
标题: 2000半水果 北京安家楼 F1 学期交流项目 [打印本页]

作者: 三磷酸腺苷    时间: 2018-2-24 12:11
标题: 2000半水果 北京安家楼 F1 学期交流项目

地点:北京 安家楼
V: 去美国干啥?
M: study as a visiting student in UCLA
V: Who sponsor you?
M: My parents
V: What do your parents do?
M: My mother works at...,and my father used to work at..., he "转业" a year ago, but he still have a decent income.
V: Your parents' working statements please
M: Here's my mother's. And because my father has"转业",I don't have his working or income statement. Here's the bank statement that can show my father's income.
V: your(在读证明) please
M: (没听懂,给了他学生卡和学生证)
V: Not these.
Your(在读证明) please.(看我一脸懵逼)That's the certificate that can prove you haven't graduated yet.
M: Oh here it is(给他在读证明)
V: Where are you going to live in America?
M: I haven't decided yet, but I might rent an apartment in westwood.
V: What courses are you going to study?
M: We will decide which course we will study after we arrive in UCLA.But I will choose liberal art courses.
V: Liberal?
M: Liberal art. Art.
V: OK.Have you ever been abroad?
M: Yes. Iwent to England and some European countries when I was a little girl. Here's my old visa.
V: What will you do after this program?
M: Return back to China!
V: When are you going to arrive at the US?
V: And when are you going to leave the US?
V: OK.


地点:北京 安家楼
VO:一位白人小哥,年龄大概30+ (这个小哥在29窗口!人超好!爱笑还温柔!)
M: G...(想说good morning结果太紧张了又怂愣是没说出来...)
V: (中文)你好!
M: (中文)你好!
V: (中文)请给我你的护照
M: (给他护照)I'm here to apply my F1 visa, here's my I-20.
V: (微笑接过I-20)That's great!
M: (瞬间不那么紧张,看着VO小哥敲键盘,可能是看到了我上次被拒签的信息)
V: So you're going to UCLA?
M: Yes. I'm going to study as a visiting student in UCLA.
V: (继续微笑)Oh that's wonderful! What are you going to study there?
M: I'm going to study four courses, all finance related. They are:...(其中包括一个Business English for non-native speakers).
V: Wow four courses? That's a lot of work!
M: Yeah,but I really cherish this chance to study in America so I'm going to try my best!
V: That's nice. I think your English is really good,so why are you studying Engilsh there?
M: Thank you! I think that in order to work in the field of finance, I must equip myself with strong English writing skills.
V: So you're currently studying for a bachelor's degree?
M: Yes! I'm currently studying in my third year at ZUEL. I have a certificate that can prove it. Do you want to see it?
V: (笑了)No thank you. I can see that the tuition fee and the living expence are altogether 16 thousand dollars, right?
M: Yes.
V: That's not a small amount. So who are sponsoring you for this visit?
M: My parents will be my sponsor.My mother works in XXX and My father XXX(介绍了一下我爸转业的情况). I have their atatement of income, do you want to see them?
V: Yes please!
M: (一边塞进去证明一边向VO解释这是啥证明)
V: Do you have their bank statement?
M: Yes.(还是一边塞进去一边解释,在VO看的时候也在说) I also have a statement that can prove that my father has transferred from army to cadre.Do you want to see it?(同时掏出来放在玻璃上面给他看)
V: (又笑了)No thank you. Don't be nervous, you already passed!
M: (喜出望外)Really?! Thank you!!!
V: Now I'm going to keep your passport, and you take these back.(他收拾了一下我之前递过去的证明文件,又扯了张蓝纸) You will receive your visa in 3-5 days.
M: Oh thank you sooooooooooo much!!!
V: You're welcome.好好学习!(用中文说的嘻嘻)

没想到只问了去干啥 学什么 在不在校 父母工作情况 就过啦!!!

作者: 三磷酸腺苷    时间: 2018-2-24 12:12

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