(1)按目前的背景申R2,GSB 和 Sloan成功几率怎么样?
(3)GSB和Sloan 截止日期较晚,G 和 T (口语23...)理论上都还有一次重考机会。是否有必要重考?
作者: chen101703 时间: 2017-12-14 18:56
根据我见到1面录取的人,你的profile非常fit GSB。看你怎么package了。作者: wjww815 时间: 2017-12-14 19:30
背景和career goal类似,关注下作者: Benny66 时间: 2017-12-14 21:22
直接HSW 其他不必考虑(当然同时也可以申一些)作者: 2174576514 时间: 2017-12-14 21:22
很强悍的背景,斯坦福哈佛mit都在射程之内作者: JonFrank 时间: 2017-12-16 00:00
Hey there,
So first allow me to say that a lot of how your profile will be perceived will also be based on how well your business is doing, how big it is, and how much potential it has. Since I don’t have any detail on those, it’s a hard thing to get concrete on.
But allow me to answer your other questions.
1. It’s a bit late to decide NOW about R2. You have two weeks which will likely not be enough time to assemble and write all the materials. I also thing that Sloan and GSB will be long-shots for you
2. Spend lots of time and effort perfecting them, and then write the best ones you can.
I hope this helps! If you want to share any more information or have further questions, do not hesitate.