
标题: 首战760,V41放狗 [打印本页]

作者: LLGC    时间: 2018-9-29 20:37
标题: 首战760,V41放狗
V41, Q51, IR7 - IR几道长文,看傻了

第一段讲的context,关于鸟类whipbird: 一对whipbird之间经常有duets交流(谈恋爱互唱小曲的意思吧)。科学家想了解duets的目的是什么。于是就用了 "long female, long males, another pair of whipbirds"三组作为“intruder”,分别放进a pair of whipbirds生活环境中,观察a pair of whipbirds的duets的变化。还说了一下科学家的expect的结果,不过没有考点
第二段讲的观察结果和第一个理论:观察结果两个,当“long female”组与"long male"组相比,前一组中雌鸟更殷勤地回应;当"long female"与"another pair of whipbirds"组相比,还是前一组雌鸟更殷勤地回应(观察结果描述的句子较长,我这里只是整理了意思这两句用的是个平行结构混成一句表达的,有考题!)。然后提出第一个理论解释,大概是说“long female”组中的duets是respond to protect companionship吧

1. 主旨:选了reason for duets 什么的
2. 对于第二段实验观察结果的提问,问可以推导出什么?有几个选项: 选了female bird in "long female" responds more often than in either "long male" or "another pair"
还有一个迷惑选项:female bird in "long female" responds more often in "long male", and in "long male" more often in "another pair"..其他几个选项也是对比各个小组之间female bird回应的程度,看懂第二段第一句就行
3. 有一个问题对全文细节infer,忘记选项了,不过和两个解释有关,还挺难的
4. 第四题忘记了。。



记得一道 “most logically compete the underline _________”:fire ants使得north america一些区域的 M lizard灭绝,因为1. fire ants 的stings很厉害 2. 能赶走所有的home(?) ant, 总之就是另一种蚂蚁,是 M lizard的食物。但是在north america一些没有fire ants的区域lizard也灭绝了,不过科学家仍然判断是fire ants造成的,划横线问原因:
选的是因为publicity觉得什么fire ants stings太疼?太嚣张,就飞机喷洒灭蚂蚁药


定义了一个函数f(x), 对x做prime factorization(应该是这个操作)之后所有exponents的和,题目举例子:120 =  (2^3)*3*5, 所以f(120) = 3+1+1.
给出f(n) = 4, f(m) = 12, 问f(nm) = ?

依稀记得纠结最久的一道题,整个屏幕满满三行:大概意思是employees at high level more often derives complaints from work pressure than do workers at low level, who complaint about inequal pay and xxx,
AB开头都是more often之类的,主要是后面worker at low level有变化,排除了因为感觉comparison不对;
CD开头先用that修饰还记employees怎么怎么样,然后用转折描述workers at low level,排除了,整个句子读起来乱七八糟
最后选了E, employees at high level 后面用的most often derives complaintsxxx,最高级从而避免了AB比较,用whereas转折好像,读起来朗朗上口而且最短

还有一道predominate的用法,说的是啥某个女作家很喜欢a black American female,race issue didn't predominate her support,but xxxx

还有一个感觉很难的,记不大清: 大概讲的是有个地方发现了fossils,fossil属于第一个做成某事的女性,同时也是第一批在北美的女居民的意思吧:
somewhere find a fossile of a first female and,as such, first female explorer in North America
很短,感觉以前做题时as such没出现过:
b. as such, is
c. thus, is
d. thus, she was/is
我感觉 somewhere find a fossile of (a first female and, as such, first female explorer in North America)这个结构,口号里面的两个first并列,as such描述第二个first就像第一个first一样也是first的;所以选了as such,

作者: gemmarong    时间: 2018-9-29 21:22
作者: LLGC    时间: 2018-9-29 21:52
出magoosh GMAT
作者: alettaria    时间: 2018-9-30 00:39
LLGC 发表于 2018-9-29 21:52
出magoosh GMAT

求!magoosh的SC是否和实战比较相似,今天一战感觉SC和OG prep都不太一样……
作者: 一一吖    时间: 2018-9-30 01:00
真题与 og prep 不一样?难还是简单?
作者: Strakk    时间: 2018-9-30 02:25
作者: zzzzzty    时间: 2018-9-30 03:13
作者: wenjunliu    时间: 2018-9-30 04:25
作者: 钱宝    时间: 2018-9-30 05:41
作者: 雪梨加油    时间: 2018-9-30 06:38
作者: awsd987654    时间: 2018-9-30 08:17
作者: kluivert    时间: 2018-9-30 09:03
Paired male and female eastern whipbirds, Psophodes olivaceus, sing precisely coordinated, male-led duets. Four broad explanations have been proposed for the function of duets: 1) cooperative resource defense, 2) prevention of partner usurpation, 3) defense of an individual's own position within the partnership, or 4) mate identification and localization. These 4 hypotheses make different predictions about how male and female residents should respond to simulated intrusion by other pairs or individuals. We compared the behavioral and vocal responses of 20 pairs of eastern whipbirds to simulated territorial intrusions by: 1) a solitary singing male, 2) a solitary singing female, and 3) a duetting pair. Males and females did not coordinate their approach to the playback speaker and showed sex-specific responses to playback. Males did not respond differently to duetting versus solo singing intruders. By contrast, females approached more closely during solo female song than during solo male song or duet playback. Females also produced specific vocalizations only in response to duet and solo female playback. Both sexes approached the speaker more closely and quickly during playback of same-sex solo songs than opposite-sex solo songs. Finally, females answered more of their mate's songs during simulated intrusion by a lone female than during simulated intrusion by a lone male. Our results suggest that duets in this species primarily function to allow females to defend their exclusive position in a partnership. Mate defense by females is unusual in birds but may be promoted in eastern whipbirds by a female-biased sex ratio and the need for exclusive access to male care. Thus, duets result from independent and conflicting strategies of mate and territory defense in males and females.
作者: kluivert    时间: 2018-9-30 09:12
Male and female eastern whipbirds responded to simulated intruders within their territories. However, they showed little evidence of coordinating their response, as might be expected if they were cooperatively defending a shared resource or preventing their partner from being usurped. We found no evidence to support any of the 3 key predictions of the joint defense hypothesis in Table 1. First, pairs did not tend to respond to intrusion as a coordinated unit. In almost one third of trials, only one member of the pair approached the speaker, and when both members approached, they did not approach at the same time. Second, neither sex showed a more aggressive vocal or approach response to duetting intruders compared with lone intruders, suggesting that duets were not perceived as more threatening territorial signals than solo songs. Finally, both sexes reacted more aggressively to same-sex playback, whereas the joint defense hypothesis predicts an equally aggressive response to intruders of either sex. Indeed, paired females did not generally approach the speaker or increase their vocal rate in response to playback of a lone male, suggesting that females did not aggressively defend against lone male intruders. During interactions between neighboring pairs, we never observed opposite-sex birds in physical conflict or chases, and aggression was invariably directed at same-sex individuals (personal observation, Rogers et al. 2006). Our finding that females did not respond aggressively to male intruders and formed duets with their partners least often during playback of a lone male suggests that it is unlikely that female whipbirds use duets to prevent their partner from being usurped by male rivals (Table 1). Likewise, the results did not support predictions of the identity hypothesis. First, duets were always initiated by males, whereas the identity hypothesis predicts that both sexes should initiate duets. Second, during solo playback, initiation rates were higher for same-sex playback, rather than opposite-sex playback as predicted by the identity hypothesis. Lastly, females that failed to answer their mate were never subjected to aggression from their mate. Indeed, we never observed intrapair aggression in eastern whipbirds.

Our results provide the most support for the hypothesis that females use duets to defend their own position within the partnership (Table 1). Intrasexual aggression is indicative of individuals independently defending their position within a partnership (Seddon et al. 2002). In addition, paired females answered their partner more often in the presence of a lone female intruder than a lone male intruder and tended to respond to their partner more often in the presence of an unpaired female than a paired female rival. Consequently, the proportion of vocalizations that were duets was highest when the focal female was most likely to be usurped from the partnership. The fact that females duet with their partner in the apparent absence of a rival female (during playback of a lone male) could be because females are trying to ascertain whether another female is present. Eastern whipbirds inhabit areas of dense vegetation where visual cues are limiting, and male songs that receive an answer from a female do not appear to differ from those that do not (Watson 1969). Thus, on hearing a male intruder, a female may not immediately know whether he is alone. The costs of not responding to her partner in this situation may exceed any benefits of remaining silent.

Two mechanisms could explain how responding precisely to a partner might enable a female to maintain her exclusive position in the partnership (Table 1). These are mutually nonexclusive, and it is possible that both play a role in duet function in the eastern whipbird. Firstly, duets could be used to signal paired status to a same-sex rival. By responding precisely to their partners, females prevent mates singing solo songs that may otherwise attract female rivals (“acoustic mate defense”: Brown and Lemon 1979; Sonnenschein and Reyer 1983; Levin 1996a,b; Seddon et al. 2002; Gill et al. 2005). The following field observations suggest that unpaired females may be attracted to solo male song if a female fails to reply to her partner. While paired females did not tend to approach the speaker during playback of lone male song, opportunistic playback of lone male song to 4 unpaired females resulted in close approaches to within less than 5 m and frequent antiphonal duets with the speaker. It also seems possible that paired male eastern whipbirds actively seek out females. We never observed males attacking female intruders and our findings that males reacted strongly to playback of a lone female could have been indicative of attraction rather than territorial aggression. It is likely that in this climate of conflict, duets may have arisen to allow paired females to protect their position within the partnership through an acoustic display of pair status that deters rival females.

A second possible mechanism of partnership defense involves the use of duets as an intrapair signal. By signaling their commitment and willingness to invest in the partnership, females may attempt to elicit reciprocal investment from their partners (“maintaining the pair bond”: Wickler 1980, Smith 1994, Hall 2004). Wickler (1980) suggested that if duet coordination required effort to achieve, for example, if it required a period of learning, duets could be used as an effective signal of commitment. However, most studies since then have shown that antiphonal duets do not require a lengthy learning period (reviewed in Hall 2004). Further, in eastern whipbirds, females respond to the songs of male strangers as precisely as they respond to their own partner (Rogers, forthcoming), suggesting that signaling intrapair commitment is unlikely to be the only role of duets in the eastern whipbird.

Why should female eastern whipbirds need to defend their position in the partnership? Two features of eastern whipbird life history may explain the need for acoustic mate defense in this species. First, it is unlikely that females could successfully reproduce without access to a territory and paternal care. Male eastern whipbirds play an important role in caring for offspring (Rogers and Mulder 2004), and the high level of paternal care displayed suggests that polygyny and division of male care between 2 nests would involve significant reproductive costs to his original partner (Slagsvold and Lifjeld 1994). By defending their position in the partnership, females simultaneously maintain their position on a breeding territory and their exclusive access to male parental care. Using an acoustic method to defend their position may be particularly effective in the densely vegetated habitat preferred by eastern whipbirds. It also allows for the possibility of long-distance defense of a partner from variable distances. Second, female defense of her exclusive position within the partnership may be particularly necessary as competition for partners and territories appears intense. During our 3-year study, eastern whipbirds displayed extremely high rates of adult survival, limited dispersal, and low rates of territory turnaround, despite the presence of numerous unpaired adult floaters (Rogers and Mulder 2004). The population sex ratio was female biased both among nestlings and unpaired adults (Rogers and Mulder 2004) and several lines of evidence suggest that this may have resulted in high levels of intraspecific competition between females. Elsewhere, we have shown that female eastern whipbirds type match the songs of female intruders during solo singing bouts (Rogers et al. 2006) and may also use a novel vocal strategy (forming extrapair duets with male neighbors) in order to type match and temporally overlap the song of female rivals in escalating song duels (Rogers, forthcoming). The development of a distinctive female solo song type II which does not feature in duets is also indicative of a high incidence of rivalry between female eastern whipbirds (Rogers 2005). A high level of female–female competition has been identified as a principal factor promoting the development of female solo song (Langmore 1998b, 2000). In this study, females only produced a song type II in response to playback involving female intruders and never in response to solo male playback. A male-biased sex ratio has been used to explain why males may use duets to defend their female partners from rival males in a species forming female-initiated duets (subdesert mesites (Monias benschi): Seddon et al. 2002). However, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first time it has been suggested that a female-biased sex ratio, and high female–female competition, might explain the development of male-initiated duets as a method for females to defend their position in the partnership. Our results show a striking correspondence to those of a recent study on duetting in a suboscine passerine, the warbling antbird Hypocnemis cantator (Seddon and Tobias 2006). Like eastern whipbirds, warbling antbirds produced male-initiated duets, females responded to same-sex solo songs more strongly than to duets, and females answered their partner's songs more often in response to female solos than male solos or duets. It would be interesting to know whether acoustic mate guarding in antbirds is likewise underpinned by high levels of female competition and a female-biased sex ratio.

作者: LLGC    时间: 2018-9-30 09:58
alettaria 发表于 2018-9-30 00:39
求!magoosh的SC是否和实战比较相似,今天一战感觉SC和OG prep都不太一样…… ...


作者: LLGC    时间: 2018-9-30 09:58
一一吖 发表于 2018-9-30 01:00
真题与 og prep 不一样?难还是简单?

作者: LLGC    时间: 2018-9-30 10:08
kluivert 发表于 2018-9-30 09:12
Male and female eastern whipbirds responded to simulated intruders within their territories. However ...

    提供了一个背景,设计了对象,是“solitary singing"那一句;
    然后说了prediction,是你放的原文的“Finally, both sexes reacted more aggressively to same-sex playback, whereas the joint defense hypothesis predicts an equally aggressive response to intruders of either sex. ”这个意思
第二段就是两个观察,然后给出了“two mechanism”里的第一个
第三段是mechanism 的第二个
作者: kluivert    时间: 2018-9-30 10:25
A second possible mechanism of partnership defense involves the use of duets as an intrapair signal. By signaling their commitment and willingness to invest in the partnership, females may attempt to elicit reciprocal investment from their partners (“maintaining the pair bond”: Wickler 1980, Smith 1994, Hall 2004). Wickler (1980) suggested that if duet coordination required effort to achieve, for example, if it required a period of learning, duets could be used as an effective signal of commitment. However, most studies since then have shown that antiphonal duets do not require a lengthy learning period (reviewed in Hall 2004). Further, in eastern whipbirds, females respond to the songs of male strangers as precisely as they respond to their own partner (Rogers, forthcoming), suggesting that signaling intrapair commitment is unlikely to be the only role of duets in the eastern whipbird.
作者: kluivert    时间: 2018-9-30 10:25
Two mechanisms could explain how responding precisely to a partner might enable a female to maintain her exclusive position in the partnership (Table 1). These are mutually nonexclusive, and it is possible that both play a role in duet function in the eastern whipbird. Firstly, duets could be used to signal paired status to a same-sex rival. By responding precisely to their partners, females prevent mates singing solo songs that may otherwise attract female rivals (“acoustic mate defense”: Brown and Lemon 1979; Sonnenschein and Reyer 1983; Levin 1996a,b; Seddon et al. 2002; Gill et al. 2005). The following field observations suggest that unpaired females may be attracted to solo male song if a female fails to reply to her partner. While paired females did not tend to approach the speaker during playback of lone male song, opportunistic playback of lone male song to 4 unpaired females resulted in close approaches to within less than 5 m and frequent antiphonal duets with the speaker. It also seems possible that paired male eastern whipbirds actively seek out females. We never observed males attacking female intruders and our findings that males reacted strongly to playback of a lone female could have been indicative of attraction rather than territorial aggression. It is likely that in this climate of conflict, duets may have arisen to allow paired females to protect their position within the partnership through an acoustic display of pair status that deters rival females.
作者: jqtannn    时间: 2018-9-30 22:31
发表于 2018-09-29 20:37:49
V41, Q51, IR7 - IR几道长文,看傻了


作者: ninomiyayuan    时间: 2018-10-1 09:22
一一吖 发表于 2018-9-30 01:00
真题与 og prep 不一样?难还是简单?

作者: alettaria    时间: 2018-10-1 15:34
LLGC 发表于 2018-9-30 09:58

magoosh的SC感觉和实战重点不大一样,我感觉magoosh做的时候很多题考点都 ...

这样看来仿佛还是多刷og更有意义?可否请您再讲讲自己用magoosh的感受~正在纠结二战前是再刷og还是买个magoosh orz

作者: drawway    时间: 2018-10-2 07:09
作者: SW13    时间: 2018-10-2 07:46
作者: SW13    时间: 2018-10-2 07:46
作者: LLGC    时间: 2018-10-4 22:40
alettaria 发表于 2018-10-1 15:34
这样看来仿佛还是多刷og更有意义?可否请您再讲讲自己用magoosh的感受~正在纠结二战前是再刷 ...


作者: alettaria    时间: 2018-10-9 19:08
LLGC 发表于 2018-10-4 22:40
不过和你不一样,我做官方PREP的SC感觉和真题很像,可能是我的两个官网PREP也是7 ...

作者: 曹漂亮杀g    时间: 2018-10-9 20:45
作者: 雪梨一次过    时间: 2018-10-9 23:11

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