有一道逻辑题是之前的GWD里做到过的 GWD原题:
A mosquito bite can transmit to a person the parasite that causes malaria, and the use of mosquito nets over children's beds can significantly reduce the incidence of malarial infection for children in areas where malaria is common. Yet public health officials are reluctant to recommend the use of mosquito nets over children's beds in such areas.
Which of the following, if true, would provide the strongest grounds for the public health officials' reluctance?
AEarly exposure to malaria increases the body's resistance to it and results in a lesser likelihood of severe life-threatening episodes of malaria
BMosquito bites can transmit to people diseases other than malaria.
CMosquito nets provide protection from some insect pests other than mosquitoes.
DAlthough there are vaccines available for many childhood diseases, no vaccine has been developed that is effective against malaria.
EThe pesticides that are most effective against mosquitoes in regions where malaria is common have significant detrimental effects on human health.
GWD答案是A 考试的问法类似于:know which of the following can help the public health official to eveluate whether to give the recommendation?
正确答案和A意思得差不多 关键词life-threatening 考试界面中也是A
SC有一道prep原题: To protect English manufacturers of woolen goods both against American and Irish competition, England passed the Woolens Act of 1698, which prohibited the export of woolen cloth beyond a colony's borders.
ATo protect English manufacturers of woolen goods both against American and Irish competition, England passed the Woolens Act of 1698 分析该选项
BIn order to protect English manufacturers of woolen goods against both American and Irish competition, England passed the Woolens Act of 1698 分析该选项
CIn order to protect English manufacturers of woolen goods against American, as well as against Irish, competition, the Woolens Act of 1698 was passed by England 分析该选项
DFor protecting English manufacturers of woolen goods against American, as well as Irish, competition, England passed the Woolens Act of 1698 分析该选项
EFor the protection of English manufacturers of woolen goods against both American and Irish competition, the Woolens Act of 1698, passed by England 分析该选项