标题: OG18 781 理解了很久了很久还是不懂!!感觉很难。。 [打印本页]
作者: DreamTurelater 时间: 2018-8-5 16:41
标题: OG18 781 理解了很久了很久还是不懂!!感觉很难。。
Gusty westerly winds will continue to usher in a seasonably cool air mass into the region, as a broad area of high pressure will build and bring fair and dry weather for several days.
A. to usher in a seasonably cool air mass into the region, as a broad area of high pressure will build and
B. ushering in a seasonably cool air mass into the region and a broad area of high pressure will build that
C. to usher in a seasonably cool air mass to the region, a broad area of high pressure building, and
D. ushering a seasonably cool air mass in the region, with a broad area of high pressure building and
E. to usher a seasonably cool air mass into the region while a broad area of high pressure builds, which will
然鹅 我真的不懂
求问各位G友友情分析一下 句意 结构 以及选项
作者: DreamTurelater 时间: 2018-8-5 16:42
作者: DreamTurelater 时间: 2018-8-5 21:47
作者: hikkidxb 时间: 2018-8-7 12:38
根据逻辑语义,build and bring fair and dry weather for several days的逻辑主语只能是a broad area of high pressure ,所以which从句跳过builds修饰了pressure,定从是可以跳跃修饰的,while这里起的是when的意思
作者: DreamTurelater 时间: 2018-8-7 15:11
作者: 啦啦噜啦啦 时间: 2018-12-23 09:48
作者: 啦啦噜啦啦 时间: 2018-12-23 10:16
我觉得我之前理解有误,仍然坚持 which 不能修饰句子
作者: Jasmine0_0 时间: 2019-5-16 17:46
我觉得可以这么理解,高压是天气晴朗且干燥的直接原因,冷气团是更早一步的原因。所以可以认为which修饰的就是a board area of high pressure,完全make sense。虽然两者共同导致天气晴朗干燥,但是高压其实是一种直接的原因,不一定要说因为有冷空气。只要高压控制这个地区就会干燥。当然,你要认为两者共同导致了晴朗干燥,那which就变成修饰前面一整句话了。
In the item referred to below (IBN 12131, OG 2018 #781), ‘which’ could be interpreted as having the preceding clause as its antecedent, but it is better understood as having the noun phrase ‘a broad area of high pressure’ as its antecedent. Certain types of verbs that indicate arrival, positioning, coming into being, and the like can stand between a relative pronoun and its antecedent in cases where there is unlikely to be any confusion and the writer wants to avoid the awkwardness of putting the verb after a long intervening phrase.
For example, one could say “A new CEO is coming who will change the way our company does business.” In the sentence in OG #781, this construction is a simple and efficient alternative to a wording such as “while a broad area of high pressure, which will bring fair and dry weather for several days builds.” Interpreted either way (with ‘which’ referring to the front or to the front’s building), option E is clearer and more effectively expressed than any of the other options.
所以官方的意思是,E选项的which可以理解为将前面的一句作为先行词,但是建议更好的理解是which以‘a broad area of high pressure’为先行词,因为从句which后面引导的句子太长,他前面a broad area……的谓语就一个单词’builds’,为了不让动词builds离主语太远造成理解不顺,所以,将which引导的从句放到了谓语动词builds后面。对于这种表示“出现、就位、形成”的动词,在不会造成歧义的情况下,可以放在被修饰的名词与定语从句之间,以避免动词在长修饰成分之后出现,造成动词距离主语过远的理解障碍。比如其实正常是写是这样:while a broad area of high pressure, which will bring fair and dry weather for several days builds. 所以你也看到了,划线部分是which引导的从句,老长老长,但是a broad area of high pressure的谓语动词就个不及物动词builds,放在最后确实有点点奇怪。所以E选项把builds放到which前面去了。
BTW,这个题目的大意是:在大面积高气压(这个东西会带来好几天晴朗干燥的天气)形成的同时,Gusty westerly winds将会继续把a seasonably coolair mass带进这个区域。【build表形成的意思】
作者: 大匹诺的猪猪 时间: 2019-8-1 13:08
作者: stephanie-xx 时间: 2019-10-29 18:49
作者: psyeah 时间: 2019-12-9 19:22
MAN modifier extra章节Noun Modifier Placement写到:
A very short predicate falls between, shifting a very long modifier back:
Right: A new CEO has been hired who will tranform the comany by decentralizing authority to various division heads while increasing their accountability through the use of public scorecards.
作者: 余饭饭 时间: 2019-12-15 16:00
可是这里不是high pressure,而是area of high pressure吖, A of B, which 一般这里的which 也是修饰A叭,也就是地区会带来天气??
作者: 8月22一战杀G! 时间: 2020-1-6 21:02
A of B, which,往往which就是指代B的,指代A的就称作跳跃修饰了
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作者: 卖报的小行家 时间: 2020-6-3 21:28
a broad area of high pressure builds, which will bring...
你按照常识来判断,只能是high pressure,which当然可以修饰pressure
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