
标题: 922 北美jj [打印本页]

作者: mbgw    时间: 2018-9-23 05:59
标题: 922 北美jj
应该是裤尾了,大家有时间就看看吧。北美考生m50v39 total730
1. 一批50个camera,随机抽出两个,问第二个是有缺陷的镜头概率多大
a  一共三个有缺陷           b  第一个抽中的镜头没有缺陷的概率是0.94(数字不确定)
2. a b两个书店那道题,两个书店都买硬壳书和软壳书,其中a软壳书比b卖的少20% 硬壳书比b多120%,加在一起总共是b卖的书两倍,问b的软壳书比硬壳书比例。选1:6(可能比例记颠倒了,但是答案应该是1:6那个)
1 考到了proto ie语言那篇,但是和之前考古不太一样。讲之前认为现在ie语言是5000多年前从黑海传过来,但现在又有人认为是9000年前从哪个地方传过来,由proto ie演变的,第二段主要论证这一点,提到了语言间越相似就说明进化越近怎么怎么样,第三段是又有人反驳这个论点,说不应该是这样的,提到了反驳的一些论据,有提到说从proto ie演变的时候还没有xxx和xxx出现(不好意思不认识这两个名次),有提到说芬兰语中bee和horse这个词和proto ie像,说明芬兰语的mother language是从proto ie演变的。三段字数差不多,有主旨题,我选的是两种不同的论点怎样,因为觉得这两种观点占的比例差不多。有细节题问作者最支持哪一个
2 有讲lost city的,太长了一页半,我浏览一遍就做题了没仔细读。开头是说一个k科学家发现了海底有lost city,温度比其他海下要低,之后就讲这个lost city怎么有地球生命起源的,提到了各种酶啊methane啊什么的。我时间太紧张了没有仔细读。有问发现lost city对找火星生命怎么有帮助,我选了有水和另外一个东西的选项。还有问methan怎么怎么样的,还有一道主旨题
1考到了jj中虚拟语气,开头是if it were to ...... 大家一定记得看一下,我记得选would.....的选项
2还有一道是我的第一道题,大意是I'm more likely to do than__________,选项有to do形式,doing形式,还有其他各种吧,没有动词原形的选项。我一下就懵了完全不知道该选哪个
3还有一道语法,大意是________,no scientists i know would accept it, either.选项有not only I don't think the theory is true, not only i that think the theory is not true, it's not only me that don't think theory is true ...........,(都只是大概印象)spilt点是在不认为这个theory是true还是认为这个theory不ture,以及not only在开头的倒装。但是我最后选的是it's开头的选项
1 市长说没有conclusive的证据证明一种环境破坏现象真实存在,更不用说是一种污染导致的,所以也没必要管理这种污染的排放,问逻辑错误。我选的是把没有确实证据证明存在当作不存在。但是大家一定自己看一下,我没有时间了只能快速选一个
2 老师说好的文艺作品都是真情实感的,学生说不对,有很多真情实感的作品写得都不怎么样,问逻辑错误。我选的是把必须条件当作决定条件
3 mall里消费者逛的时间越多,花的钱越多,而开影院不会造成逛商场时间增加。有家mall里要开电影院了,人逛mall时间少所以revenue会下降,问没有考虑到什么。我选开影院会造成逛mall的人数增加。但是这个题各个选项也都挺有道理的,大家要是有时间一定要自己看一下


作者: billyisfragile!    时间: 2018-9-23 08:39


Linguists believe that the first speakers of the mother tongue, known as proto-Indo-European, were chariot-driving pastoralists who burst out of their homeland on the steppes above the Black Sea about 4,000 years ago and conquered Europe and Asia. A rival theory holds that, to the contrary, the first Indo-European speakers were peaceable farmers in Anatolia, now Turkey, about 9,000 years ago, who disseminated their language by the hoe, not the sword.

Dr. Atkinson’s work has integrated a large amount of information with a computational method that has proved successful in evolutionary studies. But his results may not sway supporters of the rival theory, who believe the Indo-European languages were spread some 5,000 years later by warlike pastoralists who conquered Europe and India from the Black Sea steppe.

Historical linguists see other evidence in that the first Indo-European speakers had words for “horse” and “bee,” and lent many basic words to proto-Uralic, the mother tongue of Finnish and Hungarian. The best place to have found wild horses and bees and be close to speakers of proto-Uralic is the steppe region above the Black Sea and the Caspian. The Kurgan people who occupied this area from around 5000 to 3000 B.C. have long been candidates for the first Indo-European speakers.
作者: mbgw    时间: 2018-9-24 03:52
bzy! 发表于 2018-9-23 08:39 ...

作者: 我心似海洋    时间: 2018-9-25 20:34

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