回想过去的2年,GMAT漫漫长路,我很能理解the feeling of "I want to do everything on my own, I want to prove to everyone that my self-learning skills are the best" or "simply I want to save money"。 但是有的时候,认识到自己的不足,不轻言放弃,想不同的办法去breakthrough 同样很重要。
有一题说是A @ B 其中@可以是加减乘除 中的任何一种运算,问你能不能确定2@1
1)4 @1 = 4 ----- @ 可以是X or /----所以2@1 是2 A
2)4@2 = 2 ----- @ 可以是 / or - --------2@1 不能确定
有一题说是0<x<y, is x<10? (我不记得他问的是x<10 or x>10)
1) 1/x+1/y = 1/5 --> since X and Y are greater than 0 and x is less than y, 1/x > 1/y. so if we divide 1/5 by 2, we got 1/10, this means 1/y <1/10 and 1/x>1/10 so x <10
2) 1/x < 1/10 --> x >10 (不记得不等式的方向了)
RC women's role in American Civil War, Madasagar Forest, ...... then I don't remember the rest
CR 羊那题
SC 不记得了