作者: Baojiwei 时间: 2018-1-5 00:01
A few days ago I have taken the first set of GWD, with the score of 640 (Q50, V32).
Today I focuse on the Manhattan SC book, which I have already read Chapter 8 , and OG(SC).
The recent correct rate of the SC part is a little above 50%.
It seems that I still need two days to finish the reading of Manhattan SC.
I also attend the NS reading group today.
By the way , I am also reading the famous book <<Gmat/Gre长难句>>, whose the author is 杨鹏.
I believe this week I can finish the first reading round of OG and Manhattan ; More exercises will be done next week, which start at the date of 2018-01-08.作者: Baojiwei 时间: 2018-1-6 01:25
今天继续在看manhattan 和 <<GRE/GMAT>>长难句。
明天应该能够把manhattan看完作者: Baojiwei 时间: 2018-1-6 22:51
开始做千行。也开始准备rc的复习。作者: Baojiwei 时间: 2018-1-8 00:56
还看了一些长难句的内容,希望能有突破。作者: Baojiwei 时间: 2018-1-8 22:35
稍微晚一些准备开始做SC的千行。作者: Baojiwei 时间: 2018-1-9 21:45
RC刷完之后,OG上的所有题目第一轮就做完了。作者: Baojiwei 时间: 2018-1-11 00:58
今天在做关于OG的SC的千行。争取把千行做完。作者: Baojiwei 时间: 2018-1-14 01:10
第一轮复习已经结束了,明天准备做一套模拟作者: Baojiwei 时间: 2018-1-15 02:25
做了一套模拟,Q51 V30: SC : 10/16 = 62.5%; CR : 8/10 = 80% ;RC 7/15 = 46.75%;主要pace有问题,最后一篇阅读的4题全错。
另外我在做的过程中,毛毛进出了五次,为了给她开门打断了我很多次,花掉了不少时间。 作者: Baojiwei 时间: 2018-1-17 00:29
今天做了一套GWD模拟的V:30,总结了错误,在看Lawyer的CR方法。并且用小安阅读法重新做了两篇阅读。作者: Baojiwei 时间: 2018-1-18 23:27
今天做了一套GWD, Q50 V35. SC 7/9 = 77.78%, CR 13/18 = 72.22%, RC 10/14 = 71.43%.
看了CR Bible的整理。