标题: MAYS MBA 面试分享! [2018-03-09] [打印本页] 作者: winglijy 时间: 2018-3-9 22:54 标题: MAYS MBA 面试分享! [2018-03-09] 刚面完,鉴于版上mays的分享不多,把今天的面试题目分享给各位需要的朋友
1. talk about sth not in your resume
2. go through resume
3. team work with different opinions
4.innovative experience/ideas
5.sth want addimissions to consider
6.weakness and strenghthen
7.other schools have applied
8.any questions
今天会招75人左右,1/3国际生 作者: winglijy 时间: 2018-3-9 23:00
对了,还漏了一个问题,毕业后的计划。planA planB。