
标题: 关于比较+省略考点 [打印本页]

作者: 小目标750    时间: 2018-11-19 14:47
标题: 关于比较+省略考点
Heating-oil prices are expected to be higher this year than last because refiners are paying about $5 a barrel more for crude oil than they were last year.

A. Heating-oil prices are expected to be higher this year than last because refiners are paying about $5 a barrel more for crude oil than they were
B. Heating-oil prices are expected to rise higher this year over last because refiners pay about $5 a barrel for crude oil more than they did
C. Expectations are for heating-oil prices to be higher this year than last year’s because refiners are paying about $5 a barrel for crude oil more than they did
D. It is the expectation that heating-oil prices will be higher for this year over last because refiners are paying about $5 a barrel more for crude oil now than what they were
E. It is expected that heating-oil prices will rise higher this year than last year’s because refiners pay about $5 a barrel for crude oil more than they did


想问一下选项A中 比较对象是不是   heating-oil prices ... this year 和 ( heating-oil prices ) last ( year ),  省略了括号里面的内容? 个人不太确定, 希望大神们可以指点一下。

选项C 不能理解成 Expectations are... this year 和 last year's (expectation) 比较吗?  比较今年和去年的expectations?

同理, 选项E   不能理解成  the heating-oil prices  ... this year 和  last year's ( heating-oil prices) 比较吗?     比较今年和去年的 heating-oil  prices?

对于比较+省略考点理解得不是很清楚,做题时,会不太确定“比较的对象”是什么, 希望大神们可以指点一下。

作者: 蟹黄味蚕豆    时间: 2018-11-19 15:56
你发帖子的字体简直太不友好了  看的眼睛痛。。


C选项,可以理解成expectation的对比,那么对比的是什么呢?expectation higher than the expectation of last year嘛?higher修饰expectation逻辑上是行不通的

E选项,也可以这么理解,但是如果你想说的是今年比去年高,那么直接用be higher就可以了,为什么还用rise呢?用了rise imply的就是今年升高的,要比去年升高的要多。而higher不能作为rise的修饰,就会产生问题了。

关于比较省略,还是follow ron的建议,抛开省略吧
作者: 小目标750    时间: 2018-11-19 17:16
蟹黄味蚕豆 发表于 2018-11-19 15:56
你发帖子的字体简直太不友好了  看的眼睛痛。。

A选项你对于省略的补出,大体上应该是正确的,但是由于我 ...

Sorry~  以后发帖会注意字体的!  感谢你的回复! 有些比较题会部分省略,导致做题时搞不清比较对象,如果抛开省略,请问一般是怎么确定比较对象呢?  是要根据语义确定比较对象是否make sense?  
作者: 几许VV    时间: 2018-11-19 21:33
From Ron

here's what you should do with such sentences:
1/ identify the right-hand element (= the one that follows the comparison signal)
2/ ask yourself whether this element SHOULD be part of the comparison, according to context/common sense. (there are no "omissions" here. if the stuff following the signal isn't actually compared to something else, the sentence is wrong.)
3/ if so, try to find something that matches it on the other side. if you find such a thing, you're good.

some examples related to your first 2 sentences:

People are taller in China than Spain.

the right-hand element is "spain".

the sentence is not intended to compare spain itself with anything. so, this version is wrong. quit.


People are taller in China than in Spain.

the right-hand element is "in spain".

the sentence compares heights of people, sure. however, it's also true that the sentence directly compares the situation in china with the situation in spain. (it does not, on the other hand, compare the actual countries of china and spain; hence why the foregoing example is wrong.)
so, this works.

"in china" is there.

this one works.

作者: 蟹黄味蚕豆    时间: 2018-11-19 23:20
小目标750 发表于 2018-11-19 17:16
Sorry~  以后发帖会注意字体的!  感谢你的回复! 有些比较题会部分省略,导致做题时搞不清比较对象,如 ...

作者: 蟹黄味蚕豆    时间: 2018-11-19 23:21
几许VV 发表于 2018-11-19 21:33
From Ron
link: ...

作者: 几许VV    时间: 2018-11-19 23:49
蟹黄味蚕豆 发表于 2018-11-19 23:21



According to the National Science Foundation, in 2003 there were 198,113 female science and engineering graduate students, almost 42% of the graduate students in those fields, twice as much as 1981.

A twice as much as 1981
B twice as many as 1981
C double the figure for 1981
D double what it was in 1981
E a number double that of 1981’s

可是前面并没有for 2003呀? 我选的是E

A B 肯定错,因为比较对象不是1981这个年份,至少也得是个in 1981;D的it没有指代对象

E 我十分不解,答案说E有两处不对:

原话:The singular pronoun "that" has no clear antecedent.
——我的疑问:that不能指代前面紧邻的a number,表示那个在1981的number吗?

2.1981's 的所有格后面并没有跟着名词
原话:The possessive "1981's" is not followed by a noun to possess.

Because of the sharp increases in the price of gold and silver, the value of Monica Taylor’s portfolio rose while that of her daughter-in-law’s dropped.
这个和that of 1981’s不是一毛一样的结构吗?
her daughter-in-law’s可以指继女的portfolio,为什么1981’s不能指1981年的(female science and engineering graduate) students?

此外,我选E的一大原因是,E重复了名词number,这种重复一下名词的同位语是GMAC最喜欢的句式之一了0.0 况且,C没有重复一下名词,就显得比E更ambiguous呀?



作者: 蟹黄味蚕豆    时间: 2018-11-20 01:21
几许VV 发表于 2018-11-19 23:49


em...i c
2. c选项跟我们接触到的题目相比,是由一些奇怪,但确实是五个选项里面最佳选择。奇怪在于久远:double作adv表示倍数,在og13(具体记不清了)或者更老版本的og中出现过一道这样的题目,但在og17中并没有,在prep中也没有。取而代之的是逗号+doubling,将double作为动词来使用。具体题目有一道是说坐头等舱人数增加了,然后doubling了什么,明天白天有空的时候我查一下。这种掘坟式的考点,确实会让人有一点蒙蔽。如果你在og17或者之后版本、prep中有见到的话,请指正我的说法哈。
3.关于ron说的,我认为,平行最好。不平行,不代表是错误的。你记得og有一道什么it cost ... to run nuclear power plant的那个全划线题目吗? 比较后面有 for other plant,但还是成为了正确选项。所以,虽然没有前面没有for,并不能说他是错的,只能说它跟另外一个更平行的选项相比,不优。但更平行的选项没有出现。(参见prep那个大白鲨杀人和蜜蜂杀人数比较的那道题,ron就是用平行来解释的)
4.关于e选项的第一个疑问。that和 所有格连用,曼哈顿的sc中、og还是prep中我记得出现过类似的情况,不知道你有印象否,可以返回去看看。因为sc书已送出,恕不能列举。如果that指代number,那么后面的所有格指代什么呢?指代学生吗?1981‘s students挺奇怪的。一般这种比较的所有格,应该优先指代的是比较的事物,也就是number,这也就是答案说的that没有指代。
5.e选项的第二个问题,我认为你的质疑是合理的,尤其是在og有出现这样的表达的情况下。不会因为没有出现名词而就是错误的。但,答案想要说的可能是,如果没有那个that(也就是说不考虑that没有指代),1981‘s number依然是错误的,因为1981不能possess number,所以....而你列举的那个题目 人是可以possess portfolio的
6. 不要因为某种形式是gamc喜欢的表达而选择,不然会被trick的很惨。如果说一定要这么做,请在同位语vs定语从句的时候去选择同位语,这个我验证过所有官方题目。
啊...终于答完了...cd什么时候出个语音版本的就好了 哈哈
作者: 蟹黄味蚕豆    时间: 2018-11-20 02:03
几许VV 发表于 2018-11-19 23:49


强迫症的我 强顶着瞌睡找了找题目 你做的那道题大概是从这道题改编而来的
作者: 几许VV    时间: 2018-11-20 11:03
蟹黄味蚕豆 发表于 2018-11-20 02:03
强迫症的我 强顶着瞌睡找了找题目 你做的那道题大概是从这道题改编而来的 ...



作者: 小目标750    时间: 2018-11-21 16:21
蟹黄味蚕豆 发表于 2018-11-19 23:20
确定比较对象,确实是要通过语义来识别的,但是很多时候我们并不需要去 ...

你说的很对,“不需要想比较的对象应该是什么, 只需判断选项给出的比较对象是否合理” 感谢!
作者: 蟹黄味蚕豆    时间: 2018-11-21 20:34
小目标750 发表于 2018-11-21 16:21
你说的很对,“不需要想比较的对象应该是什么, 只需判断选项给出的比较对象是否合理” 感谢! ...

做SC 一定不要给自己加戏哈 把这些脑细胞和精力用来识别考点和比较选项吧

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