
标题: 关于comma ving,v是否需要时主语发出的一个新的看法 [打印本页]

作者: sfqdtc    时间: 2018-11-17 12:51
标题: 关于comma ving,v是否需要时主语发出的一个新的看法
Over the next few years, increasing demands on the Chattahoochee River, which flows into the Apalachicola River, could alter the saline content of Apalachicola Bay, which would rob the oysters there of their flavor, and to make them decrease in size, less distinctive, and less in demand.
some anthropologists believe that the genetic homogeneity evident in the world's people is the result of a "population bottleneck"--at some time in the past our ancestors suffered an event, greatly reducing their numbers and thus our genetic variation.
(A) at some time in the past our ancestors suffered an event, greatly reducing their numbers
(B) that at some time in the past our ancestors suffered an event that greatly reduced their numbers
(C) that sometime in the past our ancestors suffered an event so that their numbers were greatly reduced
(D) some time in the past our ancestors suffered an event from which their numbers were greatly reduced
(E) some time in the past, that our ancestors suffered an event so as to reduce their numbers greatly,            

因为正好做到这俩个题,不一定那么典型,就先照着这俩个题说。首先第一题而言demands可能发出rob 和 make这俩个动作么,我认为显然是不能吧。但是答案是d。
首先第一题,虽然demands无法直接rob,但是它先alter sth ,然后rob,这是合理的。而第二题,ancestor即使suffer了,ancestor也无法reduce their number。

According to scientists who monitored its path, an expanding cloud of energized particles ejected from the Sun recently triggered a large storm in the magnetic field that surrounds Earth, which brightened the Northern Lights and also possibly knocking out a communications satellite.
  • Aan expanding cloud of energized particles ejected from the Sun recently triggered a large storm in the magnetic field that surrounds Earth, which brightened the Northern Lights and also possibly knocking 分析该选项
  • Ban expanding cloud of energized particles ejected from the Sun was what recently triggered a large storm in the magnetic field that surrounds Earth, and it brightened the Northern Lights and also possibly knocked 分析该选项
  • Can expanding cloud of energized particles ejected from the Sun recently triggered a large storm in the magnetic field that surrounds Earth, brightening the Northern Lights and possibly knocking 分析该选项
  • Da large storm in the magnetic field that surrounds Earth, recently triggered by an expanding cloud of energized particles, brightened the Northern Lights and it possibly knocked 分析该选项
  • Ea large storm in the magnetic field surrounding Earth was recently triggered by an expanding cloud of energized particles, brightening the Northern Lights and it possibly knocked
  • 就像这道题也是,cloud在字面意义上是发不出bright 和 knock这俩个动作吧。但是经过主句逻辑使得他们可以发出这个动作。

作者: 想读PhD的小弱    时间: 2018-12-19 15:07
In the past several years, astronomers have detected more than 80 massive planets, most of them as large or larger than Jupiter, which circle other stars.
Amost of them as large or larger than Jupiter, which circle
Bmost of them as large or larger than Jupiter and circling
Cmost of them at least as large as Jupiter, circling
Dmostly at least as large as Jupiter, which circle
Emostly as large or larger than Jupiter, circling


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