Another common concern for senior students is how their age or time since their last academic experience might affect their performance. “Before I applied I thought, ‘Man, I’m going to be an outlier,’” said Grad, the Kellogg MBA alum. The average age for Kellogg’s executive MBA class was 37.5 compared to the regular MBA average at 28. But he audited a couple of classes, and that eased his mind. 作者: JonFrank 时间: 2018-8-1 22:21
Thank you! Yes, given your other degrees and your age, you might have a shot at a part-time/executive program, but you will be tough to admit at 36 for the full-time top US programs. I would advise that you consider the cross-continent/global MBA programs some of these schools offer. Good luck!
如果想继续做投资的话,CBS绝对是second to none,毕竟是投资强校。如果想体验和看更多非典型职业机会,也就是说,“非校园招聘”(包括大部分投资类的工作),那么纽约作为“宇宙中心”无疑提供了无与伦比的实践、实习和工作机会,以及开阔眼界和建立人脉的契机。CBS地处纽约,纽约本身就能带来太多与其他商学院的不同了,毕竟咱读的是商科MBA,不是工科、理科,村里反而更利于安心做研究(不过找工作嘛。。呵呵)。