1. introduce yourself
2. why do you want to do this program at this time?
3. what's the specifically are you want to learn from this program?
4. how did you hear about this program?
5. if you completed other program, what would be your short term and long term career goal?
6. can you talk more about how you stand in the free time?
7. can you tell me what your think of your weakness are?
8. talk about the leadership you can?
9. the leader you admire and why?
10. can you tell me about the stress for team situation you be in it, how did the team through that?
11. why should we admit you into this program?
12. compare to the other classmate, what's your weakness?
13. what's your disappoint during your working? when you get a high mark, but make you disappoint
14. 你和你的团队成功解决过的问题(此题和10题都问到过)
15. 你怎么安排好你的工作和学习?
16. 你现在的处境是什么?你现在是做什么的?
17. is there any question for me?
以上17个问题是somi benning面试时问我的,应该还有1,2个问题不记得了。
1. Is there anything other that stand out to you as to why that you want to be a part of this program, what else is in that, that you like about outside of this program, sfu
2. Are you looking at other program cross the Canada or north America
3. How do you think the master experience would be different at undergraduate experience?
4. How do you compensate your weakness?
5. 所以你会怎么做好inside和outside教学呢
6. Why leader fail?
1. 语速一定要适中,可以说慢点,但一定要连贯。绝对不能说得太快,因为我是看着somi在纸上写,说得太快,她肯定记不下来,而且也会问你超多的问题,因为一般要问满30分钟。本人被问了大概19个问题,就是因为太自信了,说得太快。
2. 一共两页纸,大概23-25个问题,问了我大概19个问题,我看到第二页有3个问题她没有填写。第一页因为太紧张没有看到。