我看你就去申请thunderbird, No.1 in International business. it is a third-tier school作者: lewis 时间: 2003-8-31 15:56
同意funnytiger兄的建议thunderbird是很好international business的学校. 尽可能在第一, 二轮申请. 第三轮就对你相对不利. 参考一下我们的"逐梦共赴精彩_2003MBA申请成功申请人访谈系列", 我记得有被thunderbird录取的案例. Good luck.作者: yqx78 时间: 2003-9-3 10:26
多谢二位大虾相助.还有一问,THUNDERBIRD和SOUTH CAROLINA 的IB排名都好,但他们回否对申请该方向的人要求很高.比如GMAT成绩.谢!作者: chipmunk 时间: 2003-9-3 12:23
If your T score is not expired, then you don't need to take T again in Oct. There is almost no difference between 620+ and 640+.作者: valentine 时间: 2003-9-3 16:20
Frankly speaking, I strongly suggrest u re0take GMAT!