
标题: 大家有没有发现语法要求改变了 [打印本页]

作者: 追风筝的熊    时间: 2018-10-25 10:30
标题: 大家有没有发现语法要求改变了
我最近在看OG,发现,18年开始“Which的用法”以及“标点符号是不是考点”发生了改变。 大家可以看一下 OG18-781
Gusty westerly winds will continue to usher in a seasonably cool air mass into the region, as a broad area of high pressure will build and bring fair and dry weather for several days.
正确答案: E

变化就是 "which除了指代修饰前面就近的名词/或跳跃essential modifier修饰再前面的名词 , 还可以指代一整句话了!!

作者: Grace1995    时间: 2018-10-25 12:36
好像是的  不能作为判断点了  因为不考限制从句和非限制从句了  
作者: spicytaco    时间: 2018-10-25 14:22
Which 不能指代一句话
A broad area of high pressure will bring ......

作者: 追风筝的熊    时间: 2018-10-25 14:57
spicytaco 发表于 2018-10-25 14:22
Which 不能指代一句话
A broad area of high pressure will bring ......

作者: spicytaco    时间: 2018-10-25 15:07
追风筝的熊 发表于 2018-10-25 14:57
你这个明显就不对 吖。 第一 while a broad area of high pressure builds 是条件从句的主谓,什么时候“w ...

不好意思,请同学把官方解释贴出来,我也可以学习学习 ,谢谢

口语里用which是再正常不过了,口语里还说I don’t know nothing
作者: spicytaco    时间: 2018-10-25 15:14
I can’t give you the actual text of the correct answer, but here’s a similar example:

The hurricane will continue to develop while an area of high pressure spreads, which will cause torrential rain and possible flooding.

(I’m making this up; I have no idea how the weather really works!)

Have you studied “comma-which” modifiers yet? If so, you’ll know that a comma-which modifier generally refers to just a noun, and that noun is usually right before or very close to the “comma-which.”

In this problem, the verb spreads intervenes between the noun and the comma-which modifier—that’s unusual for the GMAT. You can certainly have, in certain circumstances, some words that intervene between the noun and the comma-which modifier, but usually (on the GMAT) we see other nouns or prepositional phrases in between, not verbs.

作者: spicytaco    时间: 2018-10-25 15:15

Gusty westerly winds will continue to usher a seasonably cool air mass into the region while a broad area of high pressure builds, which will bring fair and dry weather for several days.

As I'm sure you understand, a noun-modifying clause beginning with "which" normally should obey the Modifier Touch Rule. Of course, there are a few exceptions to the Touch Rule. One is that a single, grammatically necessary word can come between the target noun and the "which" clause.

Here, the target noun modified by "which" is "a broad area of high pressure." All that comes between this target noun and the "which" is the verb "builds." Now, this structure may raise your suspicions: normally the structure [noun][verb]"which" is highly problematic because that "which" clause is trying to modify the action of the verb, a highly naughty thing for it to be attempting! Normally, that's a problem, because most verbs are "action verbs," so the word "which" would be touching an action! The situation is totally different with what I would call "being verbs," rather than "action verbs," especially a "being verb" that is about the noun coming into greater existence, because then the verb functions logically almost as an intensifier for the noun. That's exactly what is happening here. The verb "builds," used here, is a "being verb"--it's simply about the noun coming into greater existence, so it "points to" and intensifies the noun. Therefore, it does not interrupt the logical link between the target noun and the modifier clause--in fact, it enhances that logical link.

It's one of the many reasons this question is a gem--a structure that normally would be a trainwreck is actually exquisitely correct here. The official questions are simply extraordinary.
作者: 追风筝的熊    时间: 2018-10-25 15:41
spicytaco 发表于 2018-10-25 15:15

Gusty westerly winds will continue to usher a seasonably cool air mass into the regi ...

作者: 追风筝的熊    时间: 2018-10-25 15:44
spicytaco 发表于 2018-10-25 15:07
不好意思,请同学把官方解释贴出来,我也可以学习学习 ,谢谢

口语里用which是再正常不过了,口语里还说I  ...

作者: 追风筝的熊    时间: 2018-10-25 15:47
作者: spicytaco    时间: 2018-10-25 15:54
同学,这只是讨论,何必呢 ?
因为有疑问,所以我去查了各个论坛的专家的解答,所有人都对which的指代的对象没有任何疑问,只是说对中间有个verb 觉得不可思议,超出了平时的which用法范围



作者: 追风筝的熊    时间: 2018-10-25 20:21
spicytaco 发表于 2018-10-25 15:54
同学,这只是讨论,何必呢 ?
因为有疑问,所以我去查了各个论坛的专家的解答,所有人都对which的指代的对 ...

你引用的第一个回帖,其实是从侧面承认了which可以指代前面 整个句子了。这个你自己认真读它的intended meaning。  第二个回帖,你有没有认真读他在说什么??这个真的是我很恼火的地方。 大神?就算是RON站在我们面前也是讲道理,你看看他到底在说什么。 我不回的原因是因为我还要把Ving什么的说一次,为什么这里builds不可能是ving,它只可能是action word, 以及为什么which不能跳谓语指代。  其实你如果 有完整学过语法你应该是知道which是可以指代一句话的,甚至which可以跳跃谓语指代。我们在GMAT之所以一直强调 不可以,是 因为GMAC它们之前规定了,它规定了which只能指代就近的名词。你看的所有RON回帖,所有GWD的解释,都是十几年前的了。 你还说了所有人都对which指代没有疑问。 我问你一个问题,所有人是谁?真的是所有人?他们是什么人? 所有人说对就是对? 这是一个客观的世界,任何东西都要有理有据 ,你可以认真读你复制出来的所谓大神的回帖。你认真思考他到底在说什么。  如果你刚刚开始备考,那我跟你说,GMAT只有OG里面的解释才是正确的,他说awkward就是awkward,他是which可以指代一个句子就可以。 其他所有机构的回答,都是要不让它成为一个特例,要不就是尝试着,扭曲原本的规则去解释新的规则。  还有一点,其实这个which他指代什么没关系的。本来我们SC就是考语义精准性, 如果两个选项有一个是“N,which...”而另外一个“N,ving”.且我们需要的是对前面句子做修饰 ,我们就不会选which。为什么?因为which就算它有这个功能,可是它没有ving优。 而我的帖子有一个明显的题目在,它的作用就是说,如果非不得已情况下,用which指代一个句子还是可以接受的。 因为其它选项不优。   我承认我脾气不好,因为太忙了。而且这是一个成年人的考试,所以希望大家能有 稍微的客观性而不是谁说什么就什么,不是所有 引用都有效支持。我又不想去 跟你争辩,或者解释那个大神帖子错在哪里,或者截图给你看OG里面怎样解释这一题,因为我觉得应该自己去做这个事情。  不过鉴于我的确发脾气了,那我就道歉。
我给你 个链接,这一个语法老师,我觉得说的算是 很好的。  补充一句,上过不少一对一班,你会发现很多人的解释都不一样的,你要选一个你真的,觉得,有道理的才可以,不然你会 混淆的。我前一阵子考差了。V一直上不了40.我 看了一下成绩报告,我SC只有50. 我想不懂啊。所以很烦躁。 我看到这个which能知道一整句话时,我也是很烦躁,但是 想着会不会有人要考试了,而没有知道有这种可能性。 算了,给你链接,你去听听吧,我觉得她说得不错。
作者: lucifer7    时间: 2019-5-9 10:06
搜到了这个帖子,如果真的是gmac回的邮件,那which modify the preceding noun 的原则还是没变的。
作者: lucifer7    时间: 2019-5-9 10:16


作者: Jasmine0_0    时间: 2019-5-16 17:05
In the item referred to below (IBN 12131, OG 2018 #781), ‘which’ could be interpreted as having the preceding clause as its antecedent, but it is better understood as having the noun phrase ‘a broad area of high pressure’ as its antecedent. Certain types of verbs that indicate arrival, positioning, coming into being, and the like can stand between a relative pronoun and its antecedent in cases where there is unlikely to be any confusion and the writer wants to avoid the awkwardness of putting the verb after a long intervening phrase.

For example, one could say “A new CEO is coming who will change the way our company does business.” In the sentence in OG #781, this construction is a simple and efficient alternative to a wording such as “while a broad area of high pressure, which will bring fair and dry weather for several days builds.” Interpreted either way (with ‘which’ referring to the front or to the front’s building), option E is clearer and more effectively expressed than any of the other options.

所以官方的意思是,E选项的which可以理解为将前面的一句作为先行词,但是建议更好的理解是which以‘a broad area of high pressure’为先行词,因为从句which后面引导的句子太长,他前面a broad area……的谓语就一个单词’builds’,为了不让动词builds离主语太远造成理解不顺,所以,将which引导的从句放到了谓语动词builds后面。对于这种表示“出现、就位、形成”的动词,在不会造成歧义的情况下,可以放在被修饰的名词与定语从句之间,以避免动词在长修饰成分之后出现,造成动词距离主语过远的理解障碍。比如其实正常是写是这样:while a broad area of high pressure, which will bring fair and dry weather for several days builds. 所以你也看到了,划线部分是which引导的从句,老长老长,但是a broad area of high pressure的谓语动词就个不及物动词builds,放在最后确实有点点奇怪。所以E选项把builds放到which前面去了。
BTW,这个题目的大意是:在大面积高气压(这个东西会带来好几天晴朗干燥的天气)形成的同时,Gusty westerly winds将会继续把a seasonably coolair mass带进这个区域。【build表形成的意思】

作者: Daisy825    时间: 2019-5-21 22:40
发表于 2018-10-25 15:07:12
追风筝的熊 发表于 2018-10-25 14:57
你这个明显就不对 吖。 第一 while a...


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