1. (PS)if r>1, then r*=1-1/r; if r>2, 求r*-(1-r)*=?
2. (PS)一个什么H打头单词的mean的概念是(可能有点出入,细节表述有点记不清了)the reciprocal of average mean of reciprocal of n numbers,求 h mean of 2,4,6,12. 大概是n个数的倒数的平均数的(倒数)还是直接就求,稍微有点忘了?3. (DS)t是integer,R=at³+bt²+c,当t为何值的时候,R=0
(1) a>b (2) -2<t<2
1.短文章:就是制定环保的generalization of guideline & strategy is difficult, 因为实际的环境很complex,举了两个例子,关于例子有细节题上的理解。题目文章都不难;
2.短文章:讲board 对CEO和公司的影响的(和之前机经的不同,很短,主要讲了board的重要性和他们对日常管理的作用)
3. 短文章:有几段,第一段:讲了一个给年纪很小的小孩看一个场景:把一个doll,把娃娃藏到门后;然后呢,把这个doll藏到一个miniature 的场景里,小孩就找不出来了;第二段讲了因为小孩需要学习建立一种什么symbolic inherit?之类的联系,才能理解;第三段就是又给了个类似的例子,给小朋友讲解了一下?然后小孩就能找到了
【坐稳】一个city planner给市长建议说:creative industry, such as design etc. is a growing sector and vibrant in economy. Some scholars argue that the people who work in the industry would like pedestrian-friendly space, such as museum, outdoor cafe, entertainment etc. Then in city Steleville we should renovate the warehouse into pedestrian-friendly space, cafes with outdoor seatings etc. Then our economy is renewal and create a growing job sector.