reading阅读法
* [x]GMAT CR最有效的提高方式——简单的重复
Revise Time:
* [x]Dash:If there is only one dash, then the description runs all the way to the end of the sentence; (Emphasize, Avoid Ambiguity, Set off sentences)
* [x]Parallel Structures should make sense as ”Bullet Points"
* [x]Semicolon functionally is the same as a period(except in that it suggests that there’s a relationship between the two sentences).
* [x]Colon: The part of the sentence Before the colon needs to be a complete sentence; Functionally, the part AFTER the colon should illustrate, explain, or elaborate on the statement made before the colon.
* [x]Vocabulary Recording: histrionic-夸装的;emetic-催吐剂;abaft-prep.在…之后;refute-驳斥;contraband-走私货;salvage-营救;pastures-牧草;作者: Julia951118 时间: 2018-12-5 22:46
Useful Notes:
* [x]这篇对我很有用啊!!!!七夕一战750,先上寂静!+备考心经(prep660的精神胜利法)-作文5分,我满足了
* [x]要像商人一样,不要考虑自己手上的货成色如何,要考虑自己的货怎样整合包装才能卖出最好的价钱。
* [x]考前我贯彻了skysi的场景模拟法, 考前两天的晚上花了至少1个小时冥想模拟考试全过程,从我那天穿什么衣服,坐哪路车,几分钟到,会有什么突发状况,路上看看作文模板,到了之后去洗手间,进入考场,坐在电脑前,作文会遇到什么题,实在不会写了怎么凑字,数学我会很沉稳又细心,解出难题很开心,语文我很喜欢做那些题(开始自我催眠了),每篇阅读都会很有趣。每一个细节都有应对的措施,加上之前踩过一次考点,所有的模拟都栩栩如生。这个方法对稳定人心非常地有用。你的心会相信你的催眠,甚至你面前的电脑都会被你催眠(又开始幻想了)。
* [x]Ron 2015-09-24 Focused on the Intended Meaning
* [x]Ron 2015-11-19 Miscellaneous Problems with COMMA +_ING and OVERALL STRUCTURE ISSUES
* [x]Ron 2015-12-03 Miscellaneous Problems with COMMA +_ING
* []Ron 2015-12-10 Miscellaneous Problems with COMMA +_ING Continued
* []Ron 2016-04-28 More Sentences with “AND"
* []Ron 2016-09-01 Using Precise Intended Meaning
* []Ron 2016-09-15 Using Precise Intended Meaning-Continued
* [x]练习SC 79题--OG全部刷完了
* [x]看OG错题解释: 670 675 676
* []kkk CR-OG 1-20
Revise Time:
* []Comma+_ing needs: 1) Same timeframe as the main action.2) Must describes the action in some way:a. Immediate, simultaneous consequence b. Further description.作者: Julia951118 时间: 2018-12-7 09:00