标题: Schulich MBA申请小贴士 [打印本页]
作者: dodoodoris 时间: 2018-8-21 22:56
标题: Schulich MBA申请小贴士
7/23 提交application
8/2 面试
8/21 收到offer
Schulich申请不仅有准备好的writingessay,还有2个几分钟的video essay和1个限时写作,为了这个video essay 和限时写作,我搜集到好多题目,都练习了一遍,其实练习这些题目也能为你梳理自己之后Interview的思路,有益无害。
1. What's the best mistake you have evermade?
2. If you could choose two famous peopleto be your parents, who would they be?
3. Which super power would you like tohave?
4. Is a picture worth a thousand words?
5. What is something you learned in thelast week?
6. Describe the work environment orculture in which you feel you are the most productive, successful, and happy.
7. What was the last movie, TV show orbook that moved you?
8. What is your favorite time of theyear?
9. If you were an Admissions Director atthe Schulich School of Business, what would be the three most importantcharacteristics in an applicant that you would look for?
10. What do you miss most about being akid?
11. What’s the #1 most played song onyour iPod, and why do you like it so much?
12. If you can meet anyone, dead oralive, who would you think be? Why?
13. If you could choose to stay a certainage forever, what age would you be?
1. Bst idea you have come up withduring your professional career
2. What criteria do you use to judge your ownperformance?
3. You are put in charge of leading 5 peoplein a new project. How would you assign roles and tasks to each individual?
4. Have you ever had to make a decisionwhen you didn’t have all the facts? How did you come to that decision?
5. We're three days behind schedule on amajor project. What are you thinking?
6. You are at a client meeting and yourmanaging director is giving a presentation. You suddenly notice a mistake insome of the calculations which you have done for the presentation. Do you tellhim or her? When? What do you say?
7. How would you go about convincingsomeone that you’ve got a great idea?
8. Describe the most difficult problemyou've ever encountered at work. What made it difficult?
面试的Jessica Morgan人超级好,之前读到有帖子说“白人微胖,全程微笑”也是无比准确率。我选了面试的时间是晚上9点半,一共不到20分钟,她全程保持大大的微笑,让人完全感觉不到紧张气氛。聊着聊着她说这个月会来上海,要我给她推荐好吃的和好玩儿的。
1、Why MBA?
2、Why Schulich?
3、Why should we admit you?
4、What is one thing I might never guessabout you by looking at your application
5、Do you have any questions to ask ?
之前4月份在QS有和Schulich的另一位招生官Hollis(当时被她的美貌震慑,最后决定投这所学校好看的招生官也是一个原因,哈哈哈)聊过天,她跟我说不论是essay还是Interview,be yourself,对自己的career path有一个明确的认识特别重要。我非常同意这一点,而且我觉得可能在写essay过程中true to yourself对于每一个求学的人都是最重要的东西,想清楚了为什么读书,之后的事情大概也会水到渠成。
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可以哒 发你消息啦
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GMAT 没上700,GPA3.3,工作5 y,面试好好准备准备吧
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19年1月的offer 方便加个微信吗 VickyLiu3333
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楼主方便加个微信吗?我想了解下schulich的学习生活等具体情况~~ 我的微信 xzdifo
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