想听听大家的想法,十分感谢! 作者: tamiesurok1122 时间: 2018-7-5 20:17
天阿! 楼主真的是我的楷模. 其实我一直认为MBA不是一个雪中送炭, 不过是一个锦上添花的事情. 如果楼主想要有career switch, 那么读一个MBA 其实是很好的跳板, 但是如果纯粹是为了逃离工作的不顺心, 其实读完MBA后找到的新工作也不一定能摆脱人士和工作上的不顺. 所以读不读, 去哪里读, 和楼主的职业规划, 人生计划都是息息相关的. P.S., 年龄永远不是主要问题, 但是随着年龄所带来的人生规划楼主是需要考虑的, 加油! 作者: 火奴鲁鲁 时间: 2018-7-6 11:29
楼主加油!作者: JonFrank 时间: 2018-7-9 10:23
Thank you! Yes at 30, a full-time MBA is still doable; however, you need to reflect on WHY, as AdComs will want to see a clear path as to where you want to go next and how the school can get you there. You will be rejected if you are vague and simply say you want to explore and try something new. Create specific goals that are tied to your past 7 years of experience and discuss how the school can give you some more skills, etc. to get you to these goals. Yes, you can apply after 7 years of experience