阅读: 1)玛雅经济 两段:hierarchy 还是 redistribution.
- 第二段有一些记得很清楚:就是讲一些比较贵的东西(画啊,什么的)都在贵族手上,而这些东西到了middle class 大部分是通过gifting.然后提到了那个时候运送这种东西很贵还是不容易的。(Q:有题HIGHLIGHT问写出不容易的作用是什么)
2)Future value/Housing market: 总共是4段。
- 第一段:介绍Future Value是个什么东西. Investers do not predit the housing market future value of individual houses but through the housing pricing index
- 第二段:Future Value 存在的意义:contractors and builders take a long time to finish a project. However, when the project is done, the housing market has already cooled down.
- 第三段:Future value 在farming 上面的作用作为例子(Q:这里问第三段存在的意义?A:第三段的开头有个转折:同样的问题也困扰着农民很长一段时间)
- 第四段:Future Value 运用在 Housing prediction上的limitation: Housing is not a commodity. 不同的neighborhood的价格会不同。这儿涨价,那儿就可能跌了。而有一些人说,因为这些prediction 主要针对的是metropolitan area。。。后面就忘了
3) 蝌蚪还有鱼 - 考古
4)睡觉其实不是有助与记忆,而是为了遗忘,腾出大脑空间 - 考古
逻辑: 1)Radio Stations with radio data system (RDS) technolodgy broadcast special program information that only radios with an RDS feature can receive. Between 1994 and 1996, the number of RDS radio stations in Verdland increased from 250 to 600. However, since the number of RDS equipped radios in Verdland was about the same in 1996 as in 1994, the number of Verdlanders receiving the special program information probably did not increase significantly.