作文:关于biotechology。首先给了背景,说b能带来利益。在city council上, 一个生物科技有限公司的企业家说b特别好,然后在M大学周围之前有一些labs,但是最近被M大学给关了。这个企业家建议city council应该provide funding and encourage university graduates to start new biotechology companies。在那儿。然后就argue。
Birds have been said to be descended fromcertain birdlike dinosaur species with which they share distinctive structural features. The fossilrecord, however, shows that this cannot be so, since there are bird fossils that are much older than the earliestbirdlike dinosaur fossils that have been found.
Which of the following is an assumption on whichthe argument relies?
(A) The birdlike dinosaurs have no livingdescendants.
(B) There are no flightless dinosaur species thathave the distinctive structural features shared by
birds and birdlike dinosaurs.
(C) There are no birdlike dinosaur fossils thatare older than the bird fossils but have not yet been
unearthed. (选C)
(D) It could not have been the case that somebirds were descended from one of the birdlike
dinosaur species and other birds from another.
(E) Birds cannot have been descended fromdinosaur species with which the birds do not share the distinctive structuralfeatures.