感谢亲的回复,我的理想规划是毕业后先在美国的互联网企业工作一段时间,有了这段经历再回国找机会作者: cheesechan 时间: 2018-8-10 00:18
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: Lynchplusleo 时间: 2018-8-10 05:28
我不一样,我用数字暴击了中介。MBA申请还是找专业的中介吧作者: mmmaaa7890 时间: 2018-8-10 11:31
中介在瞎说。不过就是拿了MBA想进入marketing行当工作也不容易。这个行当以国际学生身份进去是很难的事。真想知道具体情况,就去找学校的学长学姐了解。这种事还是自己DIY最好作者: JonFrank 时间: 2018-8-11 20:33
Thank you! It really depends, and I disagree you can't apply for an MBA. Of course you can! It all depends on how you position and sell your story and your experiences, as well as what your goals are. With that GPA/700, you'd want to consider lower ranked programs, since your come from a very competitive demographic, where most Chinese applicants will have at least 730s for the top schools. So maybe take the test again, work on your story/goals, and apply to a mix of schools that aren't only top-ranked ones. Good luck!
Jon Frank作者: usadreamschool 时间: 2018-8-12 09:56
我也曾经是小白无任何商业经验,纯理工科,经MBA后在美国做marketing至今,7年多了。marketing分很多种,真的不难。如果愿意的话可以和我vx交流: kevin64884361